W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰ 一窺全豹之【機板電路】






一八六一年法國化學家 Alphonse Louis Poitevin 在『阿拉伯膠樹』Acacia senegal 發現一種『光敏』化學物質 ferro-gallate,假使將它塗附在紙張上,經『紫外線』照射後,可以產生『不溶性』的恆常『藍色』。過去這種紙張常用在『工程製圖』的設計『原圖』或是『複製圖』上,由於圖紙為『藍色』之故,所以也就被稱為『藍圖』。現今的中文裡『藍圖』一詞通常引申為一種對於『未來』的『構想』或『計劃』。

閱讀』一個『設計』,可以說就是深入『了解』它的『構想藍圖』!不論一個『設計』是來自於『自然』或是『人工』 ,假使嘗試與它的『藍圖』對話,企圖發現其中的『奧妙』,縱使見不著那個原始的『設計者』,依然還是能夠體會他的『設計理念』。或許說『學習』如何『設計』最好的方法,就是『閱讀』與『理解』那些『好的設計』之所以為『好的原因』,也許終將能『超越創新』的吧!!


─── 摘自《【Sonic π】電聲學導引《五》






A schematic, or schematic diagram, is a representation of the elements of a system using abstract, graphic symbols rather than realistic pictures. A schematic usually omits all details that are not relevant to the information the schematic is intended to convey, and may add unrealistic elements that aid comprehension. For example, a subway map intended for riders may represent a subway station with a dot; the dot doesn’t resemble the actual station at all but gives the viewer information without unnecessary visual clutter. A schematic diagram of a chemical process uses symbols to represent the vessels, piping, valves, pumps, and other equipment of the system, emphasizing their interconnection paths and suppressing physical details. In an electronic circuit diagram, the layout of the symbols may not resemble the layout in the circuit. In the schematic diagram, the symbolic elements are arranged to be more easily interpreted by the viewer.




What is gEDA?

The gEDA project has produced and continues working on a full GPL‘d suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. Currently, the gEDA project offers a mature suite of free software applications for electronics design, including schematic capture, attribute management, bill of materials (BOM) generation, netlisting into over 20 netlist formats, analog and digital simulation, and printed circuit board (PCB) layout.

The gEDA project was started because of the lack of free EDA tools for POSIX systems with the primary purpose of advancing the state of free hardware or open source hardware. The suite is mainly being developed on the GNU/Linux platform with some development effort going into making sure the tools run on other platforms as well.

For a complete list of freely available tools please be sure to visit Open Collector.

New users

Please read the FAQ and this tutorial. For even more information on installing and using gEDA, please look at the gEDA Wiki. Users looking for more symbols and footprints should go to the gedasymbols.org website.


Please visit the gEDA wiki for more FAQs, the official documentation, mailing lists info, licensing details, developer documentation.













─── 源自《 GrovePi/Hardware/




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── 之『方法』,彷彿還是依舊古老!!