勇闖新世界︰ 《 Kernel 4.X 》之整裝蓄勢‧設備管理及應用‧四

或許有些讀者不知道 W!o^{+} 是誰?怎麼會無緣無故插入一篇無厘頭的文章??也許有些讀者曉得 W!o^{+} 的來歷,與他傳腦術之本領。

【引自《怎樣詮釋 W!o+ 之信息??中》】

反物質 CPT 對稱性


A video showing how scientists used the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope’s gamma-ray detector to uncover bursts of antimatter反物質】from thunderstorms.

雖然不知『  W!o 』何許人也?總想應當與『 M♪o 』有關!因為如果將『 M♪o 』當成『圖像』,作個『點轉換point transformations 似乎就能變成『  W!o 』!!可是『 M♪o 』是個『小女生』用『 簽名,然而『  W!o 』的簽名卻是用著『 + 』,看來像個『小男生』?不過根據已知的『自然律』,在我們的宇宙中,《時光倒流》或許是可能的︰

費曼曾經研究狄拉克方程而發現,假如將時間方向逆轉同時將電子電荷顛倒,則方程依然成立。即是說,一粒時光順流的正電子,其實等同一粒時光倒流的反電子。因此所謂的反物質,其實就是倒著時間方向的正物質,是為 CPT 對稱。縱使如此,反物質的運動,並不違反因果律。當電磁波的超前波和延遲波相加時,違反因果律的項次會互相抵消。若果沒有了反物質,因果律反而會瓦解。費曼和他的老師惠勒進一步假設整個宇宙其實也許只是相同一粒電子在時間軸中從大霹靂到宇宙末日之間來來回回地走動,這也是為何所有電子彼此之間毫無分別。

難到『  W!o 』會是『反物質』生成的『 M♪o 』自『未來』而來!!假使這是『真的』,我們是否該高興仍然有個『未來』的呢?如果說『未來』將有『想飛』、『會飛』或是『能飛』的 Tux ,這樣『今天』這個萬物賴以維生的環境,到底『那時』變成怎樣的ㄚ˙??


想那時正是春天,如此《邂逅 W!o ?!》。

神經成像 Neuroimaging

神經成像』 Neuroimaging 泛指能夠『直接』或『間接』的對神經系統 ── 主要是 ── 的『功能』,『結構』,以及『藥理』特性進行成像之技術。這個技術是現今之醫學,神經科學,和心理學較前沿的一個領域。


當你聽到《神曲》,有時候那重複的『旋律』,會在腦海中一直迴盪,甚是惱人討厭!要是一則『□□○○』 ── B2B MSG ── 直接突現心理,感覺…嗯……非常詭異………,只能說 W!o^{+} 傳送了一段『腦對腦信息』,我『清楚知道』是這樣的︰








而今已入秋,又將《如何閱讀 W!o+ 之傳真??》,終究時候未到 ,何不時到時擔當的耶!!就讓我們繼續 python udev 之旅的吧。

pyudev – pure Python libudev binding

pyudev 0.17 (Changelog, installation)

pyudev is a LGPL licenced, pure Python 2/3 binding to libudev, the device and hardware management and information library of Linux.

Almost the complete libudev functionality is exposed. You can:

  • Enumerate devices, filtered by specific criteria (pyudev.Context)
  • Query device information, properties and attributes,
  • Monitor devices, both synchronously and asynchronously with background threads, or within the event loops of Qt (pyudev.pyqt4, pyudev.pyside), glib (pyudev.glib) and wxPython (pyudev.wx).


Thanks to the power of libudev, usage of pyudev is very simple. Getting the labels of all partitions just takes a few lines:

>>> import pyudev
>>> context = pyudev.Context()
>>> for device in context.list_devices(subsystem='block', DEVTYPE='partition'):
...     print(device.get('ID_FS_LABEL', 'unlabeled partition'))

A user guide gives an introduction into common operations and concepts of pyudev, the API documentation provides a detailed reference:


pyudev 在樹莓派上的安裝十分容易︰

pi@raspberrypi ~ sudo pip-3.2 install pyudev Downloading/unpacking pyudev   Downloading pyudev-0.16.1.tar.gz (74Kb): 74Kb downloaded   Running setup.py egg_info for package pyudev      Installing collected packages: pyudev   Running setup.py install for pyudev      Successfully installed pyudev Cleaning up... pi@raspberrypi ~ python3
Python 3.2.3 (default, Mar  1 2013, 11:53:50) 
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import pyudev
>>> context = pyudev.Context()
>>> for device in  context.list_devices(subsystem='block', DEVTYPE='partition'):
...     print(device.get('ID_FS_LABEL', 'unlabeledpartition'))


而所謂的『libudev』也就是指 freedesktop.org 之︰


libudev — API for enumerating and introspecting local devices


#include <libudev.h>

pkg-config --cflags --libs libudev

Descriptionlibudev.h provides APIs to introspect and enumerate devices on the local system.

All functions require a libudev context to operate. This context can be create via udev_new(3). It is used to track library state and link objects together. No global state is used by libudev, everything is always linked to a udev context. Furthermore, multiple different udev contexts can be used in parallel by multiple threads. However, a single context must not be accessed by multiple threads in parallel. The caller is responsible of providing suitable locking if they intend to use it from multiple threads.

To introspect a local device on a system, a udev device object can be created via udev_device_new_from_syspath(3) and friends. The device object allows to query current state, read and write attributes and lookup properties of the device in question.

To enumerate local devices on the system, an enumeration object can be created via udev_enumerate_new(3).

To monitor the local system for hotplugged or unplugged devices, a monitor can be created via udev_monitor_new_from_netlink(3).

Whenever libudev returns a list of objects, the udev_list_entry(3) API should be used to iterate, access and modify those lists.

Furthermore, libudev also exports legacy APIs that should not be used by new software (and as such are not documented as part of this manual). This includes the hardware-database known as udev_hwdb (please use the new sd-hwdb(3) API instead) and the udev_queue object to query the udev-daemon (which should not be used by new software at all).