W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰【新春】 復古派 《九》神機鬼藏






粵若稽古聖人之在天地間也,為眾生之先,觀陰陽之開闔以名命物 ;知存亡之門戶,籌策萬類之終始,達人心之理,見變化之朕焉,而守司其門戶。故聖人之在天下也,自古至今,其道一也。變化無窮,各有所歸,或陰或陽,或柔或剛,或開或閉 ,或弛或張。是故聖人一守司其門戶,審察其所先後,度權量能,校其伎巧 短長。

夫賢、不肖;智、愚;勇、怯;仁、義;有差。乃可捭,乃可闔,乃可進,乃可退,乃可賤,乃可貴;無為以牧之。審定有無,與其實虛,隨其嗜欲以見其志意。微排其所言而捭反之,以求其實,貴得其指。闔而捭之,以求其利。或開而示之,或闔而閉之。開而示之者,同其情也。闔而閉之者,異其誠也。可與不可,審明其計謀 ,以原其同異。離合有守,先從其志。


捭闔者,天地之道。捭闔者,以變動陰陽,四時開閉,以化萬物;縱橫反出,反覆反忤,必由此矣。捭闔者,道之大化,說之變也。必豫審其變化。吉凶大命繫焉。口者,心之門戶也。心者,神之主也。志意、喜欲、思慮、智謀,此皆由門戶出入。故關之矣捭闔,制之以出入。捭之者,開也,言也,陽也。闔之者,閉 也,默也,陰也。陰陽其和,終始其義。故言「長生」、「安樂」、「富貴」 、「尊榮」、「顯名」、「愛好」、「財利」、「得意」、「喜欲 」,為「陽」,曰 「始」。故言「死亡」、「憂患」、「貧賤」、「苦辱」、「棄損」、「亡利」、「失意」、「有害」、「刑戮」 、「誅罰」,為「陰」,曰「終」。諸言法陽之類者,皆曰「始」 ;言善以始其事。諸言法陰之類者,皆曰「終」;言惡以終其謀。

捭闔之道,以陰陽試之。故與陽言者,依崇高。與陰言者,依卑小 。以下求小,以高求大。由此言之,無所不出,無所不入,無所不可。可以說人,可以說家,可以說國,可以說天下。為小無內,為大無外;益損、去就、倍反,皆以陰陽御其事。陽動而行,陰止而藏;陽動而出,陰隱而入;陽還終陰,陰極反陽。以陽動者,德相生也。以陰靜者,形相成也。以陽求陰,苞以德也;以陰結陽,施以力也。陰陽相求,由捭闔也。此天地陰陽之道,而說人之法也。為萬事之先,是謂圓方之門戶


古之大化者,乃與無形俱生。反以觀往,覆以驗來;反以知古 ,覆以知今;反以知彼,覆以知此。動靜虛實之理不合於今,反古而求之。事有反而得覆者,聖人之意也,不可不察。

人言者,動也;己默者,靜也。因其言,聽其辭。言有不合者,反而求之,其應必出。言有象,事有比;其有象比,以觀其次。象者 ,象其事;比者,比其辭也。以無形求有聲。其釣語合事,得人實也。其猶張罝而取獸也。多張其會而同之,道合其事,彼自出之,此釣人之網也。常持其網而驅之。其不言無比,乃為之變。以象動之,以報其心、見其情,隨而牧之。己反往,彼覆來,言有象比,因而定基。重之、襲之、反之、覆之,萬事不失其辭。聖人所誘愚智,事皆不疑。

故善反聽者,乃變鬼神以得其情。其變當也,而牧之審也。牧之不審,得情不明。得情不明,定基不審。變象比必有反辭以還聽之。欲聞其聲,反默;欲張, 反斂;欲高,反下;欲取,反與。欲開情者,象而比之,以牧其辭。同聲相呼,實理同歸。或因此,或因彼 ;或以事上,或以牧下。此聽真偽,知同異,得其情詐也。動作言默,與此出入;喜怒由此以見其式;皆以先定為之法則。以反求覆 ,觀其所託,故用此者。己欲平靜以聽其辭,察其事、論萬物、別雌雄。雖非其事,見微知類。若探人而居其內,量其能,射其意也 。符應不失,如螣蛇之所指,若羿之引矢。

故知之始己,自知而後知人也。其相知也,若比目之魚;其見形也 ,若光之與影也。其察言也不失,若磁石之取鍼;如舌之取蟠骨。其與人也微,其見人也疾;如陰與陽,如陽與陰,如圓與方,如方與圓。未見形,圓以道之;既見形,方以事之。進退左右,以是司之。己不先定,牧人不正,事用不巧,是謂忘情失道。 己審先定以牧人,策而無形容,莫見其門,是謂天神。






Taking a different stance on Super Nintendo emulation, bsnes is an emulator that has dedicated itself to 100% accurate emulation. Unlike other emulators that often put the most effort towards the most popular games on their respective platform, bsnes aims to have every game run exactly as it would on a real console. As of version 0.87, it has accomplished this. bsnes currently offers 100% compatibility with every official Super Nintendo game that was ever commercially released.

bsnes features OS X and Linux ports and also emulates both NES and Game Boy Color games.

Note: The author of BSNES has made a new emulator called higan. You might want to give that a try instead, go here.



以來,就有『作弊碼寶典』,開啟方便之門。使得人人都可以瀏覽遊戲秘境,悠遊關卡之間。不過此一寶典,似乎早已年久失修的了 。因此



The format accepted by the “Load a cheat file” function is equivalent to the old format used in Mightymo’s BSNES Cheat Code Pack.

  1. Download the BSNES Cheat Code Pack at http://www.mightymo.net/downloads.html. It will be a zip archive.
  2. Open the zip file, with WinZip, WinRAR or the built-in zip extension in the operating system on your computer.
  3. In the zip file, open the folder called BSNES Cheat Code Pack, then the one called BSNES v0.51-0.74 Cheat Code Pack.
  4. Open your storage card’s CATSFC folder, then descend into gamecht.
  5. Drag the cheat code files from the zip archive to the card’s gamecht folder.

To add cheats to the menu in a game, first load the game, then use the Cheats menu’s “Load a cheat file” option.




【 Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R (Japan).cht 】

"disabled","8BDC-7D61","Infinite health"
"disabled","C992-5460","Infinite lives"
"disabled","C90F-E400","Infinite Special"
"disabled","6DDD-5461","Hit anywhere"
"disabled","40D3-5FA1+400D-7F05+40F5-5D00","One hit kills"


並不符合 RetroArch 期望的『 XML 』檔案格式︰

cheats = 6

cheat0_desc = "Invincibility"
cheat0_code = "2D0D-EFA5+2D0D-E4A5"
cheat0_enable = false

cheat1_desc = "Infinite health"
cheat1_code = "8BDC-7D61"
cheat1_enable = false

cheat2_desc = "Infinite lives"
cheat2_code = "C992-5460"
cheat2_enable = false

cheat3_desc = "Infinite Special"
cheat3_code = "C90F-E400"
cheat3_enable = false

cheat4_desc = "Hit anywhere"
cheat4_code = "6DDD-5461"
cheat4_enable = false

cheat5_desc = "One hit kills"
cheat5_code = "40D3-5FA1+400D-7F05+40F5-5D00"
cheat5_enable = false

※ 作者自改




Pugsy’s Cheats

Happy New Year, here’s the new cheat collection for MAME 0.169. It includes cheats for a large bunch of Atari 7800 softwarelist games and also the Tourvision games that have been added very recently.

XML Cheat Collection for MAME 0.169 [1396K]
Note: The XML Cheat Collection archives are double packed. Inside the downloaded zip archive you will find a large cheat.7z. It’s this cheat.7z that should be placed in the same directory as your MAME execute-able.

Read the cheat.txt file contained in the cheat0169.zip for more information. If you spot any errors (non-working cheats or parsing errors) then please post them in this forum topic .



已更作『 XML 』檔案格式,但是 RetroArch 『 MAME4ALL 』版本之古舊卻需要以前的 cheats.dat ,真是奇奇怪怪,神機鬼藏的哩☆