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gpsda GPS service daemon

About gpsd

gpsd is a service daemon that monitors one or more GPSes or AIS receivers attached to a host computer through serial or USB ports, making all data on the location/course/velocity of the sensors available to be queried on TCP port 2947 of the host computer.

With gpsd, multiple location-aware client applications can share access to supported sensors without contention or loss of data. Also, gpsd responds to queries with a format that is substantially easier to parse than the NMEA 0183 emitted by most GPSes. The gpsd distribution includes a linkable C service library, a C++ wrapper class, and a Python module that developers of gpsd-aware applications can use to encapsulate all communication with gpsd. Third-party client bindings for Java and Perl also exist.

Besides gpsd itself, the project provides auxiliary tools for diagnostic monitoring and profiling of receivers and feeding location-aware applications GPS/AIS logs for diagnostic purposes.

GPSD is everywhere in mobile embedded systems. It underlies the map service on Android phones. It’s ubiquitous in drones, robot submarines, and driverless cars. It’s increasingly common in recent generations of manned aircraft, marine navigation systems, and military vehicles.

Applications that presently use gpsd include pyGPS, Kismet, GpsDrive, gpeGPS, roadmap, roadnav, navit, viking, tangogps, foxtrot, obdgpslogger, geohist, LiveGPS, geoclue, qlandkartegt, gpredict, OpenCPN, gpsd-navigator, gpsd-ais-viewer, and firefox/mozilla. In addition, the Android smartphone operating system (from version 4.0 onwards and possibly earlier; we don’t know for sure when the change happened) uses GPSD to monitor the phone’s on-board GPS, so every location-aware Android app is indirectly a GPSD client.

GPSD is also extremely widely deployed in mobile embedded systems: it’s a basic building block for navigation used by UAVs, robot submarines, and driverless cars as well as more conventional applications like marine navigation and military IFF systems.

Under Linux, gpsd normally runs with zero configuration. Binary packages for this program install hotplug scripts that do the right thing when a USB device goes active, launching gpsd if needed and telling gpsd which device to read data from. Then, gpsd deduces a baud rate and GPS/AIS type by looking at the data stream.

gpsd is high-quality, carefully-audited code; see our notes on reliability engineering. In January 2010, the GPSD project won the first Good Code Grant from the Alliance for Code Excellence.

Statistics about the code volume, commit history, and contributors associated with this project are available at OpenHUB

Our development platforms are open-source Unixes — Linux, and the *BSD family. Presently Linux, OpenBSD and NetBSD are directly supported. The code is also extremely widely deployed on Android phones. We’ll support proprietary Unixes if it’s not too much work (and it usually isn’t). Apple’s OS X is supported in a limited fashion. Some older OS X drivers are buggy and prevent gpsd from being able to read from some USB-serial devices. No, we don’t support Windows — get a better operating system.

If you represent a GPS manufacturer interested in qualifying your device for use with Linux and other open-source operating systems, we are your contact point. We’ll need (1) on-line access to interface documentation, (2) a few (as in, no more than three) eval units, and (3) an engineering contact at your firm. For more, see our page welcoming vendor cooperation.

There are simple installation instructions for people running distributions with binary package systems. See the FAQ for information on how to report bugs.

If you appreciate GPSD, and especially if you make money from it, please leace a remittance at Patreon.


This web page was last updated on Fri Sep 2 12:26:05 2016. You can browse the project’s news file or to-do list here. Note: because of the way this website is maintained, these files may reflect the state of the repository tip (development version) rather than the latest released stable version.




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