樹莓派 0W 狂想曲︰ VOIP 話小道《♪♪♪》

有人說︰ sipwitch 原本之目的是為取代私屬的 skype 而生,而今 skype 已沒落,或許開發之熱情早衰退的了。即使想學,若是只靠兩三頁文件怕也難能的吧!

sipwitch(1)                      GNU Telephony                     sipwitch(1)

       sipwitch - script control and manage GNU sipwitch server.

       sipwitch command [arguments...]

       The  sipwitch  command  allows  one to interact with a running sipwitch
       daemon instance on the current machine.  This can  be  used  to  create
       management  shell scripts or to perform basic service operations, using
       the sipwitch fifo control interface.  Normally this  command  would  be
       used only by root or someone in an admin group that the sipwitch daemon
       is running under.  If the sipwitch daemon is  started  by  an  ordinary
       user,  the  command can be used by the same user to control that daemon

       abort  terminate running daemon with core for debugging.

       activate ext ipaddr
              register a static sip extension manually on a fixed address.


目前尚存的『 HowTo 』文本,恐怕只有

August 24, 2009

GNU SIP Witch offers a means for individuals, private organizations, and even national governments to easily configure and deploy secure network scalable peer-to-peer media VoIP solutions using free software.¬† This article offers an easy “howto” to help people get started using GNU SIP Witch with Ubuntu.


的哩?更何況 raspbian jessie 還沒有『sipwitch-plugin-forward』呢 ??將如之何哉!!




Linphone is an open source Voice Over IP phone (or SIP phone) that makes possible to communicate freely with people over the internet, with voice, video, and text instant messaging.

Linphone makes use of the SIP protocol (an open standard for internet telephony) and can be used with any SIP VoIP operator, including our free SIP audio/video service.

Linphone has been launched in 2001. It was the very first open source application using SIP software on GNU/Linux. For more than 10 years, a lot of improvements have been done and Linphone has been ported on the main desktop, mobile and web platforms:

  • on Windows Desktop in 2006
  • on iOS and Android in 2010
  • on Windows Phone 8 in 2013 (not supported anymore)
  • on Blackberry 10 in 2016
  • on Windows 10 in 2016 (phone and desktop)

Since 2010, the project Linphone is supported by Belledonne Communications, a company created by Simon Morlat (the original author of Linphone) and Jehan Monnier. Belledonne Communications is in charge of the commercial support, which includes proprietary licenses for closed source applications, rebranding services (white label), customizations and technical assistance services.



Linphone Python for Raspberry PI


On your Raspberry PI, get the 3.8.0 version of Linphone python for Raspberry or the latest snapshot version (file with the .whl extension) from http://linphone.org/snapshots/linphone-python-raspberry/, eg:

 wget http://linphone.org/releases/linphone-python-raspberry/linphone4raspberry-3.8.0-cp27-none-any.whl</pre> <span style="color: #808080;">Then you will need to install pip if it is not installed yet on your Raspberry. To do so, use these commands:</span> <pre class="lang:default decode:true"> sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
  sudo easy_install pip</pre> <span style="color: #808080;">Install wheel packages support with:</span> <pre class="lang:default decode:true "> sudo pip install wheel
  sudo pip install --upgrade pip</pre> <span style="color: #808080;">Finally install the Linphone package with:</span> <pre class="lang:default decode:true"> sudo pip install linphone4raspberry-3.8.0-cp27-none-any.whl

To test if the installation is successful, launch a python shell:

  $ python

At the python prompt >>> enter:

  import linphone

If you get no error message and an other prompt >>> then everything is ok! Otherwise you are welcome to explain the error you are having of the linphone-users mailing-list.

Simple usage example: security camera

Here is a simple python program that performs the functionality of a security camera.




The DoorPi InterComm Project: SIP Audio Video Intercom

The Door Comm Project


The objective of this project is to build a video and audio SIP station to be located at the main door or gate of my house. This intercom will allow guests to ring a bell inside the house, and communicate with the owner using audio and video. The owner can then remotly open the main gate/door. The owner can also look who is ouside using the video display. If the owner is not present, an email with a picture can be sent to him.

This project is build around a Raspberry Pi board, running Linux and DoorPi, and will communicate using the standard SIP phone protocol.

References Documents and Ressources

