W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰樹莓派 3 三兩事之藍牙篇【中】

要如何驗證『藍牙』與『藍牙 BLE 』 Bluetooth Low Energy 的呢?首先翻箱倒櫃找出『藍牙虛擬鍵盤』



,本以為安裝了『 blueman 』之後



,應該一試 OK ,豈料『 Jessie 』不是『 Wheezy 』,竟然『pair』與『connect』失敗。只好查詢於『論壇』︰

[solved] jessie: bluetooth can not connect to kbd MS Wegde

by _emanuel_ » Sat Oct 10, 2015 8:28 am

Whole palette of bluetooth tools are missing.

I can not connect to keyboard like MS Wedge:

no “hidd”, “bluez-simple-agent”, “bluez-test-device”, …

using the binary from other distries just gave me dbus errors.

old procedure were:
(permanently connect)
http://www.correlatedcontent.com/blog/b … pberry-pi/
(once connect)
https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/view … 2&p=520296

by Douglas6 » Sat Oct 10, 2015 1:00 pm
Use the bluetoothctl CLI utility with BlueZ 5, or the GUI Bluetooth Manager.



卻又驚訝的發現『 bluetoothctl 』手冊如此單薄︰

BLUETOOTHCTL(1)             General Commands Manual            BLUETOOTHCTL(1)

       bluetoothctl - bluetooth control tool


       bluetoothctl is bluetooth control tool

       bluetoothctl [options]

       Help Options:
         -h, --help Show help options

       Application Options:
         -v, --version Show version information and exit
         -a, --agent=CAPABILITY Register agent handler

       This   manual   page   was   written   by   Nobuhiro   Iwamatsu   <iwa‐
       matsu@debian.org>, for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used  by

                                   May 2013                    BLUETOOTHCTL(1)


就連線上的『 help 』也如是簡約︰

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ bluetoothctl 
[NEW] Controller B8:27:EB:23:2B:C8 raspberrypi [default]
[NEW] Device 64:6E:6C:C3:5E:75 CTX-VK200
[bluetooth]# help
Available commands:
  list                       List available controllers
  show [ctrl]                Controller information
  select <ctrl>              Select default controller
  devices                    List available devices
  paired-devices             List paired devices
  power <on/off>             Set controller power
  pairable <on/off>          Set controller pairable mode
  discoverable <on/off>      Set controller discoverable mode
  agent <on/off/capability>  Enable/disable agent with given capability
  default-agent              Set agent as the default one
  scan <on/off>              Scan for devices
  info <dev>                 Device information
  pair <dev>                 Pair with device
  trust <dev>                Trust device
  untrust <dev>              Untrust device
  block <dev>                Block device
  unblock <dev>              Unblock device
  remove <dev>               Remove device
  connect <dev>              Connect device
  disconnect <dev>           Disconnect device
  version                    Display version
  quit                       Quit program



3/8/2016 | By Christopher Rush

Raspberry Pi 3 – How to Configure Wi-Fi and Bluetooth


Coming Soon

Raspberry Pi 3: How to configure Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

Now that Raspberry Pi 3 has been released with wireless capabilities including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, I thought I’d write a quick guide in order to get up and running. This guide includes setting up the Wi-Fi via the graphical user interface (GUI) and command line (CLI), connecting a Bluetooth keyboard, and connecting a Bluetooth speaker to play audio. The following examples will also work with Raspberry B+ and Raspberry Pi 2 using universal serial bus (USB) dongles.





