W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰小樹林系統之舒適感

在《M♪o 之 TinyIoT 《起承轉合》之未來鳥瞰!!》文本中,我們談及『自生自成』 autopoesis 系統之幾方觀點,歸結到



Email:anti-monist@163.com; antimonist@yahoo.cn

摘 要:弗朗西斯科·瓦雷拉是智利著名认知科学家。20 世纪 70 年代初他与亨伯特·马图拉纳提出了著名的自创生理论。通过回溯并分析自创生理论的由来、内涵与证据,揭示了该理论的精髓:“生命系统是自创生的”、“活着即是认知”与“活着即是意义的生成”,并考察了其在认识生命本质与运作规律、区分生命系统与非生命系统、推动认知科学发展等方面的意义。


Life’s Autopoiesis: Cognitive Scientist Francisco Varela
Wei Chen, Benyu Guo
Psychology Department, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing
Email:anti-monist@163.com; antimonist@yahoo.cn

Abstract: Francisco Varela is a famous Chilean cognitive scientist. In the early 1970’s, Varela and Humberto R. Maturana cosponsored the famous “theory of autopoiesis”. This paper, based on the retrospection and analyzing of the origin, connotation and relevant evidence of the theory of autopoiesis, revealed its essence: “living system is autopoietic”, “living is cognition” and “living is sense- making”, and also appreciated the significance of theory of autopoiesis on realizing the essence of life, division of living system and non-living system, as well as driving the development of cognitive science.

Keywords: Varela; Living System; Autopoiesis; Living is Cognition; Living is Sense-making













由於體感溫度可以受到溫度、濕度及風速的影響,這個數值又名「THW指數」(Temperature-Humidity-Wind Index)。1958年 ,美國的Paul Siple曾就風對人體的熱流失成正比例[1]。根據這說法和當時計算風寒指數的公式,簡化出以下的一條算式:






Temperature, Humidity, Winds, and Human Comfort

Within the human body, energy is produced by the metabolism of foods. Approximately 1800 kilocalories of energy per day is metabolized by the average person while resting, more if doing strenuous activities. Over half of this energy is converted to heat. Without some way to remove this internally-produced heat energy, the body temperature would increase indefinitely. Under certain atmospheric conditions (high temperature and high humidity), it becomes difficult for the body to remove this excess heat.

In the other extreme, problems also arise when the body loses heat too rapidly under conditions of cold temperatures and strong winds. Thermoregulation refers to the processes by which the human body regulates internal heat generation and external heat exchange so that its core temperature varies by no more than 2°C from its average of 37°C. “Core” refers to vital organs such as the brain, heart, kidneys, etc. If the body’s core temperature moves outside of this range, essential life functions do not work properly.

Surprising to many, exposure to extreme heat and cold are responsible for more human deaths per year than all other weather disasters (e.g., thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards) combined.

The ideal conditions for a resting human body fall into a range called the thermalneutral zone, where the air temperature is between 20°C and 25°C, or (68-77)°F, with little wind and moderate relative humidity. Under these conditions, a resting body can easily maintain its core temperature. Outside of this narrow range, the body’s thermoregulation responses take over.

Biological Control Systems

Living things, like mechanical engines, need regulators for effective operation. The regulators of living things are called biological control systems. Many homeostatic biological control systems are at work in the body. Homeostasis is the stable operation of physiological activities.

Control systems maintain a balance in the biophysical and biochemical functioning of the body. An important system is thermoregulation, which keeps the internal body temperature at a stable level in all kinds of weather.

Over half of all energy from food and other sources leaves the body as heat. Thus, the body needs a well-functioning homeostatic control system for thermal regulation.

Enzyme-controlled biochemical reactions in the body are usually most efficient at around 98°F (37°C). This temperature is the average set point for the inner body temperature of mammals. The flow diagram below shows how the body reacts to heat-related stresses.

This heat stress, or load, is a disturbance of the thermoregulatory system. The disturbance can be (a) internal temperature too high or (b) internal temperature too low. The body compensates for it in the following ways:

Response to cold core temperature

  1. Increase internal heat production by shivering (involuntary muscle contractions)
  2. Reduce heat loss by vasoconstriction (constrict blood vessels). Vasoconstriction reduces blood (and heat) flow to extremities. Thus, extremeties (forearms, lower legs) cool down. This reduces heat loss since temperature difference between extremities and outside world is less. It also reduces the surface area of warm blood that is in contact with the outside air. In severe cases this can lead to frostbite of extremities (freezing of skin).

Response to warm core temperature

  1. Sweating – body cooled by evaporation. Important to drink enough water in hot weather. This is by far the best way to lose heat. In fact, sweating is the only means by which humans can survive for long periods when the air temperature exceeds body temperature.
  2. Increase heat loss by vasodilation (widening of blood vessels). Vasodilation increases blood (and heat) flow to extremities allowing more rapid heat transfer away from body. This exposes warm blood to the outiside air over a larger surface area. NOTE: this only works if the air temperature is lower than the body temperature. If air temperature is warmer than body temperature, vasodilation would actually result in heat flow from air to blood.

These reactions are programmed by the brain’s hypothalamus via information fed back from its own thermoreceptors and from thermoreceptors in the skin. Thermoregulation has a high set point, about 98°F, an indication that it is easier for the body to heat itself than to cool itself.

Thermoregulation and other forms of homeostasis do not maintain a condition at an unvarying level, but within an acceptable range. For example, most people experience a slight daily temperature variation during which body temperature dips nearly two degrees Fahrenheit (one degree Celsius) from an early evening peak to an early morning low.

The Control systems by which the brain directs the body’s automatic responses to elevated or lowered core temperature are illustrated in this figure.





研究表明,影響人體舒適程度的氣象因素,首先是氣溫,其次是濕度,再其次就是風向風速等。能反映氣溫、濕 度、風速等綜合作用的生物氣象指標,人體感受各不相同。人體舒適度指數就是建立在氣象要素預報的基礎上,較好地反映多數人群的身體感受綜合氣象指標或參 數。人體舒適度指數預報,一般分為10個等級對外發布。10級,稍冷。9級,偏冷,舒適。8級,涼爽,舒適。7級,舒適。6級,較舒適。5級,較熱。4 級,早晚舒適,中午悶熱。3級,中午炎熱,夜間悶熱。2級,悶熱,謹防中暑。1級,非常悶熱,嚴防中暑。


























Thermal comfort

Thermal comfort is the condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment and is assessed by subjective evaluation (ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55).[1] Maintaining this standard of thermal comfort for occupants of buildings or other enclosures is one of the important goals of HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) design engineers.

Thermal neutrality is maintained when the heat generated by human metabolism is allowed to dissipate, thus maintaining thermal equilibrium with the surroundings. The main factors that influence thermal comfort are those that determine heat gain and loss, namely metabolic rate, clothing insulation, air temperature, mean radiant temperature, air speed and relative humidity. Psychological parameters such as individual expectations also affect thermal comfort.[2]

The Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) model stands among the most recognized thermal comfort models. It was developed using principles of heat balance and experimental data collected in a controlled climate chamber under steady state conditions.[3] The adaptive model, on the other hand, was developed based on hundreds of field studies with the idea that occupants dynamically interact with their environment. Occupants control their thermal environment by means of clothing, operable windows, fans, personal heaters, and sun shades.[2][4]

The PMV model can be applied to air conditioned buildings, while the adaptive model can be generally applied only to buildings where no mechanical systems have been installed.[1] There is no consensus about which comfort model should be applied for buildings that are partially air conditioned spatially or temporally.

Thermal comfort calculations according to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55[1] can be freely performed with the CBE Thermal Comfort Tool for ASHRAE 55.



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