








直接照射的陽光亮度效能約有每瓦特93流明的輻射通量,其中包括紅外線可見光紫外線。明亮的陽光對地球表面上提供的照度大約是每平方米100,000流明或 100,000勒克司。陽光是光合作用的關鍵因素,對於地球上的生命至關重要。




  • 紫外線C(Ultraviolet C)或UVC的範圍跨越100至280奈米。紫外線這個名詞意味著輻射的頻率比紫色還高(因此人的眼睛看不見它)。由於會被大氣層吸收,因此只有非常少的量能夠抵達地球的岩石表面。這種輻射光譜的特性是有殺菌力,和使用為殺菌燈
  • 紫外線B或UVB的範圍從280至315奈米。它也被大氣層大量的吸收,並且和紫外線C一起導致光化學反應製造出臭氧層
  • 紫外線A或UVA的範圍從315至400奈米。一般認為它對DNA的傷害最小因此常用來曬黑和做為牛皮癬PUVA療法
  • 可見範圍或的範圍從400至700奈米。如同名稱所暗示的,這是肉眼可以看見的範圍。
  • 紅外線的範圍從700奈米至106奈米[1(mm)]。在到達地球的電磁輻射中它們是很重要的一部分,依據波常可以分成三種類型:
    • 紅外線-A:700奈米至1,400奈米
    • 紅外線-B:1,400奈米至3,000奈米
    • 紅外線-C:3,000奈米至1毫米




Spectral composition of sunlight at Earth’s surface

The Sun’s electromagnetic radiation which is received at the Earth’s surface is predominantly light that falls within the range of wavelengths to which the visual systems of the animals that inhabit Earth’s surface are sensitive. The Sun may therefore be said to illuminate, which is a measure of the light within a specific sensitivity range. Many animals (including humans) have a sensitivity range of approximately 400–700 nm,[29] and given optimal conditions the absorption and scattering by Earth’s atmosphere produces illumination that approximates an equal-energy illuminant for most of this range.[30] The useful range for color vision in humans, for example, is approximately 450–650 nm. Aside from effects that arise at sunset and sunrise, the spectral composition changes primarily in respect to how directly sunlight is able to illuminate. When illumination is indirect, Rayleigh scattering in the upper atmosphere will lead blue wavelengths to dominate. Water vapour in the lower atmosphere produces further scattering and ozone, dust and water particles will also absorb selective wavelengths.[31][32]

Spectrum of the visible wavelengths at approximately sea level; illumination by direct sunlight compared with direct sunlight scattered by cloud cover and with indirect sunlight by varying degrees of cloud cover. The yellow line shows the spectrum of direct illumination under optimal conditions. The other illumination conditions are scaled to show their relation to direct illumination. The units of spectral power are simply raw sensor values (with a linear response at specific wavelengths).



Illuminant D65

CIE Standard Illuminant D65 (sometimes written D65[1][2]) is a commonly used standard illuminant defined by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE).[3] It is part of the D series of illuminants that try to portray standard illumination conditions at open-air in different parts of the world.

D65 corresponds roughly to the average midday light in Western Europe / Northern Europe (comprising both direct sunlight and the light diffused by a clear sky), hence it is also called a daylight illuminant. As any standard illuminant is represented as a table of averaged spectrophotometric data, any light source which statistically has the same relative spectral power distribution (SPD) can be considered a D65 light source. There are no actual D65 light sources, only simulators. The quality of a simulator can be assessed with the CIE Metamerism Index.[4][5]

The CIE positions D65 as the standard daylight illuminant:

[D65] is intended to represent average daylight and has a correlated colour temperature of approximately 6500 K. CIE standard illuminant D65 should be used in all colorimetric calculations requiring representative daylight, unless there are specific reasons for using a different illuminant. Variations in the relative spectral power distribution of daylight are known to occur, particularly in the ultraviolet spectral region, as a function of season, time of day, and geographic location.

— ISO 10526:1999/CIE S005/E-1998, CIE Standard Illuminants for Colorimetry

Spectral power distribution of D65.