【鼎革‧革鼎】︰ Raspbian Stretch 《二》


僅僅幾個月前 Oracle 才清楚表達其控制 OpenOffice.org 的意圖,並導致社群人士出走成立文件基金會 (Document Foundation) 與建立其分支專案 LibreOffice。日前 Oracle 突宣佈不再銷售 OpenOffice 生產力套件的商業版本,並且要將 OpenOffice.org 轉變為純然以社群為基礎的開放源碼專案。如此一來不禁引發外界揣測,兩個專案是否要重新合併?

文件基金會不久後發表聲明平息了外界的揣測,在簡短但堅決的聲明中,Charles-H. Schulz 表示該基金會將按計畫持續進行。文件基金會是一個獨立、自治的功績式基金會,由 OpenOffice.org 的主導成員所成立。或許是作為對 Oracle 的示意,Schulz 說他們很願意接納新的成員與夥伴。

聲明中也指出,文件基金會將持續建構於 OpenOffice.org 社群 10 年來致力完成的基礎上,這個基金會的成立來自一個信念,那就是出自於獨立基金會的文化,不僅最有利於貢獻者,也能為市場帶來最佳的軟體。

代表該基金會指導委員會 (Steering Committee),Schulz 表示,該基金會已經為 OpenOffice.org 社群與源碼庫安排了未來的發展途徑,此一未來發展正如該基金會於 2010 年 9 月成立之時所公佈的一樣。

自 從 OpenOffice.org 社群出走至今,分支專案 LibreOffice 在此期間發展迅速,獲得來自 Canonical 與紅帽 (Red Hat) 的青睞與支持,分別將其納入各自 Linux 散佈套件中。就在 Oracle 發佈消息數小時之後,文件基金會釋出了 LibreOffice 3.4 Beta 1。接著在 1 週後,文件基金會跟著釋出 LibreOffice 3.4 Beta 2。

……… www.openfoundry.org


昇陽之墜,或因上個千禧年網際網路泡沫化;甲骨文 Oracle 之取,恐為 Sun Microsystems殺手級應用也。Oracle 與開源辦公室 OpenOffice 軟件自由社群人士之分道,實由於利爭 ── 辦公室套件是微軟 Microsoft 重要的印鈔機 ── ,甲骨文能不致力強加控制焉 ?然遇重量級大咖程式設計師紛紛出走,忿立怒成文件基金會

LibreOffice Initial Artwork Logo ColorLogoBasic 500px


The Document Foundation

  • It is an independent self-governing meritocratic entity, created by a large group of Free Software advocates, in the form of a charitable Foundation under German law (gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts).
  • It continues to build on the foundation of the dedicated work by the OpenOffice.org Community.
  • It was created in the belief that the culture born of an independent Foundation brings out the best in contributors and will deliver the best software for users.
  • It is open to any individual who agrees with our core values and contributes to our activities.
  • It welcomes corporate participation, e.g. by sponsoring individuals to work as equals alongside other contributors in the community.

The Document Foundation is proud to be the home of LibreOffice, the next evolution of the world’s leading free office suite, and The Document Liberation Project, a community of developers united to free users from vendor lock-in of content by providing powerful tools for the conversion of proprietary file formats to the corresponding ODF format.

LibreOffice Initial Artwork Logo ColorLogoBasic 500px 400px Dlp document liberation own your content


乙事,Oracle 亦無可如何了!總算是善了之矣!?



LibreOffice is a free and open source office suite, a project of The Document Foundation. It was forked from OpenOffice.org in 2010, which was an open-sourced version of the earlier StarOffice. The LibreOffice suite comprises programs for word processing, the creation and editing of spreadsheets, slideshows, diagrams and drawings, working with databases, and composing mathematical formulae. It is available in 110 languages.[6]

LibreOffice uses the international ISO/IEC standard OpenDocument file format (ODF) as its native format to save documents for all of its applications. LibreOffice also supports the file formats of most other major office suites, including Microsoft Office, through a variety of import/export filters.[8][9]

LibreOffice is available for a variety of computing platforms,[4] including Microsoft Windows, macOS (10.8 or newer), and Linux (including a LibreOffice Viewer for Android[10]), as well as in the form of an online office suite.[11] It is the default office suite of most popular Linux distributions.[12][13][14][15] It is the most actively developed free and open-source office suite, with approximately 50 times the development activity of Apache OpenOffice, the other major descendant of OpenOffice.org.[16]

The project was announced and a beta released on 28 September 2010. Between January 2011 (the first stable release) and October 2011, LibreOffice was downloaded approximately 7.5 million times.[17] The project claims 120 million unique downloading addresses from May 2011 to May 2015, excluding Linux distributions, with 55 million of those being from May 2014 to May 2015.[18]




botao documentation team

Completed LibreOffice user guides are listed below. Click a link to download a free PDF or ODT copy. Individual chapters of all books including older versions of LibreOffice, both completed and in progress, are available on the wiki.

LibreOffice 5.2 Getting Started


完整的 LibreOffice 使用者指南列於下方。請點按連結下載免費的 PDF 或 ODT 檔。所有書籍的獨立章節,包括舊版 LibreOffice,不管是已撰寫完成或還在編寫中,都可以從 wiki 上的這一頁取得。

目前完整書籍僅提供英文版,中文翻譯版尚由志工於業餘時間陸續翻譯中,但礙於人力不足且非全職之故,翻譯速度不快。若您對於翻譯此初學使用手冊有興趣,或是想贊助我們,都歡迎寫信到 libotw-general@googlegroups.com 與我們社群的志工翻譯者聯繫。翻譯好的部份,暫時放在 Logdown 平臺上,名為「LibreOffice 入門指引」,歡迎取用。

LibreOffice 4.2 使用者指引



樂見 Raspbian Stretch 跟上潮流呦◎



#最後更 明年暨大將取消所有Microsoft office軟體

暨南大學4月20日 05:42


總需知『以偏概全』 是誤謬,『以全蓋偏』易犯『區群謬誤』也︰

區群謬誤Ecological fallacy),又稱生態謬誤層次謬誤,是一種在分析統計資料時常犯的錯誤。和以偏概全相反,區群謬誤是一種以全概偏,如果僅基於群體的統計數據就對其下屬的個體性質作出推論,就是犯上區群謬誤。這謬誤假設了群體中的所有個體都有群體的性質(因此塑型(Sterotypes)也可能犯上區群謬誤)。區群謬誤的相反情況為化約主義Reductionism)。


Ecological fallacy這名詞最先見於William S. Robinson在1950年的文章[1]。在1930年美國人口普查結果中,Robinson分析了48個識字率以及新移民人 口比例的關係。他發現兩者之間的相關係數為0.53,即代表若一個州的新移民比率愈高,平均來說這個州的識字率便愈高。但當分析個體資料時,便發現相關係 數便是-0.11,即平均來說新移民比本地人的識字率低。出現這種看似矛盾的結果,其實是因為新移民都傾向在識字率較高的州份定居。Robinson因此 提出在處理群體資料,或區群資料時,必須注意到資料對個體的適用性。



刻板印象』導致過度簡化之情事,奈何廣告卻愛用的呢?不管『夢露之裙』或『 鉤足之吻』純是老梗之 stereotype 乎!




─ 摘自《W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰神經網絡【轉折點】二