勇闖新世界︰ 《 pyDatalog 》【專題】之物件導向設計‧三




哲 學,就我對這個詞的理解來說,乃是某種介乎神學與科學之間的東西。它和神學一樣,包含著人類對於那些迄今仍為科學知識所不能肯定之事物的思考;但它又像科 學一樣,是訴之於人類的理性而不是訴之於權威的,不論是傳統的權威還是啟示的權威。一切確切的知識(羅素認為)都屬於科學;一切涉及超乎確切知識之外的教 條都屬於神學。但介乎神學與科學之間還有一片受到雙方攻擊的無人之域,這片無人之域就是哲學。[11]


伯特蘭·亞瑟·威廉·羅素,第三代羅素伯爵英語Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell,1872 年 5 月18 日-1970年 2 月 2 日),OMFRS,英國哲學家數學家邏輯學家,致力於哲學的大眾化、普及化。[1]


1950 年,羅素獲得諾貝爾文學獎,以表彰其「西歐思想,言論自由最勇敢的君子,卓越的活力,勇氣,智慧與感受性,代表了諾貝爾獎的原意和精神」。

1921 年羅素曾於中國講學,對中國學術界有相當影響。

可說是『數理邏輯』之先驅,『分析哲學』的奠基人之一。他將會如何看待『實驗哲學』的呢?這是否也意味著『扶手椅哲學』 armchair philosophy 之『純思考』方式日漸走入歷史了!普林斯頓大學的 Joshua Knobe 教授寫了一篇文章《什麼是實驗哲學?》

What Is Experimental Philosophy?
Joshua Knobe
Princeton University

Since the earliest days of analytic philosophy, it has been a common practice to appeal to intuitions about particular cases. Typically, the philosopher presents a hypothetical situation and then makes a claim of the form: ‘In this case, we would surely say….’ This claim about people’s intuitions then forms a part of an argument for some more general theory about the nature of our concepts or our use of language.

One puzzling aspect of this practice is that it so rarely makes use of standard empirical methods. Although philosophers quite frequently make claims about ‘what people would ordinarily say,’ they rarely back up those claims by actually asking people and looking for patterns in their responses. In recent years, however, a number of philosophers have tried to put claims about intuitions to the test, using experimental methods to figure out what people really think about particular hypothetical cases. At times, the results have been extremely surprising.

Here I discuss applications of this new methodology to three areas of philosophy — the philosophy of language, the theory of action, and the free will debate.

Philosophy of Language

One of the most influential appeals to intuition in recent analytic philosophy has been Saul Kripke’s story of Gödel and Schmidt:
Suppose that Gödel was not in fact the author of [Gödel’s] theorem. A man called ‘Schmidt’… actually did the work in question. His friend Gödel somehow got hold of the manuscript and it was thereafter attributed to Gödel. On the view in question [the then-popular ‘descriptivist’ theory], when our ordinary man uses the name ‘Gödel’, he really means to refer to Schmidt, because Schmidt is the unique
person satisfying the description ‘the man who discovered the incompleteness of arithmetic’.

Readers of this story almost universally agreed that the word ‘Gödel’ did not, in fact, refer to Schmidt. Any theory which declared Schmidt to be the referent of ‘Gödel’ was therefore assumed to be incorrect. A question arises, however, as to whether everyone shares this intuition or whether it is only shared by the kinds of people who normally read Anglo-American philosophy. The philosophers Edouard Machery, Ron Mallon, Shaun Nichols and Stephen Stich recently ran an empirical study to address this question. All subjects were given the story of Gödel and Schmidt. But the design of the study included a surprising twist. Some subjects were Americans; others were residents of Hong Kong. As expected, the American subjects shared the intuitions of most analytic philosophers. But the Hong Kong subjects showed a quite different pattern of responses. Among subjects in Hong Kong, the majority said that the word ‘Gödel’ did indeed refer to Schmidt.

This recent result — along with similar results from studies in ethics and epistemology — suggest that Asian people may not share many of the intuitions on which widely accepted philosophical theories have been based. ……



曾經科學附屬於哲學,如今有一些哲學家嘗試棌用科學的研究方法來進行哲學研究,所謂的『實驗哲學』experimental philosophy 隨之因勢而起,有人說它簡稱作『 x-phi 』。一九八零年美國的分析哲學家索爾‧ 阿倫‧克里普克 Saul Aaron Kripke 出版了一本名為《命名與必然性》Naming and Necessity 的書。在該書中他虛構了一個關于『哥德爾和施密特』的故事︰


然而從分析哲學中的羅素之『摹狀詞』theory of descriptions 理論來看,當人們使用『哥德爾』一詞時,事實上『指稱』denote 的應該是『施密特』── 那個發現算術系統的不完備定理之人 ──。不過歐美哲學家卻普遍的直覺認為︰這個故事的大部分讀者幾乎都會同意『哥德爾』這個詞事實上並不是指稱『施密特』的。任何宣稱『它是的』之指稱理論最後都會被認定是錯誤的。因此實驗哲學家馬克亨利 E. Machery 、馬倫 R. Mallon 、尼克爾斯斯蒂克等就這個問題進行了一項實驗研究。他們將這個虛構的『哥德爾和施密特的故事』呈現給所有的受試者 ── 美國學生和香港學生兩類 ──。






Snow is white

的『真理語義學』所說的一樣。然而在一個『沒有水』的世界裡,『白雪是白的』依然是『分析性』問題,似乎不必考諸大自然,『邏輯』就可斷定為『真』。問題是,若說『獨角獸有一隻角』,可是『根本沒有』獨角獸啊!講『不存在』的東西卻有一隻角,這算什麼『理則』的呢?這樣『白雪是白的』能是『分析性』問題的嗎??如此看來『東西』『直覺』雖不同,還是和『經驗』以及『文化』有關。不知在多大的『可信度』下,中國古代的『名』、『實』之論,就已經決定了,在這個情況下,『哥德爾』這個詞的確指的就是『施密特』的哩!!探討『物性』於自然裡的『物種』 ,研究『直覺』於社會中之『眾人』,豈非『明明白白』的方法,難道還能有其它『疑慮』?祇需想,遠古的『大霹靂』是什麼樣的『奇異點』呢?它是『真實』的『無窮大』嗎?它據有『一』或『多』種性質的呢?……人類之思辨果真拋的掉羅素所言 ── 介於神學與科學間的 ── 之哲學耶??

或許有讀者會問『哲學』與『 pyDatalog 物件導向設計』有關嗎?值得花時間討論這種問題嘛!其實西方『理性主義』中之思辨精神也就是一種『□□方法學』。然而『方法學』不只一種,『思潮』也不只有一次,如是可以了解,下面這篇文章的『題旨』︰







死生,命也,其有夜旦之常,天也。人之有所不得與,皆物之情也 。彼特以天為父,而身猶愛之,而況其卓乎!人特以有君為愈乎己 ,而身猶死之,而況其真乎!泉涸,魚相與處於陸,相呴以溼,相濡以沫,不如相忘於江湖。與其譽堯而非桀,不如兩忘而化其道。夫大塊載我以形,勞我以生,佚我以老,息我以死。故善吾生者,乃所以善吾死也。夫藏舟於壑,藏山於澤,謂之固矣。然而夜半有力者負之而走,昧者不知也。藏大小有宜,猶有所遯。若夫藏天下於天下,而不得所遯,是恆物之大情也。特犯人之形而猶喜之,若人之形者,萬化而未始有極也,其為樂可勝計邪!故聖人將遊於物之所不得遯而皆存。善妖善老,善始善終,人猶效之,又況萬物之所係,而一化之所待乎!

夫道,有情有信,無為無形;可傳而不可受,可得而不可見;自本自根,未有天地,自古以固存;神鬼神帝,生天生地;在太極之先而不為高,在六極之下而不為深;先天地生而不為久,長於上古而不為老。豨韋氏得之,以挈天地;伏犧氏得之,以襲氣母;維斗得之,終古不忒;日月得之,終古不息;堪坏得之,以襲崑崙;馮夷得之,以遊大川;肩吾得之,以處太山;黃帝得之,以登雲天;顓頊得之,以處玄宮;禺強得之,立乎北極;西王母得之,坐乎少廣 ,莫知其始,莫知其終;彭祖得之,上及有虞,下及五伯;傅說得之,以相武丁,奄有天下,乘東維,騎箕尾,而比於列星。