勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰感知自然‧工具




,氣勢磅礡,一眼看不完,或可勝於周瑜漚血的蘆花蕩。原來所謂『迷宮』是指如何尋徑過湖的呀。這『自行船』穿梭『絲連』藕間 ,不見減速,儼然是熟門熟路的耶!因問道︰這船是怎麼曉得行徑方向的呢? Mrphs 說︰『盤谷』山頂周遭有多處高空攝像裝置以及無線定址設施圓布成圜,可以感知且定位全谷之景物。『自行船』就是借此『即時資訊』,知道『方陣』當下狀態,決定行駛方向。 Mrphs 邊說邊將『邀請護照』拿給了我,講︰充好電了。接到手來 ,忽然螢幕上

150px-Meteor_burst    圖像閃閃。


還沒來得及問,就聽 Mrphs 說道︰先生好兆頭,偶逢英仙座流星雨將過,一般此時早見不著的了,快抬頭看。同時又邊說邊將『邀請護照』給拿走了。一時流星雨來, Mrphs 確突把螢幕橫在視線前,剛想出聲,只覺螢幕內外穿透通暢,彷彿不存在似的,這時流星雨已過,我尚未回過神來。也不知何時那『邀請護照』又回到了手上 ,自己正楞楞的看著上面的『流星雨』。不知是與 Mrphs 相處漸漸的熟了,還是怎樣?不待發問,就聽到講︰此地的人流行用『裸視 』模式,邊看邊錄,以求無遺。方才突發之舉,希望沒嚇著先生。心想這『裸視 』是什麼?正想間, Mrphs  又講︰所謂的『裸視 』模式能將『邀請護照』變成宛如『透明玻璃』般,一如用眼『親見 』般的相機功能設定。而且一切『目睹』的現象,都如其所見的被『紀錄』下來。其實它還能設定成『顯微觀物』或『望遠觀景』等模式。所觀景物可用『 It 網』作『影像查詢』,絕大多數事物一查立馬便知,也是此地認識自然的工具。

就在這邊聽邊學的過程裡,初步的認識了『邀請護照』強大功能的皮毛。也許應該說,那顯像的『品質』將使『視網膜解析度』成了個小巫的吧!或將超越『紙張』的哩!!或因『蘆花蕩』之憶想起了『盧溝橋』,只覺感嘆這人世間『多事之秋』的今日,奈何人類不能夠誠實面對『歷史』?難到不是常言道︰前事不忘,後事之師 。的嗎??



微機電系統英語Microelectromechanical Systems,縮寫為MEMS)是將微電子技術機械工程融合到一起的一種工業技術,它的操作範圍在微米範圍內。比它更小的,在奈米範圍的類似的技術被稱為奈機電系統。微機電系統在日本被稱作微機械(英語 micromachines),在歐洲被稱作微系統(英語 microsystems)。


微機電系統的加工技術由半導體加工技術改造而來,使其可以應用到實際當中,而後者一般用來製造電子設備。其加工方式包含了molding and plating,濕法刻蝕氫氧化鉀四甲基氫氧化銨)和干法刻蝕RIE和DRIE),電火花加工(EDM),和其他一些能夠製造小型設備的加工方式。


微型機械的概念在相應的加工技術出現之前就被提出了。1959年,理察·費曼加州理工學院進行題為《底層還有大空間》(英語 There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom)的演講。費曼在演講中提出了在原子尺度上操縱物質的可能性以及將面臨的挑戰。 1964年,西屋公司的一支團隊製造出了第一批微機電設備。[2][3]這種設備名叫諧振柵極電晶體英語resonant gate transistor),







Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field of engineering that includes a combination of systems engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, telecommunications engineering, control engineering and computer engineering.[1][2] As technology advances the subfields of engineering multiply and adapt. Mechatronics’ aim is a design process that unifies these subfields. Originally, mechatronics just included the combination of mechanics and electronics, hence the word is a combination of mechanics and electronics; however, as technical systems have become more and more complex the word has been broadened to include more technical areas.

The word “mechatronics” originated in Japanese-English and was created by Tetsuro Mori, an engineer of Yaskawa Electric Corporation. The word “mechatronics” was registered as trademark by the company in Japan with the registration number of “46-32714” in 1971. However, afterward the company released the right of using the word to public, and the word “mechatronics” spread to the rest of the world. Nowadays, the word is translated in each language and the word is considered as an essential term for industry.

French standard NF E 01-010 gives the following definition: “approach aiming at the synergistic integration of mechanics, electronics, control theory, and computer science within product design and manufacturing, in order to improve and/or optimize its functionality”.

Many people treat “mechatronics” as a modern buzzword synonymous with “electromechanical engineering“.[3][4] However, other people draw a distinction between an “electromechanical component”—does not include a computer; an electro-mechanical computer (such as the Z4)—does not include an electronic computer; vs. a “mechatronic system”—a computer-controlled mechanical system, including both an electronic computer and electromechanical components.[5]



Sense HAT 』,展開走向『 MEMS 』『感測器』的第一步吧。
