GoPiGo 小汽車︰格點圖像算術《色彩空間》灰階‧丙

『眼睛』並非單純的『物理量』度量儀表,『感官知覺』雖有相當之『共性』,『差異』還是存在的。因此明白『完美的黑』 ─ 入眼光譜為零 ─ 與『理想的白』─ 所有可見光輻射強度均等 ─ 之所以為重要『色覺參考』思過半矣!或可『讀』『解』公孫龍之『白馬非馬論』乎?






』色是各種叫白色東西,所共有顏色。有這種顏色嗎?然而『白馬』的白、『白羊』的白和『白狐』的白,雖然在其類中都是稱之為者,彼此類間確又有所不同,當然也與『共相抽象的『』色有所不同。比方說把『白羊』之『白』用之於馬,『那馬』──  羊白之馬 ──叫做『黃馬』,為什麼呢?因為『白羊』之白近之於馬類』之然它羊類』之







馬『』是看起來『』馬的東西,『』字的構創之來歷。但是『』能回答『馬是什麼嗎?』,也許只因人們心中有著的『概念』,它不是的『概念』,也不同於的『概念』,由於馬牛羊外『不同 ,正以『區別』這些不同的動物。想當日創生『』『』字之時,卻遇著了『牛頭馬面』來訪,這兩個字會『寫的』和今天不一樣嗎?




── 弗雷格的理念就是想讓『表達』和『論證清晰明白 ──

─── 摘自《白馬非馬論








格拉斯曼定律 (色彩)



若兩單色光組合成一測試色光,則觀測者感知到的三原色數值為兩單色光分別被單獨觀測的三原色數值之和。換句話說,如果光束一及光束二為單色光,而  {\displaystyle (R_{1},G_{1},B_{1})}  {\displaystyle (R_{2},G_{2},B_{2})}分別為觀測者對光束一及光束二的感知三原色數值,當此二光束合併時,觀測者感知的三原色數值為  {\displaystyle (R,G,B)},其中:

{\displaystyle R=R_{1}+R_{2}\,}
  {\displaystyle G=G_{1}+G_{2}\,}
  {\displaystyle B=B_{1}+B_{2}\,}


{\displaystyle R=\int _{0}^{\infty }I(\lambda )\,{\bar {r}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda }
  {\displaystyle G=\int _{0}^{\infty }I(\lambda )\,{\bar {g}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda }
  {\displaystyle B=\int _{0}^{\infty }I(\lambda )\,{\bar {b}}(\lambda )\,d\lambda }

  I(\lambda)為該光束對波長的強度分布;  {\displaystyle {\bar {r}}(\lambda )}  {\displaystyle {\bar {g}}(\lambda )}  {\displaystyle {\bar {b}}(\lambda )}則分別為人眼中三種錐狀細胞對不同波長的反應強度。


自能曉得任選『自然』或『科技』中『可調變』之『紅』、『綠』 、『藍』,比方講用







Cathode ray tubes

 Spectra of constituent blue, green and red phosphors in a common cathode ray tube.

Cathode ray tubes produce signal-generated light patterns in a (typically) round or rectangular format. Bulky CRTs were used in the black-and-white household television (“TV”) sets that became popular in the 1950s, as well as first-generation, tube-based color TVs, and most earlier computer monitors. CRTs have also been widely used in scientific and engineering instrumentation, such as oscilloscopes, usually with a single phosphor color, typically green. Phosphors for such applications may have long afterglow, for increased image persistence.

The phosphors can be deposited as either thin film, or as discrete particles, a powder bound to the surface. Thin films have better lifetime and better resolution, but provide less bright and less efficient image than powder ones. This is caused by multiple internal reflections in the thin film, scattering the emitted light.

White (in black-and-white): The mix of zinc cadmium sulfide and zinc sulfide silver, the ZnS:Ag+(Zn,Cd)S:Ag is the white P4 phosphor used in black and white television CRTs. Mixes of yellow and blue phosphors are usual. Mixes of red, green and blue, or a single white phosphor, can also be encountered.

Red: Yttrium oxidesulfide activated with europium is used as the red phosphor in color CRTs. The development of color TV took a long time due to the search for a red phosphor. The first red emitting rare earth phosphor, YVO4:Eu3+, was introduced by Levine and Palilla as a primary color in television in 1964.[21] In single crystal form, it was used as an excellent polarizer and laser material.[22]

Yellow: When mixed with cadmium sulfide, the resulting zinc cadmium sulfide (Zn,Cd)S:Ag, provides strong yellow light.

Green: Combination of zinc sulfide with copper, the P31 phosphor or ZnS:Cu, provides green light peaking at 531 nm, with long glow.

Blue: Combination of zinc sulfide with few ppm of silver, the ZnS:Ag, when excited by electrons, provides strong blue glow with maximum at 450 nm, with short afterglow with 200 nanosecond duration. It is known as the P22B phosphor. This material, zinc sulfide silver, is still one of the most efficient phosphors in cathode ray tubes. It is used as a blue phosphor in color CRTs.

The phosphors are usually poor electrical conductors. This may lead to deposition of residual charge on the screen, effectively decreasing the energy of the impacting electrons due to electrostatic repulsion (an effect known as “sticking”). To eliminate this, a thin layer of aluminium (about 100 nm) is deposited over the phosphors, usually by vacuum evaporation, and connected to the conductive layer inside the tube. This layer also reflects the phosphor light to the desired direction, and protects the phosphor from ion bombardment resulting from an imperfect vacuum.

To reduce the image degradation by reflection of ambient light, contrast can be increased by several methods. In addition to black masking of unused areas of screen, the phosphor particles in color screens are coated with pigments of matching color. For example, the red phosphors are coated with ferric oxide (replacing earlier Cd(S,Se) due to cadmium toxicity), blue phosphors can be coated with marine blue (CoO·nAl2O3) or ultramarine (Na8Al6Si6O24S2). Green phosphors based on ZnS:Cu do not have to be coated due to their own yellowish color.[2]



# sRGB (ITU-R BT.709) standard phosphor chromaticities
SRGB_Red = xyz_color (0.640, 0.330)
SRGB_Green = xyz_color (0.300, 0.600)
SRGB_Blue = xyz_color (0.150, 0.060)
SRGB_White = xyz_color (0.3127, 0.3290) # D65

def init (
    phosphor_red   = SRGB_Red,
    phosphor_green = SRGB_Green,
    phosphor_blue  = SRGB_Blue,
    white_point    = SRGB_White):
    global PhosphorRed, PhosphorGreen, PhosphorBlue, PhosphorWhite
    PhosphorRed   = phosphor_red
    PhosphorGreen = phosphor_green
    PhosphorBlue  = phosphor_blue
    PhosphorWhite = white_point
    global xyz_from_rgb_matrix, rgb_from_xyz_matrix
    phosphor_matrix = numpy.column_stack ((phosphor_red, phosphor_green, phosph# normalize white point to Y=1.0     normalized_white = white_point.copy()     xyz_normalize_Y1 (normalized_white)     # Determine intensities of each phosphor by solving:     #     phosphor_matrix * intensity_vector = white_point     intensities = numpy.linalg.solve (phosphor_matrix, normalized_white)     # construct xyz_from_rgb matrix from the results     # construct xyz_from_rgb matrix from the results     xyz_from_rgb_matrix = numpy.column_stack (         (phosphor_red   * intensities [0],          phosphor_green * intensities [1],          phosphor_blue  * intensities [2]))     # invert to get rgb_from_xyz matrix     rgb_from_xyz_matrix = numpy.linalg.inv (xyz_from_rgb_matrix) </pre>    <span style="color: #666699;">,就可形成一個『顯色空間』耶!!??</span> <pre class="lang:default decode:true">pi@raspberrypi:~ ipython3 --pylab
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In [1]: import colorpy.colormodels

In [2]: 磷光紅 = colorpy.colormodels.SRGB_Red

In [3]: 磷光綠 = colorpy.colormodels.SRGB_Green

In [4]: 磷光藍 = colorpy.colormodels.SRGB_Blue

In [5]: 參考白 = colorpy.colormodels.SRGB_White

In [6]: 磷光紅
Out[6]: array([ 0.64,  0.33,  0.03])

In [7]: 磷光綠
Out[7]: array([ 0.3,  0.6,  0.1])

In [8]: 磷光藍
Out[8]: array([ 0.15,  0.06,  0.79])

In [9]: 參考白
Out[9]: array([ 0.3127,  0.329 ,  0.3583])

In [10]: 磷光矩陣 = numpy.column_stack ((磷光紅, 磷光綠, 磷光藍))

In [11]: 磷光矩陣
array([[ 0.64,  0.3 ,  0.15],
       [ 0.33,  0.6 ,  0.06],
       [ 0.03,  0.1 ,  0.79]])

In [12]: 光度歸一白 = 參考白.copy()

In [13]: 光度歸一白
Out[13]: array([ 0.3127,  0.329 ,  0.3583])

In [14]: colorpy.colormodels.xyz_normalize_Y1(光度歸一白)
Out[14]: array([ 0.95045593,  1.        ,  1.08905775])

In [15]: 光度歸一白
Out[15]: array([ 0.95045593,  1.        ,  1.08905775])

In [16]: 白光分量強度 = numpy.linalg.solve(磷光矩陣, 光度歸一白)

In [17]: 白光分量強度
Out[17]: array([ 0.64436062,  1.1919478 ,  1.20320526])

In [18]: 由RGB轉XYZ矩陣 = numpy.column_stack (
   ....:      (磷光紅 * 白光分量強度[0],
   ....:       磷光綠 * 白光分量強度[1],
   ....:       磷光藍 * 白光分量強度[2]))

In [19]: 由RGB轉XYZ矩陣
array([[ 0.4123908 ,  0.35758434,  0.18048079],
       [ 0.21263901,  0.71516868,  0.07219232],
       [ 0.01933082,  0.11919478,  0.95053215]])

In [20]: 由XYZ轉RGB矩陣 = numpy.linalg.inv(由RGB轉XYZ矩陣)

In [21]: 由XYZ轉RGB矩陣
array([[ 3.24096994, -1.53738318, -0.49861076],
       [-0.96924364,  1.8759675 ,  0.04155506],
       [ 0.05563008, -0.20397696,  1.05697151]])

In [22]: