教育和學習︰ Up《grade》【六.三】


孔子學琴於師襄子,襄子曰:『吾雖以擊磬為官,然能於琴,今子於琴已習,可以益矣。』孔子曰:『丘未得其數也。』有間,曰:『已習其數,可以益矣。』孔子曰:『丘未得其志也。』有間,曰 :『已習其志,可以益矣。』孔子曰:『丘未得其為人也。』有間 ,孔子有所謬然思焉,有所睪然高望而遠眺。曰:『丘迨得其為人矣。近黮而黑,頎然長,曠如望羊,奄有四方,非文王其孰能為此 ?』師襄子避席葉拱而對曰:『君子,聖人也,其傳曰《文王操》 。』 ── 《孔子家語‧辨樂解第三十五

─── 《SONIC Π 知音?!


神經網路的訓練,依賴大量數據以及資料,此乃傳習者之為難也。故而許多典型範例,都是用著開放的 MNIST 原始資料庫哩!

此事  Keras 亦不例外乎︰

Keras examples directory

Vision models examples

mnist_mlp.py Trains a simple deep multi-layer perceptron on the MNIST dataset.

mnist_cnn.py Trains a simple convnet on the MNIST dataset.

cifar10_cnn.py Trains a simple deep CNN on the CIFAR10 small images dataset.

cifar10_resnet.py Trains a ResNet on the CIFAR10 small images dataset.

conv_lstm.py Demonstrates the use of a convolutional LSTM network.

image_ocr.py Trains a convolutional stack followed by a recurrent stack and a CTC logloss function to perform optical character recognition (OCR).

mnist_acgan.py Implementation of AC-GAN (Auxiliary Classifier GAN) on the MNIST dataset

mnist_hierarchical_rnn.py Trains a Hierarchical RNN (HRNN) to classify MNIST digits.

mnist_siamese.py Trains a Siamese multi-layer perceptron on pairs of digits from the MNIST dataset.

mnist_swwae.py Trains a Stacked What-Where AutoEncoder built on residual blocks on the MNIST dataset.

mnist_transfer_cnn.py Transfer learning toy example.



W!O+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰神經網絡【MNIST】一
