【鼎革‧革鼎】︰ Raspbian Stretch 《六之 J.3‧MIR-12中 》

一年轉眼將盡,又到歲末跨年之時!因寫調音筆記,忽爾想起 M♪o 教『小哨子』吹奏『小蜜蜂』乙事?


卯 兔


彖曰:習坎,重險也。 水流而不盈,行險而不失其信。 維心亨,乃以剛中也。 行有尚 ,往有功也。 天險不可升也,地險山川丘陵也,王公設險以守其國,坎之時用大矣哉!







舞  鶴 賦 舞鶴賦

散 幽經以驗物,偉胎化之仙禽。鍾浮曠之藻質,抱清迥之明心。指蓬壺而翻翰,望昆閬而揚音。澘日域以回騖,窮天步而高尋。踐神區其既遠,積靈祀而方多。精含丹 而星曜,頂凝紫而煙華。引員吭之纖婉 ,頓修趾之洪姱。疊霜毛而弄影,振玉羽而臨霞。朝戲於芝田,夕飲乎瑤池。厭江海而游澤,掩雲羅而見羈。去帝鄉之岑寂, 歸人寰之喧卑。歲崢嶸而愁暮,心惆悵而哀離。

於 是窮陰殺節,急景凋年。骫沙振野,箕風動天。嚴嚴苦霧,皎皎悲泉。冰塞長河,雪滿群山。既而氛昏夜歇,景物澄廓。星翻漢回 ,曉月將落。感寒雞之早晨,憐霜雁之違漠。臨驚風之蕭條,對流光之照灼。唳清響於丹墀,舞飛容於金閣。始連軒以鳳蹌,終宛轉而龍躍。躑躅徘徊,振迅騰摧。 驚身蓬集,矯翅雪飛。離綱別赴,合緒相依。將興中止,若往而歸。颯沓矜顧,遷延遲暮。逸翮後塵 ,翱翥先路。指會規翔,臨岐矩步。態有遺妍,貌無停趣。奔機逗節,角睞分形。長揚緩騖,並翼連聲。輕跡凌亂,浮影交橫。眾變繁姿,參差洊密。煙交霧凝,若 無毛質。風去雨還,不可談悉。既散魂而蕩目,迷不知其所之。忽星離而雲罷,整神容而自持。仰天居之崇絕,更惆悵以驚思。


信 步而走,不覺漸入深林,幾聲鶴鳴,方回過神來。怎到了古澤邊兒了。此間雖然聽聞絕美,四處流沙陷土極度危險。既來之,則安之。何不趁此刻細細瞧瞧,只要小 心謹慎就好。此景只原夢裡有,盎然生趣是仙鄉。一時薄霧轉濃,雖然狐疑,終究不是久待之地。出林後,看那日頭,分明已過了晌午,得敢緊尋路兒歸。

派雖然夏日天光長,一溜眼兒就過。欲用『十二律 』通『五聲調式』,得加緊腳步。更別說,尚不知那『蜂鳴器』它到底行是不行?!




1 2 3 5 6

宮 商 角 徵 羽







司馬遷的《史記》 「律書第三」中寫到:「……九九八十一以為宮 。三分去一,五十四以為徵。三分益一,七十二以為商。三分去一,四十八以為羽。三分益一,六十四以為角。」意 思是說,如果我們先取一根長度為81單位的竹管用來定為「宮音」,用三分損益法便可以依序求得「徵音」、「商音」、「羽音」、「角音」的長度分別為54、 72、48、64。中國的「三分損益」或「五度相生」 ,在這五個相對音高與純律所取得的結果是相同的。


  宮(81) 商(72) 角(64) 徵(54) 羽(48)
宮(81) 8/9 64/81 2/3 16/27
商(72) 9/8 8/9 3/4 2/3
角(64) 81/64 9/8 27/32 3/4
徵(54) 3/2 4/3 32/27 8/9
羽(48) 27/16 3/2 4/3 9/8



,怕是五音不全的耶!大概真的只能作『 Beeper 』嗶嗶响用了?

訊 ︰☿☹☺ 卻憶起世說新語‧言語》:

謝太傅寒雪日內集,與兒女講論文義。俄而雪驟,公欣然曰:白雪紛紛何所似?兄子胡兒曰:撒鹽空中差可擬。兄女曰:未若柳絮因風起 。公大笑樂。即公大兄無奕女,左將軍王凝之妻也。


─── 《【䷜】水洊維心



In the examples below, listen to each interval, and compare intervals both visually and aurally across tuning systems. In some tuning systems, the upper harmonics do not align. In such cases, try to listen for dissonance and beat frequencies. Then compare them to the tuning systems where the harmonics align perfectly.



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【鼎革‧革鼎】︰ Raspbian Stretch 《六之 J.3‧MIR-12前 》



純律十二平均律五度相生律為音樂的三種主要律式。它通過大三度純五度的組合變化來確定音階中各音的音高。由於在這種音階中 ,主音與其它音的關係都是純音程的關係[1],故人耳聽起來效果顯得和諧,得名純律。


按照大三和弦關係’依次產生音序(五聲,七聲,12音)的生律方式, 例如: 純五度大三度組成大七度純五度大三度組成小三度[2]


純率即取1、  {\frac {16}{15}}(或 {\frac {256}{243}})、 {\frac {9}{8}}  {\frac {6}{5}}(或  {\frac {32}{27}})、 {\frac {5}{4}}(或  {\frac {81}{64}})、  {\frac {4}{3}}  {\frac {7}{5}}(或  {\frac {45}{32}}  {\frac {64}{45}})、  {\frac {3}{2}}  {\frac {8}{5}}(或 {\frac {128}{81}})、  {\frac {5}{3}}(或  {\frac {27}{16}})、  {\frac {7}{4}}(或 } {\frac {16}{9}})、  {\frac {15}{8}}(或  {\frac {243}{128}})、2為數列。



考察 □ ○ 由來





  • 取一基準音,在此以C為例,將其頻率f乘上3/2,即升高完全五度得下一音G。
  • 再將G升高完全五度得下一音D,此時D之頻為(3f/2)*(3/2)=9f/4,高於原基準音之倍頻,故將其除二,即降八度得9f/8。
  • 再將D升高完全五度得下一音A,此時A之頻為(9f/8)*(3/2)=27f/16。
  • 再將A升高完全五度得下一音E,此時E之頻為(27f/16)*(3/2)=81f/32,高於原基準音之倍頻,故將其降八度得81f/64。
  • 再將E升高完全五度得下一音B,此時B之頻為(81f/64)*(3/2)=243f/128。
  • 假設有一音升高完全五度再降八度後為基準音C,可得此音之頻為4f/3,此即為F。


音階 C D E F G A B C
與基頻之比 1/1 9/8 81/64 4/3 3/2 27/16 243/128 2/1
與前音之比 9/8 9/8 256/243 9/8 9/8 9/8 256/243

按照五度音列向上(下)n個音的一般公式如下:(BM=基準音頻率,n=相生次數) \frac{1.5^n}{2^{\lfloor n \log_{2} 1.5 \rfloor}}


  • 可能與弦樂器的應用實踐有關。
  • 一種觀點認為該法產生於畢達哥拉斯
  • 五度相生律是一種生律方式,與柏西·該邱斯的「五度連環」理論不同——儘管兩者有相似之處。




Lissajous apparatus













一八一五年納撒尼爾‧鮑迪奇 Nathaniel Bowditch 首先研究了『一族曲線』,它是兩個沿著『互相垂直』方向的『正弦振動』之合成的『軌跡』。一八五七年朱爾‧安托瓦內‧利薩茹 Jules Antoine Lissajous 作了詳細研究。他同時利用『一束光』射向固定在一個『音叉』上的『鏡子』,再將『反射光』又導往固定在另一個『音叉』上的一面『鏡子』,之後的這一個音叉的振動方向與之前的那一個垂直,一般所使用的振動頻率也不同,最終反射光就在牆上形成了今天所說的『利薩茹圖形』。假使從『音樂』的角度來看,這就是兩個『音符』同奏或接續時,所產生的一種特定的『頻率』harmonic interval 之間『和諧』與否的關係!!

數學上,利薩茹 Lissajous 曲線可以用『參數方程式』表示為

x = A \sin(2 \pi f_a \ t + \delta)
y = B \sin(2 \pi f_b \  t)

這族曲線的『外貌』與兩個振動之『頻率比\frac{f_a}{f_b} 有很大的關係。如果它是最簡『有理數\frac{f_a}{f_b} = \frac{n}{m},此處 n, m 是自然數,這條曲線是靜止『封閉的』,在 x 軸上有 n 個『波瓣』,以及在 y 軸上有 m 個『波瓣』。假使比值是『無理數』,這條曲線看起來在『旋轉』。兩振動的『振幅 』之比值 \frac {A}{B} 確定了此曲線相對的『長與寬』;兩振動之間的『相位差\delta 決定了曲線外貌的『旋轉角』。

傳說中畢達哥拉斯發現『音律』有一段美麗的故事。有一天他偶然經過『打鐵鋪』店門口,卻為『打鐵』時有『節奏』而且『悅耳』的聲音所吸引。他感覺到很『驚奇』,於是走進了鋪中『觀察』,『研究』後發現四個『打鐵錘』的『重量比』恰為 『12:9:8:6』。假使將之兩兩一組拿來敲打,『12: 6= 2:1』、『12 : 8 = 9:6 = 3:2』和『12:9=8:6=4:3』的組合都能發出『和諧』的聲音。之後畢達哥拉斯更進一步用『弦琴』來做『實驗』並且加以『驗證』,這就是著名之『弦琴律』的由來 !!

如果在一台『示波器』上 CH1 輸入 x 軸信號,CH2 輸入 y 軸信號,這時你就可以用示波器來觀察它所顯示的曲線,並且衡量出這兩個信號的『頻率比』以及『相位差』。在專業聲音的領域 ,通常利薩茹曲線用來分析『左右』聲道的『立體聲信號』stereo audio signal 之間的『相位關係』。假使你正研究一個『線性非時變系統』的『電路』,因此『輸入信號』的頻率就一定會與『輸出信號』的頻率『相同 』。由於物理的『因果原理』要求『輸出信號』發生在『輸入信號』之後,所以輸出入間的『相位關係』將如左圖所示,應當都是『負值』。這個情況下,你可以相當『精確』的『測量』相位差,也就是說這個 LTI 系統的『響應遲延』。

在沒有『示波器』的時代,有一種使用『單擺』的機械『繪圖工具』,稱之為『諧振記錄器』harmonograph。大約在十九世紀中葉出現,傳聞是英國蘇格蘭格拉斯哥大學 University of Glasgow 數學教授休‧布来克本 Hugh Blackburn 所發明的。一個簡單『橫向的』 lateral 諧振記錄器上的兩個『阻尼單擺』運動方程式,可以數學上表示為
x(t) = A_1 \sin (tf_1 + p_1) e^{-d_1t} + A_2 \sin (tf_2 + p_2) e^{-d_2t}
y(t) = A_3 \sin (tf_3 + p_3) e^{-d_3t} + A_4 \sin (tf_4 + p_4) e^{-d_4t}

,式中 A_i, \ i=1 \cdots 3 是『幅度大小』、f_i, \ i=1 \cdots 3 是『角頻率』、p_i, \ i=1 \cdots 3 是『相位角』以及 d_i, \ i=1 \cdots 3 為『阻尼常數』。在這個裝置上 x(t) 控制『繪圖筆』的 x 軸運動 ,y(t) 控制『繪圖板』的 y 軸運動,通常繪出的圖形也是『利薩茹』一類的相關曲線。

二零一一年 JM Gustafson 先生發表了一個『虛擬的諧振記錄器模擬軟體,有興趣的讀者可以到那兒去『玩玩』,嘗試設計不同的『單擺參數』,『創造』自己喜歡的『美麗曲線』!!

─── 摘自《萬花尺 Spirograph Art



在《【Sonic π】聲波之傳播原理︰共振篇《四下》》文本裡,我們談到了一根『半波長』之『估量的尺』,意在表明『欣賞自然』與『理解科學』的『靜觀自得』之境。此境將周遭萬象與人『關聯』起來,於是我們可以更深入的認識『自然』與『人造』物的世界︰

波的傳播除了『頻率』之外,『波長』也是重要的因素,尤其在考慮波的『輻射』與『散射』現象的時候。常溫下聲波速度約為 343.2 米/秒,從一個『邊長』是 d 的共振腔共振時『半波長』的『整數倍』來看,它是否可以用來度量『聲源』的『尺寸』大小的呢?假使以『音律』中『十二平均律』的鋼琴『中央 C』261.6 赫茲來作計算,聲波波長大約是 1.312 米。『紅嘴相思鳥』鳴叫聲,以基本音調為主,頻率範圍大約為 2.50 ~ 3.80 千赫,主峰在 1.82 千赫,波長是 18.86 公分。當一隻鳥在發現略食者在周遭時,會發出警告同伴的鳴叫聲,它的頻率大約是 7000 Hz,波長約為 4.90 公分。『蟋蟀』的蟲鳴聲頻率範圍很廣 3 ~ 50 千赫,通常是相當純的律音,主峰在四、五千赫,次峰在十四千赫。以主峰 4.5 千赫計算大約 7.63 公分。 『人類』的發聲頻率範圍約為 85 ~ 1100 赫茲,假使說以低音 85 赫茲來講,波長為 4.04 米;『』的發聲頻率範圍是 452~ 1800 赫茲,波長是 75.93 公分;『』的發聲頻率範圍是 760 ~ 1500 赫茲,波長是 45.15 公分。如此看來『半波長』果然可以看成一根『估量的尺』,假使一個物體沒有明顯的『長寬高』,比方說像一個『』,它的共振波長 \lambda_H \propto \sqrt[3] V 正比於『體積立方根』也就是『想當然耳』的了!!







然而人的『聽覺範圍』是從 20  到 20k Hz,一個二十赫茲的聲音波長有 十七點一六米那麼長,這樣一個『音響喇叭』又要多大才能夠『共振』的呢?因為即使對『中央 C』來講,半波長也有 65.6 公分那麼長。所以一般動力『揚聲器』Loudspeaker 是用『聲波輻射』原理來設計的。

聲學裡一個『脈動球』 Pulsataing  Sphere 『聲源


是一個『半徑』在 r_0 附近 dr << r_0 以『頻率f 作『簡諧振動』的球,假使球的半徑遠小於聲波『波長\lambda >> r_0,多個波長距離之外的遠處『聲場強度I \propto I_0^2 \cdot \frac {f^2}{{r_0}^4},此處 I_0 是聲源振幅。其實假使 r_0 \rightarrow 0 它可以看成『點聲源』,比方講這就可以計算典型『揚聲器』的圓形『振動膜』所產生的『聲場』。因此也就可以了解為了追求『高傳真』 HiFi 的『聲音品質』,揚聲器分開了『高音』、『中音』以及『低音』喇叭設計的原故。以及現今為了加強『影音』的『震撼力』與『臨場感』採用杜比  AC3 5.1 規格,它有五個『喇叭』加上一個『超重低音』音箱的因由。








公元 400 年左右,中國南朝數學家何承天提出世界歷史上最早有記載的十二平均律數列 900 849 802 758 715 677 638 601 570 536 509.5 479 450(原文:……黃鐘長九寸,太簇長八寸二厘,林鐘長六寸一厘,應鐘長四寸七分九厘強)[1] .

義大利的物理學家伽利略·伽利萊的父親伽利略·文森佐曾試圖解決十二平均率問題,但他用的倍率是 18:17 而不是\sqrt [12] {2},因此自乘12次後只得 1.98556,不是2,八度走了音,他的系統只可算近似十二音階平均律[2]

1605年荷蘭數學家西蒙·斯特芬在一篇未完成的手稿「Van de Spiegheling der singconst」[3]提出用\sqrt [12] {1/2} 計算十二平均律,但因計算精度不夠,他算出的弦長數字,有些偏離正確數字一至二單位之多[4]


弦 10000 比率 正確的弦長
半音 9438 1.0595465 9438.7
全音 8909 1.0593781  
1.5 音 8404 1.0600904 8409
2 倍全音 7936 1.0594758 7937
2.5 音 7491 1.0594046 7491.5
3 音 7071 1.0593975 7071.1
3.5 音 6674 1.0594845 6674.2
4 音 6298 1.0597014 6299
4.5 音 5944 1.0595558 5946
5 音 5611 1.0593477 5612.3
5.5 音 5296 1.0594788 5297.2
八度   1.0592000  



中國明代音樂家朱載堉於萬曆十二年(1584年)首次提出「新法密率」(見《律呂精義》、《樂律全書》),推算出以比率 \sqrt [12] {2} 將八度音等分為十二等分的算法,並製造出十二平均律律管及律準,是世界上最早的十二平均律樂器。他用九九八十一位算盤計算出來準確到25位數字新法密率為:

律名 比率
正黃鐘 1.000000000000000000000000
倍應鍾 1.059463094359295264561825
倍無射 1.122462048309372981433533
倍南呂 1.189207115002721066717500
倍夷則 1.259921049894873164767211
倍林鍾 1.334839854170034364830832
倍蕤賓 1.414213562373095048801689
倍仲呂 1.498307076876681498799281
倍姑洗 1.587401051968199474751706
倍夾鍾 1.681792830507429086062251
倍太蔟 1.781797436280678609480452
倍大呂 1.887748625363386993283826
倍黃鐘 2.000000000000000000000000


自將更能了解『 MIDI 碼』之制定與『十二平均律』的關係︰

MIDI 碼 = 69 + 12 \cdot log_2 ( \frac{f}{440} )



進 而明白『鋼琴』琴鍵安排的規律。這一切的種種都離不開人類的『聽覺』,自然也沒有古今東西之人性差異。憑藉『感官知覺』之天賦,人們區分了『聲』與 『樂』,『光』和『色』,居處於聲光樂色如斯美好的宇宙。這也許也說明了『感覺』終究是『物理』以及『心理 』之『統覺』的吧!那根『豆芽』之理竟如是難啃的耶?所以我們需要『聽得見』又『看得到』的『學習環境』來『體驗』那既『具體』又『抽象』之『感覺』實在 的乎!?

也許一個『拍頻』 beat note 『現象』之問題,足以表達那難言之隱的吧!!假使回答以

差頻(英文:beat note)一詞來源於聲學上兩個頻率相近但不同的聲波干涉,所得到的干涉信號的頻率是原先兩個聲波的頻率之差 ,因此叫做差頻。



……… 摘自《Sonic π 之節拍體驗













【鼎革‧革鼎】︰ Raspbian Stretch 《六之 J.3‧MIR-11 》

該怎麼看待有兩個部份 x,y ,又似一個整體 x+iy 的複數呢?莫非歐拉的上帝遣之來 e^{i \pi} + 1 = 0 ,不得不全純乎??

全純函數holomorphic function)是複分析研究的中心對象;它們是定義在複平面C開子集上的,在複平面C中取值的,在每點上皆複可微的函數這是比實可微強得多的條件,暗示著此函數無窮可微並可以用泰勒級數來描述。

解析函數analytic function)一詞經常可以和「全純函數」互相交換使用,雖然前者有幾個其他含義。

全純函數有時稱為正則函數。在整個複平面上都全純的函數稱為整函數(entire function)。「在一點a全純」不僅表示在a可微,而且表示在某個中心為a的複平面的開鄰域上可微。雙全純biholomorphic)表示一個有全純逆函數的全純函數。


The word “holomorphic” was introduced by two of Cauchy‘s students, Briot (1817–1882) and Bouquet (1819–1895), and derives from the Greek ὅλος (holos) meaning “entire”, and μορφή (morphē) meaning “form” or “appearance”.[9]

Today, the term “holomorphic function” is sometimes preferred to “analytic function”, as the latter is a more general concept. This is also because an important result in complex analysis is that every holomorphic function is complex analytic, a fact that does not follow directly from the definitions. The term “analytic” is however also in wide use.



因任意 h(x,y) 可以看成 h(\frac{z + \bar{z}}{2}, \frac{z - \bar{z}}{2i}) = h(z,\bar{z}) 的形式,可設想 \frac {\partial }{\partial z}\frac {\partial }{\partial \bar{z}} 都能表示為 a \cdot \frac {\partial }{\partial x} + b \cdot \frac {\partial }{\partial y} 算符也。此處係數 a,b 之定,只需援用 z, \overline{z} 之獨立性 \frac{\partial \bar z}{\partial z} = 0\frac{\partial z}{\partial z} = 1\frac{\partial z}{\partial \bar{z}} = 0\frac{\partial \bar z}{\partial \bar{z}} = 1 就得矣◎

─── 《觀察者《變換‧D 》



Sinusoids and Exponentials





Generalized Complex Sinusoids




Importance of Generalized Complex Sinusoids



Hilbert transform

In mathematics and in signal processing, the Hilbert transform is a linear operator that takes a function, u(t) of a real variable and produces another function of a real variable H(u)(t).

The Hilbert transform is important in signal processing, where it derives the analytic representation of a signal u(t). This means that the real signal u(t) is extended into the complex plane such that it satisfies the Cauchy–Riemann equations. For example, the Hilbert transform leads to the harmonic conjugate of a given function in Fourier analysis, aka harmonic analysis. Equivalently, it is an example of a singular integral operator and of a Fourier multiplier.

The Hilbert transform was originally defined for periodic functions, or equivalently for functions on the circle, in which case it is given by convolution with the Hilbert kernel. More commonly, however, the Hilbert transform refers to a convolution with the Cauchy kernel, for functions defined on the real lineR (the boundary of the upper half-plane). The Hilbert transform is closely related to the Paley–Wiener theorem, another result relating holomorphic functions in the upper half-plane and Fourier transforms of functions on the real line.

The Hilbert transform is named after David Hilbert, who first introduced the operator to solve a special case of the Riemann–Hilbert problem for holomorphic functions.

The Hilbert transform, in red, of a square wave, in blue


Hilbert transform in signal processing

Bedrosian’s theorem

Bedrosian’s theorem states that the Hilbert transform of the product of a low-pass and a high-pass signal with non-overlapping spectra is given by the product of the low-pass signal and the Hilbert transform of the high-pass signal, or


where fLP and fHP are the low- and high-pass signals respectively (Schreier & Scharf 2010, 14).

Amplitude modulated signals are modeled as the product of a bandlimited “message” waveform, um(t), and a sinusoidal “carrier”:

u(t)=u_{m}(t)\cdot \cos(\omega t+\phi )

When um(t) has no frequency content above the carrier frequency,  {\frac {\omega }{2\pi }}{\text{ Hz}}, then by Bedrosian’s theorem:

H(u)(t)=u_{m}(t)\cdot \sin(\omega t+\phi ) (Bedrosian 1962)

Analytic representation

In the context of signal processing, the conjugate function interpretation of the Hilbert transform, discussed above, gives the analytic representation of a signal u(t):

u_{a}(t)=u(t)+i\cdot H(u)(t)

which is a holomorphic function in the upper half plane.

For the narrowband model (above), the analytic representation is:

{\begin{aligned}u_{a}(t)&=u_{m}(t)\cdot \cos(\omega t+\phi )+i\cdot u_{m}(t)\cdot \sin(\omega t+\phi )\\&=u_{m}(t)\cdot \left[\cos(\omega t+\phi )+i\cdot \sin(\omega t+\phi )\right]\end{aligned}}

= u_m (t) \cdot e^{i (\omega t + \phi)} (by Euler’s formula) \ (Eq.1)


This complex heterodyne operation shifts all the frequency components of um(t) above 0 Hz. In that case, the imaginary part of the result is a Hilbert transform of the real part. This is an indirect way to produce Hilbert transforms.



※ 做練習













【鼎革‧革鼎】︰ Raspbian Stretch 《六之 J.3‧MIR-10下 》













In mathematics, an eigenfunction of a linear operator D defined on some function space is any non-zero function f in that space that, when acted upon by D, is only multiplied by some scaling factor called an eigenvalue. As an equation, this condition can be written as

Df = \lambda f

for some scalar eigenvalue λ.[1][2][3] The solutions to this equation may also be subject to boundary conditions that limit the allowable eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.

An eigenfunction is a type of eigenvector.



Vibrating strings

Let h(x, t) denote the sideways displacement of a stressed elastic chord, such as the vibrating strings of a string instrument, as a function of the position x along the string and of time t. Applying the laws of mechanics to infinitesimal portions of the string, the function h satisfies the partial differential equation

\frac{\partial^2 h}{\partial t^2} = c^2\frac{\partial^2 h}{\partial x^2},

which is called the (one-dimensional) wave equation. Here c is a constant speed that depends on the tension and mass of the string.

This problem is amenable to the method of separation of variables. If we assume that h(x, t) can be written as the product of the form X(x)T(t), we can form a pair of ordinary differential equations:

\frac{d^2}{dx^2}X=-\frac{\omega^2}{c^2}X, \qquad \frac{d^2}{dt^2}T=-\omega^2 T.

Each of these is an eigenvalue equation with eigenvalues -\tfrac{\omega^2}{c^2} and ω2, respectively. For any values of ω and c, the equations are satisfied by the functions

X(x) = \sin\left(\frac{\omega x}{c} + \varphi\right), \qquad T(t) = \sin(\omega t + \psi),

where the phase angles φ and ψ are arbitrary real constants.

If we impose boundary conditions, for example that the ends of the string are fixed at x = 0 and x = L, namely X(0) = X(L) = 0, and that T(0) = 0, we constrain the eigenvalues. For these boundary conditions, sin(φ) = 0 and sin(ψ) = 0, so the phase angles φ = ψ = 0, and

\sin\left(\frac{\omega L}{c}\right) = 0.

This last boundary condition constrains ω to take a value ωn = ncπ/L, where n is any integer. Thus, the clamped string supports a family of standing waves of the form

h(x,t) = \sin\left(\frac{n\pi x}{L} \right) \sin(\omega_n t).

In the example of a string instrument, the frequency ωn is the frequency of the nth harmonic, which is called the (n − 1)th overtone.


The shape of a standing wave in a string fixed at its boundaries is an example of an eigenfunction of a differential operator. The admissible eigenvalues are governed by the length of the string and determine the frequency of oscillation.










u(x, t) = A(x,\ t)\sin (kx - \omega t + \phi)
,假使向左的火車與向右之水波速度相同,那麼一位站在月台的『觀察者』 將如何描述那個『行進波』的呢?

如果觀察水由水龍頭注入水槽的現象,由於水在到達槽底前的流速『較快』,然而到達槽底後水的流速突然的『變慢』,因此會發生『水躍』Hydraulic jump 的現象,此時水之部份動能將轉換為位能,故而在槽底的液面形成『駐波』。這個現象在『河水』的『流速』突然『由快變慢』時也可能發生,因而有人能在『河裡衝浪』,他正站在『駐波』之上!!

那什麼是『駐波』的呢?比方說一個『不動的』stationary 介質中,向左的波 u_l(k x + \omega t) 與向右的波 u_r(k x - \omega t) 疊加後的『合成波u_l +u_r,在『特定』的『邊界條件』下,被『侷限』在一定『空間區域』內無法前進,因此稱為『駐波』。由於駐波不能傳播能量,它的能量將『儲存』在那個空間區域裡。駐波所在區域,『振幅為零』的點稱為『節點』或『波節』Node ,『振幅最大』的點位於兩『節點』之間,通常叫做『腹點』或『波腹』Antinode。





一根長度 L 震盪的弦上,一個向右的簡諧波 u_r = u_0  \sin(kx - \omega t),由於弦的兩頭固定,那個波在右端點也只能『反射』回來,形成了 u_l = u_0  \sin(kx + \omega t),此時合成波 u = u_l + u_r
u\; = u_0\sin(kx - \omega t) + u_0 \sin(kx + \omega t)
u = 2 u_0\cos(\omega t)\sin(kx)
。此時『時間項』與『空間項』分離,形成『駐波』。在 kx = n \pi 時,\sin(kx) = 0,此處 n 是整數,這就是『節點』;當 kx = n \pi + \frac{\pi}{2}\parallel \sin(kx) = 1 \parallel,也就是『腹點』。當然波長 \lambda 就得滿足 \lambda = \frac {L}{n \pi} 的邊界條件。

─── 琴弦擇音而振, 苟非知音焉得共鳴。───


當更能了解那些滿足 \lambda = \frac {L}{n \pi} 『波長』關係的『頻率』構成了那根『弦』的『泛音』。不同『音色』的『弦』正因此『泛音』頻譜不同而出色。或也將知這也是『正交函數族』 Orthogonal functions 的發展以及『傅立葉級數』之歷史濫觴乎︰

Hilbert space interpretation

In the language of Hilbert spaces, the set of functions {e_n=e^{inx}; nZ} is an orthonormal basis for the space L2([−ππ]) of square-integrable functions of [−ππ]. This space is actually a Hilbert space with an inner product given for any two elements f and g by

\langle f,\, g \rangle \;\stackrel{\mathrm{def}}{=} \; \frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} f(x)\overline{g(x)}\,dx.

The basic Fourier series result for Hilbert spaces can be written as

f=\sum_{n=-\infty}^\infty \langle f,e_n \rangle \, e_n.
This corresponds exactly to the complex exponential formulation given above. The version with sines and cosines is also justified with the Hilbert space interpretation. Indeed, the sines and cosines form an orthogonal set:
Sines and cosines form an orthonormal set, as illustrated above. The integral of sine, cosine and their product is zero (green and red areas are equal, and cancel out) when m, n or the functions are different, and pi only if m and n are equal, and the function used is the same.
\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} \cos(mx)\, \cos(nx)\, dx = \pi \delta_{mn}, \quad m, n \ge 1, \,
\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} \sin(mx)\, \sin(nx)\, dx = \pi \delta_{mn}, \quad m, n \ge 1

(where δmn is the Kronecker delta), and

\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} \cos(mx)\, \sin(nx)\, dx = 0;\,

furthermore, the sines and cosines are orthogonal to the constant function 1. An orthonormal basis for L2([−π,π]) consisting of real functions is formed by the functions 1 and √2 cos(nx),  √2 sin(nx) with n = 1, 2,…  The density of their span is a consequence of the Stone–Weierstrass theorem, but follows also from the properties of classical kernels like the Fejér kernel.


若非如此,樂器將如何和鳴共奏呢?或終可聞箱子天籟之聲的耶 ??!!



Analytic signal

In mathematics and signal processing, an analytic signal is a complex-valued function that has no negative frequency components.[1]  The real and imaginary parts of an analytic signal are real-valued functions related to each other by the Hilbert transform.

The analytic representation of a real-valued function is an analytic signal, comprising the original function and its Hilbert transform. This representation facilitates many mathematical manipulations. The basic idea is that the negative frequency components of the Fourier transform (or spectrum) of a real-valued function are superfluous, due to the Hermitian symmetry of such a spectrum. These negative frequency components can be discarded with no loss of information, provided one is willing to deal with a complex-valued function instead. That makes certain attributes of the function more accessible and facilitates the derivation of modulation and demodulation techniques, such as single-sideband. As long as the manipulated function has no negative frequency components (that is, it is still analytic), the conversion from complex back to real is just a matter of discarding the imaginary part. The analytic representation is a generalization of the phasor concept:[2] while the phasor is restricted to time-invariant amplitude, phase, and frequency, the analytic signal allows for time-variable parameters.


Transfer function to create an analytic signal

If  s(t) is a real-valued function with Fourier transform S(f), then the transform has Hermitian symmetry about the  f=0 axis:


where  S(f)^{*} is the complex conjugate of S(f). The function:

{\begin{aligned}S_{{\mathrm {a}}}(f)&{\stackrel {{\mathrm {def}}}{{}={}}}{\begin{cases}2S(f),&{\text{for}}\ f>0,\\S(f),&{\text{for}}\ f=0,\\0,&{\text{for}}\ f<0\end{cases}}\\&=\underbrace {2\operatorname {u}(f)}_{{1+\operatorname{sgn}(f)}}S(f)=S(f)+\operatorname{sgn}(f)S(f),\end{aligned}}


contains only the non-negative frequency components of  S(f).  And the operation is reversible, due to the Hermitian symmetry of  S(f):

{\begin{aligned}S(f)&={\begin{cases}{\frac {1}{2}}S_{{\mathrm {a}}}(f),&{\text{for}}\ f>0,\\S_{{\mathrm {a}}}(f),&{\text{for}}\ f=0,\\{\frac {1}{2}}S_{{\mathrm {a}}}(-f)^{*},&{\text{for}}\ f<0\ {\text{(Hermitian symmetry)}}\end{cases}}\\&={\frac {1}{2}}[S_{{\mathrm {a}}}(f)+S_{{\mathrm {a}}}(-f)^{*}].\end{aligned}}

The analytic signal of s(t) is the inverse Fourier transform of  S_{{\mathrm {a}}}(f):

{\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}s_{\mathrm {a} }(t)&{\stackrel {\mathrm {def} }{{}={}}}{\mathcal {F}}^{-1}[S_{\mathrm {a} }(f)]\\&={\mathcal {F}}^{-1}[S(f)+\operatorname {sgn}(f)\cdot S(f)]\\&=\underbrace {{\mathcal {F}}^{-1}\{S(f)\}} _{s(t)}+\overbrace {\underbrace {{\mathcal {F}}^{-1}\{\operatorname {sgn}(f)\}} _{j{\frac {1}{\pi t}}}*\underbrace {{\mathcal {F}}^{-1}\{S(f)\}} _{s(t)}} ^{\text{convolution}}\\&=s(t)+j\underbrace {\left[{1 \over \pi t}*s(t)\right]} _{\operatorname {\mathcal {H}} [s(t)]}\\&=s(t)+j{\hat {s}}(t),\end{aligned}}}



Envelope and instantaneous phase


An analytic signal can also be expressed in polar coordinates, in terms of its time-variant magnitude and phase angle:

  s_{{\mathrm {a}}}(t)=s_{{\mathrm {m}}}(t)e^{{j\phi (t)}},


In the accompanying diagram, the blue curve depicts  s(t) and the red curve depicts the corresponding  s_{{\mathrm {m}}}(t).

The time derivative of the unwrapped instantaneous phase has units of radians/second, and is called the instantaneous angular frequency:

  \omega (t){\stackrel {{\mathrm {def}}}{{}={}}}{\frac {d\phi }{dt}}(t).

The instantaneous frequency (in hertz) is therefore:

  f(t){\stackrel {{\mathrm {def}}}{{}={}}}{\frac {1}{2\pi }}\omega (t).  [3]

The instantaneous amplitude, and the instantaneous phase and frequency are in some applications used to measure and detect local features of the signal. Another application of the analytic representation of a signal relates to demodulation of modulated signals. The polar coordinates conveniently separate the effects of amplitude modulation and phase (or frequency) modulation, and effectively demodulates certain kinds of signals.



電子和工程領域中,常常會使用到『正弦』 Sin 信號,一般可以使用『相量』 Phasor 來作簡化分析。『相量』是一個『複數』,也是一種『向量』,通常使用『極座標』表示,舉例來說一個『振幅』是 A,『角頻率』是 \omega,初始『相位角』是 \theta 的『正弦信號』可以表示為 A \ e^{j \  (\omega t + \theta)},這裡的『j』就是『複數的 i』。為什麼又要改用 j = \sqrt{-1} 的呢?這是因為再『電子學』和『電路學』領域中 i 通常代表著『電流』, v 通常代表了『電壓』,因此為了避免『混淆』起見,所以才會『更名用  j』。

尤拉公式 Euler’s formula,是複數分析中的公式,它將三角函數與複數指數函數相關聯,對任意實數 x,都有

e^{j x} = \cos x + j \sin x




─── 摘自《【Sonic π】電聲學補充《二》






※ 註


scipy.signal.hilbert(x, N=None, axis=-1)
Compute the analytic signal, using the Hilbert transform.

The transformation is done along the last axis by default.


x : array_like

Signal data. Must be real.

N : int, optional

Number of Fourier components. Default: x.shape[axis]

axis : int, optional

Axis along which to do the transformation. Default: -1.


xa : ndarray

Analytic signal of x, of each 1-D array along axis

See also

Return Hilbert transform of a periodic sequence x.


The analytic signal x_a(t) of signal x(t) is:


where F is the Fourier transform, U the unit step function, and y the Hilbert transform of x. [R271]

In other words, the negative half of the frequency spectrum is zeroed out, turning the real-valued signal into a complex signal. The Hilbert transformed signal can be obtained from np.imag(hilbert(x)), and the original signal from np.real(hilbert(x)).


[R271] (1, 2) Wikipedia, “Analytic signal”. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analytic_signal
[R272] Leon Cohen, “Time-Frequency Analysis”, 1995. Chapter 2.
[R273] Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer. Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Third Edition, 2009. Chapter 12. ISBN 13: 978-1292-02572-8










【鼎革‧革鼎】︰ Raspbian Stretch 《六之 J.3‧MIR-10上 》


\vec{s_k}, \ k = 0 \cdots N-1

= \left( 1, e^{j \frac{2 \pi \cdot k}{N} \cdot 1}, e^{j \frac{2 \pi \cdot k}{N} \cdot 2}, \cdots , e^{j \frac{2 \pi \cdot k}{N} \cdot (N-1)} \right)

構成了 N離散傅立葉變換 DFT 之正交基底。故該空間裡任何向量都可藉此表現,無有疑焉?想那 N 個角頻率 2 \pi \cdot \frac{k}{N} \cdot f_s 雖多,並不能含括所有頻率乎??比方說這一 2 \pi \cdot \frac{\sqrt{2}}{2} \cdot f_s 不在其中也!

那麼我們將如何詮釋 DFT 的計算結果耶!!


※ 參考


scipy.fftpack.fft(x, n=None, axis=-1, overwrite_x=False)
Return discrete Fourier transform of real or complex sequence.

The returned complex array contains y(0), y(1),..., y(n-1) where

y(j) = (x * exp(-2*pi*sqrt(-1)*j*np.arange(n)/n)).sum().


x : array_like

Array to Fourier transform.

n : int, optional

Length of the Fourier transform. If n < x.shape[axis], x is truncated. If n > x.shape[axis], x is zero-padded. The default results in n = x.shape[axis].

axis : int, optional

Axis along which the fft’s are computed; the default is over the last axis (i.e., axis=-1).

overwrite_x : bool, optional

If True, the contents of x can be destroyed; the default is False.


z : complex ndarray

with the elements:

[y(0),y(1),..,y(n/2),y(1-n/2),...,y(-1)]        if n is even
[y(0),y(1),..,y((n-1)/2),y(-(n-1)/2),...,y(-1)]  if n is odd


y(j) = sum[k=0..n-1] x[k] * exp(-sqrt(-1)*j*k* 2*pi/n), j = 0..n-1

See also

Inverse FFT
FFT of a real sequence


The packing of the result is “standard”: If A = fft(a, n), then A[0] contains the zero-frequency term, A[1:n/2] contains the positive-frequency terms, and A[n/2:] contains the negative-frequency terms, in order of decreasingly negative frequency. So for an 8-point transform, the frequencies of the result are [0, 1, 2, 3, -4, -3, -2, -1]. To rearrange the fft output so that the zero-frequency component is centered, like [-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3], use fftshift.

Both single and double precision routines are implemented. Half precision inputs will be converted to single precision. Non floating-point inputs will be converted to double precision. Long-double precision inputs are not supported.

This function is most efficient when n is a power of two, and least efficient when n is prime.

Note that if x is real-valued then A[j] == A[n-j].conjugate(). If x is real-valued and n is even then A[n/2] is real.

If the data type of x is real, a “real FFT” algorithm is automatically used, which roughly halves the computation time. To increase efficiency a little further, use rfft, which does the same calculation, but only outputs half of the symmetrical spectrum. If the data is both real and symmetrical, the dct can again double the efficiency, by generating half of the spectrum from half of the signal.



Frequencies in the “Cracks” 》 以解惑勒。





\frac{\mathrm{d}^2x}{\mathrm{d}t^2} + 2\zeta\omega_0\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}t} + \omega_0^2 x = \frac{F(t)}{m},此處 \omega_0 = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}  稱為『無阻尼』角頻率,而 \zeta = \frac{c}{2 \sqrt{mk}} 叫做『阻尼比率』。如果『外力F(t) = 0,那個方程式就成了『阻尼振子』的方程式

\frac{\mathrm{d}^2x}{\mathrm{d}t^2} + 2\zeta\omega_0\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}t} + \omega_0^2 x = 0,當 \zeta \leq 1 它的解是

x(t) = A \mathrm{e}^{-\zeta \omega_0 t} \ \sin \left( \sqrt{1-\zeta^2} \ \omega_0 t + \phi \right),此處 \phi 是相位角。

假使 \zeta > 1 它的解是

x(t) = C_1 \ \mathrm{e}^{\left(- \zeta + \sqrt{\zeta^2 -1}\right) \omega_0 t} + C_2  \ \mathrm{e}^{\left(- \zeta - \sqrt{\zeta^2 -1}\right) \omega_0 t}

如果我們從 \zeta 的值來看『阻尼振子』的系統行為,當 \zeta > 1 時,這一個系統已經『振動』不起來了,通常叫做『過阻尼』,負數的『指數項』使得系統的能量隨時間逐漸減少,\zeta 的數值愈大能量減少將慢愈遲回到平衡。當 \zeta = 1 時,這一個系統也『振動』不起來了,通常稱之為『臨界阻尼』,此時系統會用最快的方式設法回到平衡,這個可是『關門』系統的『最佳解』!!。當 \zeta < 1 時,這樣的諧振子系統稱作『低阻尼』,這時系統用著『低於無阻尼』的『頻率』振動,系統的『振幅』隨著時間以 \mathrm{e}^{-\zeta \omega_0 t} 為比率逐漸減小以至於『不振動 』為止。事實上從自然界中來的一般現象都會比『理論值』更快的到達『停止點』,就像說不只有『動摩擦力』與『靜摩擦力』之區分,摩擦力的『速度相關性』也不是這麼『簡單的正比』之假設,更別說理論上還有著『摩擦生熱』的問題必須要考慮。我們也許可以說為著追求『基本現象的理解』,通常都會『假設』了一些數學上『解答問題』的『理想條件』。


階躍 Step  外力

假設此系統的 \zeta < 1,初始位置 x_0 = 0,在 t = 0^+ 時受到如下的階躍外力︰

{F(t) \over m} = \begin{cases} \omega _0^2 & t \geq 0 \\ 0 & t < 0 \end{cases}



x(t) = 1 - \mathrm{e}^{-\zeta \omega_0 t} \frac{\sin \left( \sqrt{1-\zeta^2} \ \omega_0 t + \varphi \right)}{\sin(\varphi)},此處相位角 \varphi\cos \varphi = \zeta 所決定。

這個系統因為零點時刻突然受到固定大小的外力 m  \ {\omega_0}^2 所驅動,震盪以 \mathrm{e}^{-\zeta \omega_0 t} 為比率逐漸增大,一般用 \tau = \frac{1}{\zeta \omega_0} 為時間尺度來衡量這個變化,每一 \tau 單位時間,系統將以 \mathrm{e}^{-1} 為比率改變振幅,在物理上稱之為『弛豫時間』Relaxation Time,工程上常用多的 \tau 單位時間,來談震盪達到預期大小的『安定時間』settling time。果真是『風吹枝擺 』,待其風歇『搖曳而止』!!

頻率為 \omega 的正弦驅動力


\frac{\mathrm{d}^2x}{\mathrm{d}t^2} + 2\zeta\omega_0\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}t} + \omega_0^2 x = \frac{1}{m} F_0 \sin(\omega t)


F_0 是驅動力的振幅大小。在線性微分方程式如 \hat{L} x(t) = F(t) 的『求解』裡,如過『\Box』是 \hat{L} x(t) = 0 的一個解,『\bigcirc』是 \hat{L} x(t) = F(t) 一個『特解』,那麼『c \ \Box +  \ \bigcirc』就是該方程式的『通解』。我們已經知道 F(t) = 0 的『低阻尼振子』之解在若干個弛豫時間後數值將變得太小了,所以它對於系統長時間之後的『行為 』沒有太多的貢獻。因此我們說這個系統的『穩態解』steady-state solution 是

x(t) = \frac{F_0}{m Z_m \omega} \sin(\omega t + \phi),此處

Z_m = \sqrt{\left(2\omega_0\zeta\right)^2 + \frac{1}{\omega^2}\left(\omega_0^2 - \omega^2\right)^2}

是『響應阻抗』函數。而 \phi 是驅動力引發的相位角,可由

\phi = \arctan\left(\frac{\omega_0^2-\omega^2}{2\omega \omega_0\zeta}\right)

所決定,一般它表達著相位『遲滯』 lag 現象。


如果使用不同頻率 \omega 的驅動力,當\omega = \omega_r = \omega_0\sqrt{1-2\zeta^2} 時,系統的響應振幅最大,這稱之為『共振』resonant,這一個頻率就叫做『共振頻率』。


物理上所說的『慣性』是指一個系統遭受外力時,它會發生『抵抗變化』的作為。這就是『響應阻抗』和『相位遲滯』的物理原由與命名由來。假使考察穩態解,我們是否可以講︰『原因 』── F_0 \sin(\omega t) ── 產生成正比之『結果』── x(t) = \frac{F_0}{m Z_m \omega} \sin(\omega t + \phi) ── 的呢??

─── 摘自《【Sonic π】聲波之傳播原理︰振動篇