W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰神經網絡【讀碼】

閱讀 Michael Nielsen 先生之程式講解以及程式原始碼︰

Handwriting recognition revisited: the code

Let’s implement the ideas we’ve discussed in this chapter. We’ll develop a new program, network2.py, which is an improved version of the program network.py we developed in Chapter 1. If you haven’t looked at network.py in a while then you may find it helpful to spend a few minutes quickly reading over the earlier discussion. It’s only 74 lines of code, and is easily understood.




事實上在 W!o+ 的年代,早就不生產『藍色圖紙』的了。當然什麼是『藍圖』一事,也就沒有什麼人知道了!現今回想起 Mrphs 所講之事,不經令人唏噓!也不知該喜該憂?只不過聽到 W!o+ 還是很喜歡用『紙張顯示器』。他說︰要知道『豹』之所以為『豹』??僅曉得『豹骨』、『豹皮』、『豹行』…… 種種依然不足!!就像閱讀古代文獻,雖然自以為較『古人』所知為多,卻為何仍舊無法明白其之『所指』的呢??若是『初生之子』可以學會『任何語言 』,卻不能用『不同言語』內外溝通,豈不奇怪的哩!!如是看來 ,『具體』和『抽象』終究是『一線之隔』,所謂『半‧示意』︰

A semi-schematic diagram combines some of the abstraction of a purely schematic diagram with other elements displayed as realistically as possible, for various reasons. It is a compromise between a purely abstract diagram (e.g. the schematic of the Washington Metro) and an exclusively realistic representation (e.g. the corresponding aerial view of Washington).


A semi-schematic map: Tabula Peutingeriana. While roads and features appear as abstract representations without resemblance to reality, their locations, orientations, and distances are as accurate as possible to make the map practical.


─── 摘自《W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰ 一窺全豹之系統設計《引言》



Source code

In computing, source code is any collection of computer instructions (possibly with comments) written using some human-readable computer language, usually as text. The source code of a program is specially designed to facilitate the work of computer programmers, who specify the actions to be performed by a computer mostly by writing source code. The source code is often transformed by a compiler program into low-level machine code understood by the computer. The machine code might then be stored for execution at a later time. Alternatively, an interpreter can be used to analyze and perform the outcomes of the source code program directly on the fly.

Most application softwares are distributed in a form that includes executable files, but not their source code. If the source code were included, it would be useful to a user, programmer, or system administrator, who may wish to modify the program or to understand how it works.

Aside from its machine-readable forms, source code also appears in books and other media; often in the form of small code snippets, but occasionally complete code bases; a well-known case is the source code of PGP.


The Linux Information Project defines source code as:[2]

Source code (also referred to as source or code) is the version of software as it is originally written (i.e., typed into a computer) by a human in plain text (i.e., human readable alphanumeric characters).

The notion of source code may also be taken more broadly, to include machine code and notations in graphical languages, neither of which are textual in nature. An example from an article presented on the annual IEEE conference and on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation:[3]

For the purpose of clarity ‘source code’ is taken to mean any fully executable description of a software system. It is therefore so construed as to include machine code, very high level languages and executable graphical representations of systems.[4]

Often there are several steps of program translation or minification between the original source code typed by a human and an executable program. While some, like the FSF, argue that an intermediate file “is not real source code and does not count as source code”,[5] others find it convenient to refer to each intermediate file as the source code for the next step.


