樹莓派 0W 狂想曲︰ 觀物怡情《♪》




大國者下流,天下之交,天下之牝。牝常以靜勝牡,以靜為下。故大國以下小國,則取小國;小國以下大國,則取大國。故或下以取 ,或下而取。大國不過欲兼畜人,小國不過欲入事人。夫兩者各得其所欲,大者宜為下。


如何觀物怡情耶?想起讀書時曾看『豆子發芽』,一日不發、兩日不發、…… ,忘了看時它卻發『 』芽的哩?!莫非不願人瞧見,故而如『曇花一現』乎??




縮時攝影英語:Time-lapse photography),亦稱為間隔攝影曠時攝影延時攝影,是一種將畫面拍攝頻率設定在遠低於一般觀看連續畫面所需頻率的攝影技術。



Time-lapse photography

Time-lapse photography is a technique whereby the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that used to view the sequence. When played at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, then played back at 30 frames per second; the result is an apparent 30 times speed increase. Time-lapse photography can be considered the opposite of high speed photography or slow motion.

Processes that would normally appear subtle to the human eye, e.g. the motion of the sun and stars in the sky, become very pronounced. Time-lapse is the extreme version of the cinematography technique of undercranking, and can be confused with stop motion animation.

Blossoming Pelargonium. 2 hours are compressed down to a few seconds.





子彈時間英語:Bullet time)是一種使用在電影電視廣告電腦遊戲中,用電腦輔助的攝影技術模擬變速特效,例如強化的慢鏡頭、時間靜止等效果。它的特點是不但在時間上極端變化(觀眾可以看到一些在平常不能見到的景象,如子彈飛過頭頂,因此得名) ,而且在空間上極端變化:在慢鏡頭的同時拍攝角度(觀眾視角)也圍繞場景旋轉。


Bullet time

Bullet time (also known as frozen moment, the big freeze, dead time, flow motion or time slice)[1] is a visual effect or visual impression of detaching the time and space of a camera (or viewer) from that of its visible subject. It is a depth enhanced simulation of variable-speed action and performance found in films, broadcast advertisements, and realtime graphics within video games and other special media. It is characterized both by its extreme transformation of time (slow enough to show normally imperceptible and unfilmable events, such as flying bullets) and space (by way of the ability of the camera angle—the audience’s point-of-view—to move around the scene at a normal speed while events are slowed). This is almost impossible with conventional slow motion, as the physical camera would have to move impossibly fast; the concept implies that only a “virtual camera“, often illustrated within the confines of a computer-generated environment such as a virtual world or virtual reality, would be capable of “filming” bullet-time types of moments. Technical and historical variations of this effect have been referred to as time slicing, view morphing, temps mort (French: “dead time”) and virtual cinematography.

The term “bullet time” is a registered trademark of Warner Bros., formally established in March 2005, in connection with the video game The Matrix Online.[2] The term had first been used within the original script of the 1999 film The Matrix,[3] and later in reference to the slow motion effects in the 2001 video game Max Payne.[4][5] In the years since the introduction of the term during The Matrix films it has become a commonly applied expression in popular culture.

