W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰ 泰山封禪!!??

依稀記得當時 Mrphs 是這麼說的︰『《卡夫卡村》變形祭』的時代之前,曾經打著『開源平台』旗幟之 IOT 架構眾多,百家爭鳴好不熱鬧。有回 W!o+ 談起這段歷史,說︰這些人甚是好笑,各各都想『泰山封禪 』,難不成是想爭『第二』?更何況那『第一人』下場也不好!


封  金文禪 封禪禮地祭天大典,是一代明君受命於天的大禮。若果無一五一十的『祥瑞』,豈敢擅自『封禪』?怕反會獲罪於天,無所禱矣!據說那秦始皇是『泰山封禪』的第一人︰


即帝位三年,東巡郡縣,祠騶嶧山,頌秦功業。於是徵從齊魯之儒生博士七十人,至乎泰山下。諸儒生或議曰:「古者封禪為蒲車,惡傷山之土石草木;埽地而祭,席用葅稭,言其易遵也。」始皇聞此議各乖異,難施用,由此絀儒生。而遂除車道,上自泰山陽至巔 ,立石頌秦始皇帝德,明其得也。從陰道下,梁父。其禮頗采太祝之祀雍上帝所用,而封藏皆祕之,世不得而記也。



然而『泰山封禪』又怎是用『五行相剋』而得天下者能行的禮呢?為儒生譏之亦屬好笑之事!果然搞的個『面目全黑』的哩!!不由得想起了 《止於悅,自得之樂!》文中的那座『咸陽城』︰

咸陽城,中國歷史上第一個王朝的古城秦帝國都城所在地。歷史上說,秦始皇焚書坑儒……,『易經』因為是『卜筮』之書,倖免於難;此卜筮之說也許並不可信。想想秦始皇為求長生不老諸般所作,難道對帝國的永祚就一無所為?古代【黃帝內經】一書上說︰天運當以日光明,這日光明就是『咸陽』之『』字,而『』字正是【易經下經】── 上經談天道,下經說人事 ──那 起於『咸恆』之首的『』字,這豈非不是為著『』嗎?── 永祚 ── 乎?或許這才真是,易經之所以能夠倖免於難的原因。勿論亦或不幸,秦始皇誤解了『天人感應』之說,因為『有心』所以不得其『』,又『無道』所以去其『』,以至於最後失其所望之『』!!

故 故古也 , 古 古逝也;新 篆新 薪也,薪 新 利火材也。無有『大利』於天下,如何『鼎新』?焉能『革故』??革故鼎新者,自當慎思謹行的吧!!

─── 摘自《《派生》 Python 作坊【辛】岱宗封禪



由於沒頭沒尾,並不知 W!o+ 因何而發?但思當今『開源平台』誠多矣,但願能少點『商業味』也!也許人間『競爭』才有『進步』吧!?故特不避嫌疑,將說此

GrovePi: The Raspberry Pi Meets Grove Sensors

GrovePi is an open source platform for connecting Grove Sensors to the Raspberry Pi. Create your Internet of Things devices and inventions without the need for soldering!


There are over 2 million Raspberry Pi in the wild and people are using it for some awesome projects. From teaching kids to code to cluster computing, the Raspberry Pi is taking over the computing world. We believe combining the power of code with easy to use sensors and devices will be revolutionary.

We brought Grove and Raspberry Pi together in a simple and affordable way. Grove sensors allow you to interact and monitor the world. Raspberry Pi lets you store and process data, and bring the real world to the Raspberry Pi and the web.
The GrovePi brings both Grove Sensors and the popular Raspberry Pi together in a simple, elegant, and open source design.






Tizen(又名泰澤),一款基於開放原始碼行動作業系統,採用Linux核心WebKit執行,裝置包括智慧型手機平板電腦智慧手錶筆記型電腦、車載訊息娛樂裝置(IVI)和智慧電視。該專案由Linux基金會以及LiMo基金會合力推出,目的在於取代MeeGoLiMo平台,參與開發的廠商有英特爾三星富士通華為NECKT(韓國通訊)、NTT DoCoMoOrange(法國電信)、PanasonicSKSprintVodafone等。Tizen的開發者希望能夠強化HTML5的應用。[2]




Tizen on RPi2: Now Supporting 3D Acceleration

In Bringing Tizen to a Raspberry PI 2 Near You… I described the work we completed to port Tizen to Raspberry Pi 2 (RPi2). Since then, the Samsung Open Source Group has worked hard to add support for 3D acceleration.

UPDATE: Added the -dev images, as they’re now supported.

This is an update to our original guide that describes how to build a custom Tizen image for the RPi2, and it now includes instructions to enable 3D acceleration. This is based mostly on work completed by our own Derek Foreman. Please note that this uses a driver that is still under development (VC4), written by Eric Anholt from Broadcom, so we don’t recommend its use in production situations.

If you don’t want to wait through the build process (it can take a few hours or more), you can download the latest version of this image here. Once it has downloaded, you can skip to the section titled “Use the Image.”

Step-By-Step Process for Building a Tizen Image for the RPi2




Index of /tizen-on-rpi2