W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰ 一窺全豹之系統設計《線索》


走不以手,縛手,走不能疾;飛不以尾,屈尾,飛不能遠。物之用者,必待不用者。故使之見者,乃不見者也;使鼓鳴者,乃不鳴者也。嘗一臠肉,知一鑊之味;懸羽與炭,而知燥濕之氣;以小明大 。見一葉落,而知歲之將暮睹瓶中之冰,而知天下之寒以近論遠。三人比肩,不能外出戶;一人相隨,可以通天下。足蹍地而為跡,暴行而為影,此易而難。莊王誅里史,孫叔敖制冠浣衣,文公棄荏席,後黴黑,咎犯辭歸,故桑葉落而長年悲也。鼎錯日用而不足貴,周鼎不爨而不可賤。物固有以不用而為有用者。地平則水 不流,重鈞則衡不傾,物之尤必有所感,物固有以不用為大用者。


雖說『一葉能知秋』,若不能『徵之以事理』,蓋屬妄言矣。如此就算是『柯南‧道爾』 Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle 爵士所作的推斷,也不能輕易苟同。要說『真相只有一個』,各方之『線索』終將匯聚乎?於是作者隨著『 GrovePi/Script/install.sh 』之麵包屑


138 cd /tmp
139 wget http://project-downloads.drogon.net/gertboard/setup.sh
140 chmod +x setup.sh
141 sudo ./setup.sh


,發現了『 Index of /gertboard 』程式庫。


[DIR] Parent Directory                             -   
[   ] avrdude                 13-Jun-2012 22:53  257K  
[   ] avrdude-5.10-bb-gpio..> 13-Jun-2012 22:52   11K  
[   ] avrdude-doc_5.10-4_a..> 18-Jun-2012 13:04  538K  
[TXT] avrdude.conf            13-Jun-2012 22:53  486K  
[   ] avrdude_5.10-3.debia..> 13-Jun-2012 22:52  5.3K  
[   ] avrdude_5.10-4_armel..> 18-Jun-2012 13:03  203K  
[   ] avrdude_5.10-4_armhf..> 18-Jun-2012 13:04  198K  
[   ] avrsetup                21-Sep-2012 17:01  943   
[TXT] boards.txt              30-Jul-2012 23:29   14K  
[   ] minirc.ama0             30-Jul-2012 22:33  256   
[TXT] programmers.txt         30-Jul-2012 23:30  628   
[   ] setup.sh                30-Jul-2012 18:49  1.8K  



Arduino IDE Installation

The In System Programming (ISP) method is the one I recommend to use with the Raspberry Pi and the Gertboard. The down-side is that during program development of the code you are running in the ATmega, you need to use 4 GPIO pins on the Pi. You can pick (almost) any 4, but I suggest you use 4 of the 5 pins dedicated to the SPI interface.

To use the Arduino IDE with the Raspberry Pi and the Gertboard, you will need to make some small changes to both the Pi’s and the Arduino’s configuration files. However, the first step is to install the IDE, cross compilers, etc. To use the ISP programming method (which is recommended), you need a modified version of the avrdude program.

First start by installing the standard Arduino IDE:


