W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰通往樹莓派 3 之 Hearsay PC


Apple II

Apple II蘋果公司製作的第一種普及的微電腦。它的直系先祖是Apple I——一種有限的、以印刷電路板組成的電腦。許多電子玩家基於此電腦創新了許多功能,使Apple II達到商業上的成功。自1977年於西岸電腦展(West Coast Computer Faire)首次發布後,Apple II成為一種成功的個人電腦。幾種不同的機型先後上市販售,而最普及的機型一直到1990年代都只有不大的改變。直至1993年為止,估計共生產了5-6百萬部Apple II(包括約125萬部Apple IIGS) 。

在1980-1990年代,Apple II是美國教育系統實際採用的標準電腦 。直至今日,仍有一些還在教室里並能正常使用。Apple II在商業、家庭學校使用者之間很普及,特別是在第一款試算表軟體「VisiCalc」發布後。這個軟體一開始只能在Apple II上執行。

Apple II本來運作時只有一開機ROM裡內建的BASIC程式語言直譯器可用,後來才隨著軟碟機的加入而有「Apple DOS」。最後一版的DOS是「Apple DOS 3.3」,後來DOS被ProDOS取代來支援分層檔案系統以及較大容量的儲存裝置,能使用軟碟或硬碟。此外 Apple II 也可以使用 UCSD Pascal 作業系統,UCSD 二進位格式與包含 IBM-PC 在內的其他電腦系統相容。使用Z80介面的話,Apple II也可以執行CP/M作業系統上的WordstardBase軟體。

蘋果公司的麥金塔產品線最終在1990年代初接替了Apple II系列。但即使在麥金塔上市之後, Apple II仍然有好幾年是蘋果的主要收入來源:Apple II與其相關的第一方開發者與零售商社群曾是年收入逾十億美元的事業。IIGS一直賣到1992年末,IIe則在 1993年10月15日從產品線上移除,象徵一個時代的結束。


16色螢幕的Apple II於紐約電腦展





IBM PCIBM個人電腦(Personal Computer)的縮寫,是IBM PC相容機硬體平台的原型和前身,其型號為5150,1981年8月12日推出,是IBM佛羅里達州博喀拉藤(Boca Raton)的一組工程師和設計師在唐·埃斯特利奇(Don Estridge)的領導下設計的。

「個人電腦」這個稱呼最早用於1972年全錄帕洛阿爾托研究中心研製的Xerox Alto電腦,到1981年前這個稱呼已經相當普遍,但是由於IBM PC的巨大成功,此後這個詞幾乎只用於與IBM標準相容的微型電腦了。


開發者 IBM
類型 個人電腦
推出日期 1981年8月12日
停止支援 1987年4月2日
作業系統 IBM BASIC / PC-DOS 1.0
UCSD p-System
中央處理器 Intel 8088 @ 4.77 MHz
記憶體 16 kB ~ 256 kB
下代產品 IBM PC XT




Raspberry Pi 3 Model B


The Raspberry Pi 3 is the third generation Raspberry Pi. It replaced the Raspberry Pi 2 Model B in February 2016. Compared to the Raspberry Pi 2 it has:

  • A 1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARMv8 CPU
  • 802.11n Wireless LAN
  • Bluetooth 4.1
  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

Like the Pi 2, it also has:

  • 4 USB ports
  • 40 GPIO pins
  • Full HDMI port
  • Ethernet port
  • Combined 3.5mm audio jack and composite video
  • Camera interface (CSI)
  • Display interface (DSI)
  • Micro SD card slot (now push-pull rather than push-push)
  • VideoCore IV 3D graphics core

The Raspberry Pi 3 has an identical form factor to the previous Pi 2 (and Pi 1 Model B+) and has complete compatibility with Raspberry Pi 1 and 2.

We recommend the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B for use in schools, or for any general use. Those wishing to embed their Pi in a project may prefer the Pi Zero or Model A+, which are more useful for embedded projects, and projects which require very low power.




也許正因樹莓派 3 令人驚豔之高『性價比』,遂引來『 PCMag 』的青睞,榮登 EDITORS’ CHOICE  ︰



Raspberry Pi 3 Model B

Editor Rating: Excellent (4.0)
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B - Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
US Street Price$35.00
  • Pros

    It’s a $35 computer! Drastically improved performance, feature set over the previous iteration.
  • Cons

    Only for the adventurous. Software, setup may be challenging to some.
  • Bottom Line

    The Raspberry Pi 2 Model B is the same size and the same price as its predecessor, but major hardware improvements make this mini computer much more delectable overall.

By Matthew Murray

Manufacturers of full-scale PCs have trouble coming up with exciting new features across each generation of their releases; there are only so many ways you can spin minor improvements. The same would also seem to be true of the Raspberry Pi, if not truer: It’s never looked like much more than a light-featured PCB with a couple of familiar ports tacked on. But for the newest iteration of the product, the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, the usual modest bump in performance is accompanied by a particularly impressive new feature: Wi-Fi. Now that you no longer need to be tethered to an Ethernet cable, there are even fewer limits on where your imagination can take you. And as the Pi 3 retains the $35 purchase price that’s defined the line since day one, it’s now an even better option for the makers, enthusiasts, or educational types who could benefit from this sort of system, and, as such, earns our Editors’ Choice.




Can you use the Raspberry Pi 3 as your work PC?

We spent a week working on the Raspberry Pi 3, to see how the $35 machine matched up to laptops costing more than 10 times its price.


The tiny Pi 3 that I worked on for a week.
Image: Nick Heath / TechRepublic


The Raspberry Pi 3 is a $35 computer that is on the cusp of challenging the modern PC.

The bump to the processing power of the latest machine has, according to its co-creator, elevated its performance to a point where it can comfortably be used as a desktop computer.

To determine whether the latest Pi really can go toe-to-toe with a current laptop, I spent a week using the Pi 3 as my main work machine.

The test is inherently unfair, my regular laptop – a Toshiba Portege Z30 – costs roughly 40 times the price of the Pi 3, and Pi co-creator Eben Upton was comparing the board with an ‘entry-level PC’ from more than six years ago.

But despite the odds being stacked against the Pi, the credit card-sized computer held its own in many respects and demonstrated just how much power it squeezes out of its budget hardware.



但思事物應其時代而生,因其環境而長,消長自有其故。也許根本不必墜入能否用為『個人電腦』 PC 之迷思??只需考慮合不合於『應用目的』就好!!或許該讀讀教主之

The 5 things that would have made Raspberry Pi 3 better


The Raspberry Pi 3 has Wi-Fi and a 64-bit processor.Credit: Raspberry Pi

Some key technologies could have made Raspberry Pi 3 much better as a PC and board for IoT devices

What can you fit into a Raspberry Pi board while still keeping the price to $35? That’s a question Raspberry Pi CEO Eben Upton wrestled with when planning the third version of the product.

He opted for a faster 64-bit ARM processor and wireless features so Raspberry Pi 3 could be a PC as well as a board for cool new devices. Other features had to be left out.

But Upton has a never-say-die attitude — if a new technology is available at a reasonable cost, it will be added to future versions of the Raspberry Pi.

“We’ll take what we can get,” Upton said.

Here are five technologies that could’ve made the Pi 3 a better computer but didn’t make the cut, due to cost, incompatibility and other issues. They could be available in the next iteration of the computer.












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