勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰教具教材‧視覺理解





到史考特‧法爾曼 Scott Fahlman 率先使用『表情符號』寫意︰

Original Bboard Thread in which 🙂 was proposed

Here is the original message posted by Scott Fahlman on 19 September, 1982:

19-Sep-82 11:44   Scott E Fahlman             :-)From: Scott E Fahlman <Fahlman at Cmu-20c> I propose that the following character sequence for joke markers:        🙂        Read it sideways. Actually, it is probably more economical to markthings that are NOT jokes, given current trends. For this, use        🙁

The entire thread is reproduced below. We didn’t have formal newsgroup threads in those days, but these are all the messages that mention the need for a joke marker or that use the 🙂 symbol.

This was retrieved from the spice vax oct-82 backup tape by Jeff Baird on September 10, 2002. The period covered is 16 September 1982 through 21 October 1982.



視覺始終是人類溝通理解事物的重要感官。這或可闡明塔夫茨大學 Tufts 開發『 VUE 』視覺理解環境之目的性。


What is VUE?
At its core, the Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is a concept and content mapping application, developed to support teaching, learning and research and for anyone who needs to organize, contextualize, and access digital information. Using a simple set of tools and a basic visual grammar consisting of nodes and links, faculty and students can map relationships between concepts, ideas and digital content.

Concept mapping is not new to the educational field. In fact, the benefits of concept mapping as a learning tool have been documented by over 40 years of cognitive science research. VUE provides a concept mapping interface, which can be used as such, or as an interface to organize digital content in non-linear ways.

Numerous tools currently exist for locating digital information, but few applications are available for making sense of the information available to us. As the availability of digital information continues to increase, VUE sets itself apart as a flexible tool to help faculty and students integrate, organize and contextualize electronic content in their work. Digital content can be accessed via the Web, or using the VUE’s “Resources” panel to tap into digital repositories, FTP servers and local file systems.

Sharing and presenting information are important aspects of academic work. VUE’s pathways feature allows presenters to create annotated trails through their maps, which become expert guided walk-throughs of the information. The pathways feature also provides a “slide view” of the information on the map. The power of VUE’s slide mode is the ability for presenters to focus on content (slide view) while preserving the information’s context (map view), by way of a single toggle between the two views.

VUE also provides supports for in-depth analysis of maps, with  the ability to merge maps and export connectivity matrices to import in statistical packages. VUE  also provide tools to apply semantic meaning to the maps, by way of ontologies and metadata schemas.

VUE can be used by anyone interested in visually structuring digital content, whether in support of teaching difficult to understand concepts or more generally, a tool for organizing personal digital resources. Learn more:

VUE Screencast (QuickTime 49MB)


由於它是使用 java 的應用軟件,而且需要較多的記憶體。因此最好選擇樹莓派 2B 板子。考慮 java 的相容性後,發現 oracle-java7-jdk 較為適合。


【 VUE 在樹莓派 2B 上運行】




java -jar VUE.jar
