

易曰「自天祐之,吉,无不利」。子曰:「祐者,助也。」天之所助者順也,人之所助者信也。履信思乎順,又以尚賢也。是以自天祐之,吉,无不利也。子曰:「書不盡言,言不盡意。」然則聖人之意,其不可見乎?子曰:「聖人立象以盡意,設卦以盡情偽,繫辭以盡其言,變而通之以盡利,鼓之舞之以盡神,乾坤其易之縕邪 ?」乾坤成列,而易立乎其中矣,乾坤毀,則无以見易。易不可見 ,則乾坤或幾乎息矣。是故,形而上者謂之道,形而下者謂之器,化而裁之謂之變,推而行之謂之通,舉而錯之天下之民,謂之事業 。是故,夫象,聖人有以見天下之賾,而擬諸其形容。象其物宜,是故謂之象。聖人有以見天下之動,而觀其會通,以行其典禮,繫辭焉以斷其吉凶,是故謂之爻。極天下之賾者存乎卦,鼓天下之動者存乎辭,化而裁之存乎變,推而行之存乎通,神而明之存乎其人 。默而成之,不言而信,存乎德行。






是否深知『書不盡言,言不盡意。』?深了『言者所以在意,得意而忘言。』的呢??單單『不求甚解 』一詞如何解釋往往南轅北轍的哩!有人認為是淺嘗輒止式的不清不楚。也有人以為是虛懷若谷般的自謙之言。直叫人對此『不求甚解 』之詞,來個不求甚解 的了 !!若問︰既然想『淺嘗輒止』,幹嘛要『好讀書』?假使想自謙『虛懷若谷』,也許會講自己沒讀過幾本書的吧!更何況一句話的意義,需要前言後語通讀,不可隨意斷章取義,否則『每有會意』之『每』意指『每每』?或許與『淺嘗輒止』者矛盾矣??其實此『每每』者正如《論語》《學而》篇之『學而時習之』者,早曉得輪扁斲輪之故事︰




─── 所謂文字,得意忘言,能不能傳,誰知誰了?! ───




\left( \begin{array}{cc} A  & B \\ C & D \end{array} \right)

只要 C \neq 0 ,都可借著『自由空間』

\left( \begin{array}{cc} 1  & t \\ 0 & 1 \end{array} \right)


\left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & t_2 \\  0 & 1 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{cc} A & B \\  C & D \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & t_1 \\  0 & 1 \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ - \frac{1}{f} & 1 \end{array} \right)


\frac{1}{d_o} + \frac{1}{d_i} = \frac{1}{f}

,具有相同『成像條件』, B 參數為 0

\left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & d_i \\  0 & 1 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\  - \frac{1}{f} & 1 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{cc} 1 & d_o \\  0 & 1 \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{cc} - \frac{d_i}{d_o}& 0 \\ - \frac{1}{f} & - \frac{d_o}{d_i} \end{array} \right)


\left( \begin{array}{cc} A_2 & 0 \\ C_2 & D_2 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{cc} A_1 & 0 \\ C_1 & D_1 \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{cc} A_2 A_1 & 0 \\ C_2 A_1 + D_2 C_1 & D_2 D_1 \end{array} \right)

的矣!如是就確定了參數 C 之『聚焦』地位,以及參數 A 的『影像縮放』性質!!

─── 摘自《光的世界︰矩陣光學六庚




Magnifying glass

A magnifying glass (called a hand lens in laboratory contexts) is a convex lens that is used to produce a magnified image of an object. The lens is usually mounted in a frame with a handle (see image).

A sheet magnifier consists of many very narrow concentric ring-shaped lenses, such that the combination acts as a single lens but is much thinner. This arrangement is known as a Fresnel lens.

A magnifying glass can also be used to focus light, such as to concentrate the sun’s radiation to create a hot spot at the focus for fire starting.

The magnifying glass is an icon of detective fiction, particularly that of Sherlock Holmes.


Text seen through a magnifying glass


The earliest evidence of a magnifying device was a joke in Aristophanes‘s The Clouds from 424 BC, where magnifying lenses to start kindling were sold in a pharmacy, and Pliny the Elder‘s “lens”, a glass globe filled with water, used to cauterize wounds. (Seneca wrote that it could be used to read letters “no matter how small or dim”).[1] Roger Bacon described the properties of a magnifying glass in 13th-century England. Eyeglasses were developed in 13th-century Italy.[2]


The magnification of a magnifying glass depends upon where it is placed between the user’s eye and the object being viewed, and the total distance between them. The magnifying power is equivalent to angular magnification (this should not be confused with optical power, which is a different quantity). The magnifying power is the ratio of the sizes of the images formed on the user’s retina with and without the lens.[3] For the “without” case, it is typically assumed that the user would bring the object as close to one eye as possible without it becoming blurry. This point, known as the near point, varies with age. In a young child, it can be as close as 5 cm, while, in an elderly person it may be as far as one or two metres. Magnifiers are typically characterized using a “standard” value of 0.25 m.

The highest magnifying power is obtained by putting the lens very close to one eye and moving the eye and the lens together to obtain the best focus. The object will then typically also be close to the lens. The magnifying power obtained in this condition is MP0 = (0.25 m)Φ + 1, where Φ is the optical power in dioptres, and the factor of 0.25 m represents the assumed near point (¼ m from the eye). This value of the magnifying power is the one normally used to characterize magnifiers. It is typically denoted “m×”, where m = MP0. This is sometimes called the total power of the magnifier (again, not to be confused with optical power).

However, magnifiers are not always used as described above because it is more comfortable to put the magnifier close to the object (one focal length away). The eye can then be a larger distance away, and a good image can be obtained very easily; the focus is not very sensitive to the eye’s exact position. The magnifying power in this case is roughly MP = (0.25 m)Φ.

A typical magnifying glass might have a focal length of 25 cm, corresponding to an optical power of 4 dioptres. Such a magnifier would be sold as a “2×” magnifier. In actual use, an observer with “typical” eyes would obtain a magnifying power between 1 and 2, depending on where lens is held.


Diagram of a single lens magnifying glass.


Magnifying glass on an arm lamp

