STEM 隨筆︰古典力學︰轉子【五】《電路學》三【電阻】IV

近兩百年前克希荷夫推廣『歐姆定律』,使得單埠『電路元件』的『分支電流』 I 以及『分支電壓』 V 可用


克希荷夫電路定律Kirchhoff Circuit Laws)簡稱為克希荷夫定律,指的是兩條電路學定律,克希荷夫電流定律克希荷夫電壓定律。它們涉及了電荷的守恆電位保守性。1845年,古斯塔夫·克希荷夫首先提出克希荷夫電路定律。現在,這定律被廣泛地應用於電機工程學




Tellegen’s theorem

Tellegen’s theorem is one of the most powerful theorems in network theory. Most of the energy distribution theorems and extremum principles in network theory can be derived from it. It was published in 1952 by Bernard Tellegen.[1] Fundamentally, Tellegen’s theorem gives a simple relation between magnitudes that satisfy Kirchhoff’s laws of electrical circuit theory.

The Tellegen theorem is applicable to a multitude of network systems. The basic assumptions for the systems are the conservation of flow of extensive quantities (Kirchhoff’s current law, KCL) and the uniqueness of the potentials at the network nodes (Kirchhoff’s voltage law, KVL). The Tellegen theorem provides a useful tool to analyze complex network systems including electrical circuits, biological and metabolic networks, pipeline transport networks, and chemical process networks.

The theorem

Consider an arbitrary lumped network whose graph \displaystyle G has \displaystyle b branches and \displaystyle n_{t} nodes. In an electrical network, the branches are two-terminal components and the nodes are points of interconnection. Suppose that to each branch of the graph we assign arbitrarily a branch potential difference \displaystyle W_{k} and a branch current \displaystyle F_{k} for \displaystyle k=1,2,\dots ,b , and suppose that they are measured with respect to arbitrarily picked associated reference directions. If the branch potential differences \displaystyle W_{1},W_{2},\dots ,W_{b} satisfy all the constraints imposed by KVL and if the branch currents \displaystyle F_{1},F_{2},\dots ,F_{b} satisfy all the constraints imposed by KCL, then

\displaystyle \sum _{k=1}^{b}W_{k}F_{k}=0.

Tellegen’s theorem is extremely general; it is valid for any lumped network that contains any elements, linear or nonlinear, passive or active, time-varying or time-invariant. The generality is extended when \displaystyle W_{k} and \displaystyle F_{k} are linear operations on the set of potential differences and on the set of branch currents (respectively) since linear operations don’t affect KVL and KCL. For instance, the linear operation may be the average or the Laplace transform. More generally, operators that preserve KVL are called Kirchhoff voltage operators, operators that preserve KCL are called Kirchhoff current operators, and operators that preserve both are simply called Kirchhoff operators. These operators need not necessarily be linear for Tellegen’s theorem to hold.[2]

The set of currents can also be sampled at a different time from the set of potential differences since KVL and KCL are true at all instants of time. Another extension is when the set of potential differences \displaystyle W_{k} is from one network and the set of currents \displaystyle F_{k} is from an entirely different network, so long as the two networks have the same topology (same incidence matrix) Tellegen’s theorem remains true. This extension of Tellegen’s Theorem leads to many theorems relating to two-port networks.[3]


We need to introduce a few necessary network definitions to provide a compact proof.

Incidence matrix: The \displaystyle n_{t}\times n_{f} matrix \displaystyle \mathbf {A_{a}} is called node-to-branch incidence matrix for the matrix elements \displaystyle a_{ij} being

\displaystyle a_{ij}={\begin{cases}1,&{\text{if flow }}j{\text{ leaves node }}i\\-1,&{\text{if flow }}j{\text{ enters node }}i\\0,&{\text{if flow }}j{\text{ is not incident with node }}i\end{cases}}

A reference or datum node \displaystyle P_{0} is introduced to represent the environment and connected to all dynamic nodes and terminals. The \displaystyle (n_{t}-1)\times n_{f} matrix \displaystyle \mathbf {A} \mathbf {A} , where the row that contains the elements \displaystyle a_{0j} of the reference node \displaystyle P_{0} is eliminated, is called reduced incidence matrix.

The conservation laws (KCL) in vector-matrix form:

\displaystyle \mathbf {A} \mathbf {F} =\mathbf {0}

The uniqueness condition for the potentials (KVL) in vector-matrix form:

\displaystyle \mathbf {W} =\mathbf {A^{T}} \mathbf {w}

where \displaystyle w_{k} are the absolute potentials at the nodes to the reference node \displaystyle P_{0} .


Using KVL:

\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}\mathbf {W^{T}} \mathbf {F} =\mathbf {(A^{T}w)^{T}} \mathbf {F} =\mathbf {(w^{T}A)} \mathbf {F} =\mathbf {w^{T}AF} =\mathbf {0} \end{aligned}}

because \displaystyle \mathbf {AF} =\mathbf {0} by KCL. So:

\displaystyle \sum _{k=1}^{b}W_{k}F_{k}=\mathbf {W^{T}} \mathbf {F} =0



因是『線性之集總量』 I, V 概括之『系統』,蓋遵循


戴維寧定理Thevenin’s theorem)又稱等效電壓源定律,是由法國科學家L·C·戴維寧於 1883 年提出的一個電學定理。由於早在 1853 年,亥姆霍茲也提出過本定理,所以又稱亥姆霍茲-戴維寧定理。其內容是:一個含有獨立電壓源、獨立電流源電阻線性網絡的兩端,就其外部型態而言,在電學上可以用一個獨立電壓源 和一個鬆弛二端網絡的串聯電阻組合來等效。在單頻交流系統中,此定理不僅適用於電阻,也適用於廣義的阻抗





  1. 在 AB 兩端開路(在沒有任何外電流輸出,亦即當 AB 點之間的阻抗無限大)的狀況下計算輸出電壓 VAB ,此輸出電壓就是 VTh 
  2. 在 AB 兩端短路(亦即負載電阻為零)的狀況下計算輸出電流 IAB ,此時 RTh 等於 VTh 除以 IAB 
  • 此等效電路是由一個獨立電壓源 VTh 與一個電阻 RTh 串聯所組成。


a. 首先將原始電路系統中的電壓源以短路取代,電流源以開路取代。
b. 此時,用一個電阻計從 AB 兩端測得系統的總電阻 ,即等效電阻 RTh 

此戴維寧等效電壓就是該原始電路輸出端的電壓,當在計算戴維寧等效電壓時,分壓原理是很好用的,可將其中一端電壓設爲 Vout ,而另外一端接地。

戴維寧等效電阻是由橫跨 A 與 B 兩端往系統「看」進來所量測到的,但重點是,要先將所有的電壓源及電流源以內部電阻取代。對於理想電壓源來說,可以直接用短路來取代;對於理想的電流源來說,可以直接用開路來取代。之後,電阻可以用串聯電路及並聯電路的公式計算出來。這種方法只適用於含有獨立源的電路。如果電路中存在受控源,需要用到其他的方法,如在 A 和 B 之間連接一個測試源,並計算兩端的電壓或流過測試源的電流。





\displaystyle R_{Th}=R_{No}\!
\displaystyle V_{Th}=I_{No}R_{No}\!
\displaystyle {\frac {V_{Th}}{R_{Th}}}=I_{No}\!

其中 \displaystyle R_{th}\displaystyle V_{th} 及 \displaystyle I_{No} 分別代表戴維寧等效電阻、諾頓等效電阻、戴維寧等效獨立電壓源以及諾頓獨立電流源。



\because V_{AB} = \alpha I_{AB} + \beta

\therefore \ I_{AB} =0 , \ V_{AB} = V_{TH} \ \longrightarrow \ \beta = V_{TH}

V_{AB} = 0, \ I_{AB} = I_{sc} \ \longrightarrow \ \alpha = - \frac{V_{TH}}{I_{sc}} = - R_{TH}





諾頓定理(Norton’s theorem)指的是一個由電壓源電阻所組成的具有兩個端點的電路系統,都可以在電路上等效於由一個理想電流源 與一個電阻 並聯的電路。對於單頻的交流系統,此定理不只適用於電阻,亦可適用於廣義的阻抗諾頓等效電路是用來描述線性電源與阻抗在某個頻率下的等效電路,此等效電路是由一個理想電流源與一個理想阻抗並聯所組成的。

諾頓定理是戴維寧定理的一個延伸,於 1926年由兩人分別提出,他們分別是西門子公司研究員漢斯·梅耶爾(1895年-1980年)及貝爾實驗室工程師愛德華·勞笠·諾頓(1898-1983)。實際上梅耶爾是兩人中唯一有在這課題上發表過論文的人,但諾頓只在貝爾實驗室內部用的一份技術報告上提及過他的發現。




  1. 在 AB 兩端短路(亦即負載電阻為零)的狀況下計算輸出電流 IAB。此為 INO 
  2. 在 AB 兩端開路(在沒有任何往外電流輸出,亦即當 AB 點之間的阻抗無限大)的狀況下計算輸出電壓 VAB ,此時 RNo 等於 VAB 除以 INO 
  • 此等效電路是由一個獨立電流 INO 與一個電阻 RNO 並聯所組成。


  • 2a.將原始電路系統中的獨立電壓源以短路取代,而且將獨立電流源以開路取代。
  • 2b.若電路系統中沒有非獨立電源的話,則 RNo 為移走所有獨立電源後的電阻*


