【鼎革‧革鼎】︰ Raspbian Stretch 《六之 I.3 》

雖然我們已經介紹過了 Johannes Kreidler  之『公開書』

Programming Electronic Music in Pd


Chapter 2. Programming with Pd for the first time

的整篇文本那一章就是對 Pd 整體圖形界面環境之詳細的圖說。

事 物的理解,宛如認識一個陌生的環境。當初步熟悉後,或應內外上下將之貫串起來,加深整體的了解。此時若對這個環境多點鳥瞰全觀 ,或能循名責實,得其一斑 乎!既然 Pd 是一種『圖象』之程式語言 ,如把它和一般『文本』的程式語言比較,『異同』如何呢?由於『關注點』的改變,再次『重讀』一篇文章時,常會發現先前所『忽略 』之處!!也可能產生新的『疑惑』??或許俗話講的『有理』︰熟讀唐詩三百首,不會作詩也會吟。要是能夠輔之以『主動』之不同『對比』下的分析綜合,是否 可以︰唐詩不但會吟 ,也能作的呢?? !!


── 摘自《勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰品味科學‧教具教材‧【專題】 GEM‧PD‧語言回顧


一旦有了麥克風 adc~ 物件,純數據之天空更加多彩燦爛。故而補筆新添索引,期盼不熟悉者有個開始,熟悉者來個語言回顧︰

Chapter 2: Theory of Operation

Pd Documentation chapter 2: theory of operation
back to table of contents


The purpose of this chapter is to describe Pd’s design and how it is supposed to work. Practical details about how to obtain, install, and run Pd are described in the next chapter. To learn digital audio processing basics such as how to generate time-varying sounds that don’t click or fold over, a good reference is Dodge and Jerse, Computer Music .



…… Processing adc-input

Say something into a microphone and play it back at a changed volume:





collection of public puredata vanilla patches found on internet

DISCLAIMER: I did not write these patches. I was searching the net for free vanilla patches in order to use with pdlib/mobmuplat. I figured it would be convenient for others as well to collect it here on github.

Please contact me if you notice any license-conflict