M♪o 之 TinyIoT ︰ 《承轉》之《決疑‧上》!!

如果說有一門研究『夢的科學』稱作夢學 Oneirology ,為什麼直到今天『經絡』還排徊在『主流科學圈』之外?難到『針灸』真能以其『無用性』就可存在了數千年??但是『理論』之『實效性』並不能夠『釋疑』,就彷彿『熱力學』的『』,直到玻爾茲曼用著『統計力學』來『定義』,它的『意義』或許方被釐清!!所以在那還沒有『系統理論』的古早之前,就有《黃帝內經》之『經絡系統』的『五臟六腑』體系論述,實在是『很可疑』!這樣看來《周公解夢》也就是解『非理性之夢』的了!!

Meridians 【經絡】in acupuncture 【針灸】and infrared imaging
Shui-yin Lo

Summary The meridians in acupuncture are hypothesized to be made up of polarized molecules. Quantum excitations, quasi-particles and others are assumed to be the media of communication between different parts of the body connected by meridians. Infrared pictures are taken to depict the effect of acupuncture on one acupoint of a meridian to a far away pain area.

Acupuncture has been around for many thousands of years in China and has achieved good results in both man and animals. It has also recently begun to gain wide acceptance in the West. However, despite many scientific studies, it has still failed to achieve the recognition 【承認】it needs within mainstream orthodox scientific circles. Many studies over the past 40 years have shown that electric conductivity 【導電性】on acupuncture points (1±4) is lower than that on neighboring points. One of the most recent studies has been carried out using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)【功能性磁振造影】; it has reported the correlation between vision acupoints in the foot and corresponding brain cortices 【皮層】. When acupuncture stimulation is per formed on a vision-related acupoint (located on the lateral aspect of the foot), fMRI shows activation of the occipital lobes 【枕葉】. Stimulation of the eye using direct light results in similar activation in the occipital lobes when visualized by fMRI.

Two main questions need to be answered in a modern scientific way:

1. What are meridians?

2. What is the qi 【氣】that is supposed to circulate around the meridians?

The theory behind acupuncture is that the body has a system of meridians which channel 【形成河道】some kind of substance, energy, or information that has been vaguely called qi in the literature. Unfortunately, so far, when one dissects 【解剖】the human body, one does not find any substance that distinguishes the meridians from their surrounding tissues, quite unlike other human systems such as the nerve system or the blood system. Therefore the most likely explanation is that meridians are made up of same ordinary molecules that make up other living materials surrounding them with the exception that they are more ordered. These ordered molecules are neutral but electrically polarized. This provides the natural explanation on the concept of the balance of yin 【陰】and yang 【陽】in Chinese medicine as the neutralization 【中和】of negative and positive charges in electricity. Our hypothesis is then as follows:

The meridians are made up of electrically polarized molecules. On the meridians there are quantum phenomena 【量子現象】such as excitations, quasi-particles 【準粒子】, etc. that account for significant properties of meridians. These polarized molecules line up their polarity to form bigger clusters 【叢集】. Specifically, they are most likely water molecules 【水分子】that group together to form water clusters, which have permanent electric dipole moment. These water clusters then line up together to form the meridians. It has been suggested for a long time that water plays a very active role in the living state of the human body.







人們對『事物』的『認識』可以說始於產生『分類』,對『概念』的『理解』也許來自於辨別『異同』。從一個『物理模型』對應的『數學描述』,很容易轉變成用『數學模型』來作『抽象論述』 ,既然得之於『定義精確』、『邏輯嚴謹』和『體系推導』,就難免需要『精讀定義』、『確認關鍵』與『旁敲側擊』之仔細的『閱讀』。在《Thue 之改寫系統《一》》一文中,我們談到了『抽象系統』之『公理化』與『抽象化』的這個『趨勢』。或許說,『理論』起源於『觀察』就有一定的『經驗性』;『自然律』的『歸納』也常沾一些『直覺性』;建構創造『物理模型』說明『現象』總是帶著點『猜測性』。統合來講﹐也許就『事物認識』和『概念理解』祇要能夠『定義適切』、『推理清晰』與『脈絡分明』將會是一種『左右腦平衡』的『方式』吧!






Kramer ︰ Does the meridians exits ?

克拉馬︰ 針灸能治病!

Kramer ︰  我在意的是『它是不是個存有』??

克拉馬︰ Does The  Love ever exits?

Just Love to or not Love to !!