【鼎革‧革鼎】︰ Raspbian Stretch 《四‧零》

1878 年大發明家愛迪生寫下

It has been just so in all of my inventions. The first step is an intuition, and comes with a burst, then difficulties arise — this thing gives out and [it is] then that “Bugs” — as such little faults and difficulties are called — show themselves and months of intense watching, study and labor are requisite before commercial success or failure is certainly reached.

上文中 bugs 是用小昆蟲來指小瑕疵!為什麼呢?不得而知。至於『除蟲』debugging 的由來,就像『黏在繼電器上的飛蛾』一說,也許是故事裡的事,但又何必在意那麼多,相信能有什麼不好呢?難道說人不是因夢想而偉大,是一根會思考的蘆葦。這是 1946 的 伊尼亞克 ENIAC 世界上第一台通用型計算機,完全的圖靈機


為什麼從『錯誤』開始談起呢?對寫程式的人來說,『除錯』是常態。不要害怕『犯錯』,把錯誤看成『敵友』── 唱反調的朋友,它能糾正不清的思慮,改進不明的理解。如果能以『不二過』為圭臬,你將能學的更快更好。




同 樣的,人使用電腦,也需要一種清楚的辦法來確定指令(命令),一點不能含混不清。技術點的說,人是透過『人機介面』操作電腦。這個『介』或 『界』字一般泛指『兩者之間』的意思,『介面』或譯『界面』interface 一詞在電腦術語的用法上,通常表達物與物的交接處,功能操作的地方。比如說「應用軟體界面 API」指的是電腦程式如何使用軟體系統所提供的「功能程式庫 library」;USB 介面是指電腦主機和 USB 裝置間的硬體介面;而所謂的終端機則提供了人與電腦作業系統的『文字界面』。

─── 《除蟲!除錯?終端機。


意料之外的事讓人措手不及。怎知採用升級法竟會發生 X Window 開機後沒畫面情況?分明啟動時還有動畫!不得已重新安裝,似乎結果雷同??上網谷歌 google 一番,幾乎全是舊聞,倒是看到一則有關 Debian 9.1 stretch 消息

Re: Missing HDMI display

,心想 PC + Intel + HDMI 到底如何與樹莓派相干的呢?!



pi@raspberrypi:~ $ tvservice --help
Usage: tvservice [OPTION]...
  -p, --preferred                   Power on HDMI with preferred settings
  -e, --explicit="GROUP MODE DRIVE" Power on HDMI with explicit GROUP (CEA, DMT, CEA_3D_SBS, CEA_3D_TB, CEA_3D_FP, CEA_3D_FS)
                                      MODE (see --modes) and DRIVE (HDMI, DVI)
  -t, --ntsc                        Use NTSC frequency for HDMI mode (e.g. 59.94Hz rather than 60Hz)
  -c, --sdtvon="MODE ASPECT [P]"    Power on SDTV with MODE (PAL or NTSC) and ASPECT (4:3 14:9 or 16:9) Add P for progressive
  -o, --off                         Power off the display
  -m, --modes=GROUP                 Get supported modes for GROUP (CEA, DMT)
  -M, --monitor                     Monitor HDMI events
  -s, --status                      Get HDMI status
  -a, --audio                       Get supported audio information
  -d, --dumpedid <filename>         Dump EDID information to file
  -j, --json                        Use JSON format for --modes output
  -n, --name                        Print the device ID from EDID
  -h, --help                        Print this information


XRANDR(1)                   General Commands Manual                  XRANDR(1)

       xrandr - primitive command line interface to RandR extension

       xrandr  [--help]   [--display display] [-q] [-v] [--verbose] [--dryrun]
       [--screen snum] [--q1]  [--q12]  [--current]  [--noprimary]  [--panning
       der_left/border_top/border_right/border_bottom]]]]    [--scale     xxy]
       [--scale-from wxh] [--transform a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i] [--primary] [--prop]
       [--fb widthxheight] [--fbmm widthxheight] [--dpi dpi]  [--newmode  name
       mode]  [--rmmode  name] [--addmode output name] [--delmode output name]
       [--output output] [--auto]  [--mode  mode]  [--preferred]  [--pos  xxy]
       [--rate  rate] [--reflect reflection] [--rotate orientation] [--left-of
       output] [--right-of output] [--above output] [--below output]  [--same-
       as  output]  [--set  property  value]  [--off]  [--crtc  crtc] [--gamma
       red:green:blue] [--brightness brightness] [-o  orientation]  [-s  size]
       [-r   rate]   [-x]  [-y]  [--listproviders]  [--setprovideroutputsource
       provider source] [--setprovideroffloadsink provider sink]



CHVT(1) General Commands Manual CHVT(1)

chvt - change foreground virtual terminal

chvt N

The command chvt N makes /dev/ttyN the foreground terminal. (The cor‐
responding screen is created if it did not exist yet. To get rid of
unused VTs, use deallocvt(1).) The key combination (Ctrl-)LeftAlt-FN
(with N in the range 1-12) usually has a similar effect.

26 January 1997 CHVT(1)

