GoPiGo 小汽車︰朝向目標前進《四》




Sojourner takes its Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer measurement of the Yogi Rock




到目前為止,已經有超過30枚探測器到達過火星,它們對火星進行了詳細的考察,並向地球發回了大量數據。同時火星探測也充滿了坎坷,大約三分之二的 探測器,特別是早期發射的探測器,都沒有能夠成功完成它們的使命。但是火星對於人類卻有一種特殊的吸引力,因為它是太陽系中最近似地球的天體之一。火星赤 道平面與公轉軌道平面的交角非常接近於地球,這使它也有類似地球的四季交替,同時,火星的自轉周期為24小時37分,這使火星上的一天幾乎和地球上的一樣 長。



Motion estimation

Motion estimation is the process of determining motion vectors that describe the transformation from one 2D image to another; usually from adjacent frames in a video sequence. It is an ill-posed problem as the motion is in three dimensions but the images are a projection of the 3D scene onto a 2D plane. The motion vectors may relate to the whole image (global motion estimation) or specific parts, such as rectangular blocks, arbitrary shaped patches or even per pixel. The motion vectors may be represented by a translational model or many other models that can approximate the motion of a real video camera, such as rotation and translation in all three dimensions and zoom.

Motion vectors that result from a movement into the  z-plane of the image, combined with a lateral movement to the lower-right. This is a visualization of the motion estimation performed in order to compress an MPEG movie.

Related terms

More often than not, the term motion estimation and the term optical flow are used interchangeably. It is also related in concept to image registration and stereo correspondence. In fact all of these terms refer to the process of finding corresponding points between two images or video frames. The points that correspond to each other in two views (images or frames) of a real scene or object are “usually” the same point in that scene or on that object. Before we do motion estimation, we must define our measurement of correspondence, i.e., the matching metric, which is a measurement of how similar two image points are. There is no right or wrong here; the choice of matching metric is usually related to what the final estimated motion is used for as well as the optimisation strategy in the estimation process.



此所以『光流法』探討相對於『觀察者』之『顯運動』 Apparent motion 哩!!

Optical flow

Optical flow or optic flow is the pattern of apparent motion of objects, surfaces, and edges in a visual scene caused by the relative motion between an observer and a scene.[1][2] The concept of optical flow was introduced by the American psychologist James J. Gibson in the 1940s to describe the visual stimulus provided to animals moving through the world.[3] Gibson stressed the importance of optic flow for affordance perception, the ability to discern possibilities for action within the environment. Followers of Gibson and his ecological approach to psychology have further demonstrated the role of the optical flow stimulus for the perception of movement by the observer in the world; perception of the shape, distance and movement of objects in the world; and the control of locomotion.[4]

The term optical flow is also used by roboticists, encompassing related techniques from image processing and control of navigation including motion detection, object segmentation, time-to-contact information, focus of expansion calculations, luminance, motion compensated encoding, and stereo disparity measurement.[5][6]

The optic flow experienced by a rotating observer (in this case a fly). The direction and magnitude of optic flow at each location is represented by the direction and length of each arrow.


Sequences of ordered images allow the estimation of motion as either instantaneous image velocities or discrete image displacements.[6] Fleet and Weiss provide a tutorial introduction to gradient based optical flow.[7] John L. Barron, David J. Fleet, and Steven Beauchemin provide a performance analysis of a number of optical flow techniques. It emphasizes the accuracy and density of measurements.[8]

The optical flow methods try to calculate the motion between two image frames which are taken at times  t+\Delta t at every voxel position. These methods are called differential since they are based on local Taylor series approximations of the image signal; that is, they use partial derivatives with respect to the spatial and temporal coordinates.

For a 2D+t dimensional case (3D or n-D cases are similar) a voxel at location  (x,y,t) with intensity  I(x,y,t) will have moved by  \Delta x \Delta y and  \Delta t between the two image frames, and the following brightness constancy constraint can be given:

  I(x,y,t) = I(x+\Delta x, y + \Delta y, t + \Delta t)

Assuming the movement to be small, the image constraint at  I(x,y,t) with Taylor series can be developed to get:

  I(x+\Delta x,y+\Delta y,t+\Delta t) = I(x,y,t) + \frac{\partial I}{\partial x}\Delta x+\frac{\partial I}{\partial y}\Delta y+\frac{\partial I}{\partial t}\Delta t+H.O.T.

From these equations it follows that:

  \frac{\partial I}{\partial x}\Delta x+\frac{\partial I}{\partial y}\Delta y+\frac{\partial I}{\partial t}\Delta t = 0


  \frac{\partial I}{\partial x}\frac{\Delta x}{\Delta t}+\frac{\partial I}{\partial y}\frac{\Delta y}{\Delta t}+\frac{\partial I}{\partial t}\frac{\Delta t}{\Delta t} = 0

which results in

  \frac{\partial I}{\partial x}V_x+\frac{\partial I}{\partial y}V_y+\frac{\partial I}{\partial t} = 0

where  V_x,V_y are the  x and  y components of the velocity or optical flow of  I(x,y,t) and  \tfrac{\partial I}{\partial x} \tfrac{\partial I}{\partial y} and  \tfrac{\partial I}{\partial t} are the derivatives of the image at  (x,y,t) in the corresponding directions.  I_{x},   I_y and   I_t can be written for the derivatives in the following.




  \nabla I^T\cdot\vec{V} = -I_t

This is an equation in two unknowns and cannot be solved as such. This is known as the aperture problem of the optical flow algorithms. To find the optical flow another set of equations is needed, given by some additional constraint. All optical flow methods introduce additional conditions for estimating the actual flow.



The aperture problem

The aperture problem. The grating appears to be moving down and to the right, perpendicular to the orientation of the bars. But it could be moving in many other directions, such as only down, or only to the right. It is impossible to determine unless the ends of the bars become visible in the aperture.

Each neuron in the visual system is sensitive to visual input in a small part of the visual field, as if each neuron is looking at the visual field through a small window or aperture. The motion direction of a contour is ambiguous, because the motion component parallel to the line cannot be inferred based on the visual input. This means that a variety of contours of different orientations moving at different speeds can cause identical responses in a motion sensitive neuron in the visual system.

Individual neurons early in the visual system (V1) respond to motion that occurs locally within their receptive field. Because each local motion-detecting neuron will suffer from the aperture problem, the estimates from many neurons need to be integrated into a global motion estimate. This appears to occur in Area MT/V5 in the human visual cortex.

See MIT example


若是只讀 OpenCV 範例︰

Optical Flow


In this chapter,
  • We will understand the concepts of optical flow and its estimation using Lucas-Kanade method.
  • We will use functions like cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK() to track feature points in a video.

Optical Flow

Optical flow is the pattern of apparent motion of image objects between two consecutive frames caused by the movemement of object or camera. It is 2D vector field where each vector is a displacement vector showing the movement of points from first frame to second. Consider the image below (Image Courtesy: Wikipedia article on Optical Flow).

Optical Flow

It shows a ball moving in 5 consecutive frames. The arrow shows its displacement vector. Optical flow has many applications in areas like :

  • Structure from Motion
  • Video Compression
  • Video Stabilization …

Optical flow works on several assumptions:

  1. The pixel intensities of an object do not change between consecutive frames.
  2. Neighbouring pixels have similar motion.

Consider a pixel I(x,y,t) in first frame (Check a new dimension, time, is added here. Earlier we were working with images only, so no need of time). It moves by distance (dx,dy) in next frame taken after dt time. So since those pixels are the same and intensity does not change, we can say,

I(x,y,t) = I(x+dx, y+dy, t+dt)

Then take taylor series approximation of right-hand side, remove common terms and divide by dt to get the following equation:

f_x u + f_y v + f_t = 0 \;


f_x = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} \; ; \; f_y = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} u = \frac{dx}{dt} \; ; \; v = \frac{dy}{dt}

Above equation is called Optical Flow equation. In it, we can find f_x and f_y, they are image gradients. Similarly f_t is the gradient along time. But (u,v) is unknown. We cannot solve this one equation with two unknown variables. So several methods are provided to solve this problem and one of them is Lucas-Kanade.

Lucas-Kanade method

We have seen an assumption before, that all the neighbouring pixels will have similar motion. Lucas-Kanade method takes a 3×3 patch around the point. So all the 9 points have the same motion. We can find (f_x, f_y, f_t) for these 9 points. So now our problem becomes solving 9 equations with two unknown variables which is over-determined. A better solution is obtained with least square fit method. Below is the final solution which is two equation-two unknown problem and solve to get the solution.

\begin{bmatrix} u \\ v \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \sum_{i}{f_{x_i}}^2 & \sum_{i}{f_{x_i} f_{y_i} } \\ \sum_{i}{f_{x_i} f_{y_i}} & \sum_{i}{f_{y_i}}^2 \end{bmatrix}^{-1} \begin{bmatrix} - \sum_{i}{f_{x_i} f_{t_i}} \\ - \sum_{i}{f_{y_i} f_{t_i}} \end{bmatrix}

( Check similarity of inverse matrix with Harris corner detector. It denotes that corners are better points to be tracked.)

So from user point of view, idea is simple, we give some points to track, we receive the optical flow vectors of those points. But again there are some problems. Until now, we were dealing with small motions. So it fails when there is large motion. So again we go for pyramids. When we go up in the pyramid, small motions are removed and large motions becomes small motions. So applying Lucas-Kanade there, we get optical flow along with the scale.





KLT: An Implementation of theKanade-Lucas-Tomasi Feature Tracker


KLT is an implementation, in the C programming language, of a feature tracker for the computer vision community.  The source code is in the public domain, available for both commercial and non-commerical use.

The tracker is based on the early work of Lucas and Kanade [1], was developed fully by Tomasi and Kanade [2], and was explained clearly in the paper by Shi and Tomasi [3]. Later, Tomasi proposed a slight modification which makes the computation symmetric with respect to the two images — the resulting equation is derived in the unpublished note by myself [4].  Briefly, good features are located by examining the minimum eigenvalue of each 2 by 2 gradient matrix, and features are tracked using a Newton-Raphson method of minimizing the difference between the two windows. Multiresolution tracking allows for relatively large displacements between images.  The affine computation that evaluates the consistency of features between non-consecutive frames [3] was implemented by Thorsten Thormaehlen several years after the original code and documentation were written.

Some Matlab interface routines:  klt_read_featuretable.m

Note:  An alternate Lucas-Kanade implementation can be found in Intel’s OpenCV library.  This implementation, described in the note by Bouguet, does a better job of handling features near the image borders, and it is more computationally efficient (approximately 30% on my desktop system).  However, it does not contain the affine consistency check.  Another alternative is GPU_KLT, which is an implementation of KLT for a graphics processing unit (GPU), which speeds up the run time considerably.  A Matlab implementation of a single template tracker is available at Lucas-Kanade 20 Years On. A Java implementation is available here.


[1] Bruce D. Lucas and Takeo Kanade. An Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 674-679, 1981.
[2] Carlo Tomasi and Takeo Kanade. Detection and Tracking of Point Features. Carnegie Mellon University Technical Report CMU-CS-91-132, April 1991.
[3] Jianbo Shi and Carlo Tomasi. Good Features to Track. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 593-600, 1994.
[4] Stan Birchfield. Derivation of Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi Tracking Equation. Unpublished, January 1997.