W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰樹莓派 3 小樹林系統之展望


About Open Connectivity Foundation

Billions of connected devices (devices, phones, computers and sensors) should be able to communicate with one another regardless of manufacturer, operating system, chipset or physical transport. The Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) is creating a specification and sponsoring an open source project to make this possible. OCF will unlock the massive opportunity in the IoT market, accelerate industry innovation and help developers and companies create solutions that map to a single open specification. OCF will help ensure secure interoperability for consumers, business, and industry.





Each day more and more devices are coming online, adding to the ever-growing Internet of Things (IoT). Analysts agree the IoT will grow to many billions of devices over the next decade.

The challenge for the IoT ecosystem is to ensure these emerging IoT devices can connect securely and reliably to the Internet and to each other.

The IoTivity project was created to bring together the open source community to accelerate the development of the framework and services required to connect these billions of devices.

The IoTivity project is sponsored by the Open Interconnect Consortium (OIC), a group of industry leaders who will be developing a standard specification and certification program to address these challenges.

IoTivity will deliver an open source reference implementation of the OIC standard specifications, yet will not be limited to those requirements.

We invite you to explore the site, download the code and start participating today.




Architecture Overview

The IoTivity architectural goal is to create a new standard by which billions of wired and wireless devices will connect to each other and to the internet. The goal is an extensible and robust architecture that works for smart and thin devices.

The architecture will provide a roadmap for manufacturers and service providers, including:

Common solution
Define a communication and interoperability solution across multiple product markets such as Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, Automotive,  and Health, and across operating systems, platforms, communication modes, transports and use cases.

Established protocols
Reuse existing and establish new common communication protocols for discovery and connectivity across multiple transports.

Common approaches
Apply common approaches for security and identity.

Defined commonalities
Define common profiles, object models, and developer application programming interfaces (APIs).

Promote device and application interoperability across markets and use cases.

Innovation opportunities
Provide opportunities for innovation and allow for differentiation.

Necessary connectivity
Connect everything from the smallest wearable to the largest smart car.

IoTivity Architecture

The IoTivity framework APIs expose the framework to developers, and are available in several languages and for multiple operating systems. The APIs are based on a resource-based, RESTful architecture model.

The framework operates as middleware across all operating systems and connectivity platforms and has four essential building blocks:

  1. Discovery
    IoTivity discovery supports multiple discovery mechanisms for devices and resources in proximity and remotely.
  2. Data transmission
    IoTivity data transmission supports information exchange and control based on a messaging and streaming model.
  3. Data Management
    IoTivity data management supports the collection, storage and analysis of data from various resources.
  4. Device management
    IoTivity device management supports configuration, provisioning and diagnostics of devices.




Raspberry Pi Going Realtime with RT Preempt

A realtime operating system gives you deterministic latency and jitter with hard bounds on latency and latency variation (jitter). A realtime operating system is an essential prerequisite for implementing so-called Cyber Physical Systems, where a computer controls a physical process. Prominent examples are the control of machines and robots in production environments (the famous Industry 4.0 paradigm), drones, etc.

RT Preempt is a popular patch for the Linux kernel to transform Linux into such a realtime operating system. Moreover, the Raspberry Pi has many nice features to interface with sensors and actuators like SPI, I2C, and GPIO so it seems to be a good platform for hosting a controller in a cyber-physical system. Consequently, it is very attractive to install Linux with the RT Preempt patch on the Raspberry Pi.

Exactly this is what I do here: I provide detailed instructions on how to install a Linux kernel with RT Preempt patch on a Raspberry Pi. Basically, I wrote this document to document the process for myself, and it is more or less a collection of information you will find on the web. But anyway, I hope I can save some people some time.






  • 2015 年春季
  • 吳哲綱, 曾柏翔, 林展翔, 詹志鴻, 林建慶, 呂鴻, 楊于進
  • 2014 年春季
  • 向澐, 林家宏, 呂科進, 趙愷文, 阮志偉, 陳建霖

Real Time 的定義

一個real time的系統需要保證其工作在給定的時間限制內完成(稱為deadline)。 系統不需要以最快的速度(real fast)完成任務,但需要時常或每次皆在deadline之內完成。

在這個前提下,real time系統的任務完成時間是可確定的(deterministic)。 而根據系統的限制不同,real time可分為:

  • Soft Real Time

系統不一定每次皆需要遵守deadline,但較多的deadline miss會導致服務品質降低。

  • Hard Real Time



