【鼎革‧革鼎】︰ Raspbian Stretch 《六之 G.4 》














匏巴鼓琴而鳥舞魚躍,鄭師文聞之,棄家從師襄游。柱指鈞弦,三年不成章。師襄曰: 『子可以歸矣。』師文舍其琴,歎曰:『文非弦之不能鈞,非章之不能成。文所存者不在弦,所志者不在聲。內不得於心,外不應於器 ,故不敢發手而動弦。且小假之 ,以觀其後。』無幾何,復見師襄。師襄曰:『子之琴何如?』師文曰:『得之矣。請嘗試之。 』於是當春而叩商弦以召南呂,涼風忽至,草木成實。及秋而叩角 弦以激夾鍾,溫風徐迴,草木發榮。當夏而叩羽弦以召黃鐘,霜雪交下,川池暴沍。及冬而叩徵弦以激蕤賓,陽光熾烈,堅冰立散。將終,命宮而總四弦,則景風 翔,慶雲浮,甘露降,澧泉涌。師襄乃撫心高蹈曰:『微矣 !子之彈也!雖師曠之清角,鄒衍之吹律,亡以加之。彼將挾琴執管而從子之後耳。』

薛譚學謳於秦青,未窮青之技,自謂盡之;遂辭歸。秦青弗止;餞於郊衢,撫節悲歌,聲振林木 ,響遏行雲。薛譚乃謝求反,終身不敢言歸。秦青顧謂其友曰:『昔 韓 娥東之齊,匱糧,過雍門,鬻歌假食。既去而餘音繞梁欐,三日不絕,左右以其人弗去 。過逆旅,逆旅人辱之。韓娥因曼聲哀哭,一里老幼悲愁,垂涕相對,三日不 食。遽而追之。娥還,復為曼聲長歌。一里老幼喜躍抃舞,弗能自禁,忘向之悲也。乃厚賂發之。故雍門之人至今善歌哭,放娥之遺聲。』

伯牙善鼓 琴,鍾子期善聽。伯牙鼓琴,志在登高山。鍾子期曰:『善哉!峨峨兮若泰山!』志在流水。鍾子期曰:『善哉!洋洋兮若江河!』伯牙所念,鍾子期必得之。伯牙 游於泰山之陰,卒逢暴雨,止於巖下;心悲,乃援琴而鼓之。初為霖雨之操,更造崩山之音。曲每奏,鍾子期輒窮其趣。伯牙乃舍琴而嘆曰:『善哉,善哉,子之聽 夫!志想象猶吾心也。吾於何逃聲哉?』

─── 《Sonic π 知音?!


談到 Sonic π 軟件之寫作理念,當然是以原創者英國劍橋大學 Dr . Sam Aaron 博士說法為准︰


據聞聲子派之海洋 Ocean

Examples – rework examples to reflect best practices

# Coded by Sam Aaron
with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.5 do
live_loop :oceans do
s = synth [:bnoise, :cnoise, :gnoise].choose, amp: rrand(0.5, 1.5), attack: rrand(0, 4), sustain: rrand(0, 2), release: rrand(1, 5), cutoff_slide: rrand(0, 5), cutoff: rrand(60, 100), pan: rrand(-1, 1), pan_slide: rrand(1, 5), amp: rrand(0.5, 1)
control s, pan: rrand(-1, 1), cutoff: rrand(60, 110)
sleep rrand(2, 4)


十分擬真,程式含表頭僅僅四百一十三 Byte ,就能展現浪濤的上下起伏高低變化之聲!


勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰品味科學‧教具教材‧ Hi-Jack‧Sonic π 之設定







The JACK & ALSA Audio Perceptual Analyser, is a ‘perceptual’ or ‘psychoacoustic’ audio spectrum analyser.

In contrast to JAAA, this is more an acoustical or musical tool than a purely technical one. Possible uses include spectrum monitoring while mixing or mastering, evaluation of ambient noise, and (using pink noise), equalisation of PA systems.


JAPA Jack/Alsa Perceptual Analyser initial release

From:   fons adriaensen <fons.adriaensen-AT-skynet.be>
To:   Linix Audio Developers <linux-audio-dev-AT-music.columbia.edu>, Linux Audio Announce <linux-audio-announce-AT-music.columbia.edu>, JACK Developers <jackit-devel-AT-lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject:   [linux-audio-announce] [ANN] JAPA Jack/Alsa Perceptual Analyser
Date:   Sat, 6 Aug 2005 17:24:17 +0200

The first (alpha) release of JAPA is now available at


>From the README:

JAPA is a ‘perceptual’ or ‘psychoacoustic’ audio spectrum
analyser. This means that the filters that are used to
analyse the spectrum have bandwidths that are neither
constant (as in JAAA), nor proportional to the center
frequency (as in a 1/3 octave band analyser), but tuned
to human perception. With the default settings, JAPA uses
a filter set that closely follows the Bark scale.

In contrast to JAAA, this is more an acoustical or musical
tool than a purely technical one. Possible uses include
spectrum monitoring while mixing or mastering, evaluation
of ambient noise, and (using pink noise), equalisation
of PA systems.

JAPA allows you to measure two inputs at the same time,
compare them, store them to memory and compare them to
stored traces. It offers a number of resolutions, speeds,
and various display options. The dual inputs and memories
will find their way into future JAAA versions as well.
This is a source release. You will also need libclalsadrv,
libclthreads (from the same place), and libfftw3f.
Enjoy !


,卻失笑於那個『讀我』 README 之文。畢竟難得天真如愛麗絲,看到『吃我』就『吃』,『喝我』就『喝』的吧!終究那個

… 摘自《勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰品味科學‧教具教材‧聲音知覺分析儀




,怪也哉!?雖然心理 ○○×× ,嘟囔著自寫自讀文字?!莫非又是 Buffer 大小設定、誰先誰後的問題??



或用萬古唯一妙計── 試誤法 ── 的乎!☆