STEM 隨筆︰古典力學︰轉子【五】《電路學》三【電阻】V.E

什麼是『人工智慧AI Artificial Intelligence 呢?『人工』意味著人為的,它不是天生的,設想萬年前的人將如何區分現今的『人造物』或『自然物』呢?人能定義什麼是『人造物』嗎?反過來說人能定義何謂『自然物』的嗎?至於『智慧』一詞就更難講清的了,不如引用莊子在《莊子‧齊物論》──  文本摘自漢川草廬 ── 的一段議論吧︰



長梧子曰:「是黃帝之所聽熒也,而丘也何足以知之!且汝亦大早計,見卵而求時夜,見彈而求鴞炙。予嘗為女妄言之 ,女以妄聽之奚?旁日月,挾宇宙,為其脗合,置其滑涽,以隸相尊。眾人役役,聖人愚芚,參萬歲而一成純。萬物盡然,而以是相蘊。




予惡乎知說生之非惑邪?予惡乎知惡死之非弱喪而不知歸者邪?麗之姬,艾封人之子也,晉國之始得之也,涕泣沾襟;及其至於王所,與王同筐床,食芻豢,而後悔其泣也。予惡乎知夫死者不悔其始之蘄生乎 ?


夢飲酒者,旦而哭泣;夢哭泣者,旦而田獵。方其夢也,不知其夢也。夢之中又占其夢焉 ,覺而後知其夢也。且有大覺而後知此其大夢也,而愚者自以為覺,竊竊然知之。君乎,牧乎,固哉!丘也與女,皆夢也;予謂女夢,亦夢也。是其言也,其名為弔詭。萬世之後而一遇大聖,知其解者,是旦暮遇之也。




既使我與若辯矣,若勝我,我不若勝,若果是也?我果非也邪?我勝若,若不吾勝,我果是也?而果非也邪?其或是也 ,其或非也邪?其俱是也,其俱非也邪?我與若不能相知也 ,則人固受其黮闇,吾誰使正之?使同乎若者正之,既與若同矣,惡能正之?使同乎我者正之,既同乎我矣,惡能正之 ?使異乎我與若者正之,既異乎我與若矣,惡能正之?使同乎我與若者正之,既同乎我與若矣,惡能正之?然則我與若與人俱不能相知也,而待彼也邪?





瞿鵲子問長梧子說:「我曾聽孔夫子說過:『聖人不從事俗務,不趨就利益,不躲避危害 ,不喜求於世,不攀援拘泥於道;沒說話像說了,說了話又像沒說,而遨遊於塵囂之外。 』孔夫子認為這是孟浪無稽之言,但我以為這是妙道之行 。你認為如何?」



夢見飲酒作樂的人,醒來後可能遇到傷心事而哭泣;夢見傷心哭泣的人,醒來後可能去享受田獵之樂。當做夢時,不知道那是夢。有時夢中還在做夢 ,醒來後才知是做夢。且只有大知覺的人才知道人生就是一場大夢,而愚人卻自以為清醒 ,自認為什麼都知道。說什麼君貴啊,臣賤啊,真是固陋極了!孔丘與你,都是在做夢;我說你在做夢,也是在做夢。我說的這些話,名稱叫作怪異的言論。如果萬世後遇到一位大聖人,瞭解這些道理,也如同朝夕碰到一樣平常。

假使我與你辯論,你勝了我,我沒勝你,你果真是對嗎?我果真是錯嗎?我勝你,你沒勝我,我果真是對嗎?而你果真是錯嗎?是我們有一人是對的 ,有一人是錯的呢?還是我們兩人都對,或者都錯呢?我和你都不能夠知道,而凡人都有成見,我找誰來正言呢?假使找個意見和你相同的來評判,他既然意見與你相同,如何還能評判呢?假使找個意見和我相同的來評判,他既已和我意見相同,如何能夠評判呢?假使找個和你我意見都不同的來評判,他既與你我都不同了,如何能夠評判呢?假使找個意見和你我都相同的來評判,他既然與你我都相同,如何還能評判呢?那麼我和你和其他人都不能夠知道,還要等待誰來正言呢?

是非之辯是相互對待而成的,如果要使它們不相互對待,要調合於自然的分際 ,因任其散漫流衍變化,以悠遊而盡其一生。什麼叫調合於自然的分際 ?可以這麼說:有是就有不是 ,有然就有不然。是果真是『是』,那麼就有別於『不是』,也沒什麼好辯了;然果真是『然』,那麼就有別於『不然』,也沒什麼好辯了。忘掉生死忘掉是非,遨遊於無窮的境域,所以也就能夠寄寓於無窮的境域了。」







一九一二年六月二十三日出生的艾倫‧麥席森‧圖靈 Alan Mathison Turing  是英國數學家和邏輯學家,被譽為電腦科學之父。一九三一年進入劍橋大學國王學院,後曾到美國普林斯頓大學攻讀博士學位,二戰爆發後回到劍橋,協助軍方破解當時德國的著名密碼系統 Enigma,對於盟軍取得二戰的勝利有著相當的貢獻。圖靈患有花粉過敏症,是一位著名的男同性戀者,並因其性傾向遭受當時英國政府的迫害,以致職業生涯盡毀。一九五二年他的性伴侶協助一名同謀一起闖進圖靈的房子裡盜竊。圖靈為此而報警,然而英國警方的調查結果反使得他被控以『明顯猥褻和性行為顛倒』之罪。公審時,他卻並未申辯且為此而被定罪。……

一九五四年時,圖靈因吃了浸泡氰化液之蘋果死亡。……多年後蘋果公司史蒂夫‧賈伯斯在接受英國廣播公司 BBC 電視節目《QI》時被主持人問到『蘋果商標由來』時說︰

It isn’t true, but God, we wish it were.

圖靈對於電腦人工智慧的啟始有開拓性貢獻,一九五零年在一篇標題為《機器能思考嗎? 》Can Machines Think? 的論文中,提出了一個用於判定機器是否具有智慧的測試方法 ,即是現今所說的『圖靈測試』︰

假使有一個測試者【代號 C】、一位是人的受試者【代號 B】以及另一個是機器的受試者【代號 A】,各自隔離互不知曉,僅能透過鍵盤與螢幕對話。測試者使用受試者兩方都能理解的語言去詢問一串精心設計的任意問題。如果經過了一段交談之後,測試者不能有效的區別受試者【代號 B】和受試者【代號 A】對話內容有什麼實質上的不同,我們就承認機器的受試者通過測試。

據聞今年六月八日,首度俄羅斯有一個命名為『尤金‧古斯特曼 』  Eugene Goostman 的『人工智慧聊天機器人』通過了圖靈測試。那麼是否一台機器通過了『圖靈測試』就能宣稱它真是具有『智慧』的呢?


二零零二年美國卡內基梅隆大學的 Luis von Ahn、Manuel Blum、Nicholas J.Hopper以及 IBM 的 John Langford 聯合提出了『CAPTCHA』── Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart ──。一般又叫做『驗證碼』,常常用於『□□下載』網頁,想要確認來下載的『真的是人』。它有著多種形式的設計,常見的是要使用者輸入『扭曲變形』的『文字』或是『數字』,這將使得大多數『OCR』這類圖像文字辨識軟體,無法自動判讀,所以很難寫個『軟體自動下載』。


─── 《人工智慧!!





Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005) … how to disable?




Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005) spams dmesg on new kernel 4.14.30-v7+ #2512



E3V3A commented Apr 16, 2018

After upgrade of kernel to 4.14. dmesg is now spammed by Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)messages where no problem was shown previously. I’ve ran this device non-stop for months, without any problem until after update, so under-voltage level settings or other config must have changed.
Spamming dmesg or journlctl --system buffer certainly is not helping anyone.

kern  :crit  : [ 1701.464833 <    2.116656>] Under-voltage detected! (0x00050005)
kern  :info  : [ 1707.668180 <    6.203347>] Voltage normalised (0x00000000)

Also related to #2367

pelwell commented Apr 16, 2018

The kernel under voltage notification is new, but the threshold and detection mechanism is unchanged. You are now being made aware of the fact that your Pi is insufficiently powered for the load placed upon it. This is bad for performance and potentially harmful to system stability.


E3V3A commented Apr 16, 2018

I’m well aware of the working of the RPi power supply. But the fact of the matter is that:

  • It didn’t happen with the earlier kernel, so what make you think this is an improvement?
    (The flash icon was good and annoying enough!)
  • Spamming kernel messages (and all other related buffers) with repeated messages on a device where which has proven to be working just fine under those conditions before, is now risking excessive SD card wear and harder debugging because older and more relevant kernel messages get FIFO’d out eventually.
  • The current crit level doesn’t even respect the printk settings and keep spamming even after setting dmesg -n 1 or using sysctl -w '1 1 1 1'. So AFAICT, this is neither critial, nor compliant to standard *nix behavior, and does not provide any improvement whatsoever.


ThomasKaiser commented Apr 18, 2018

In conclusion, the only serious solution for me (and you) seem to be to revert to kernel 4.9 and everyone will be happy again.

Simply create /etc/rsyslog.d/ignore-underpowering.conf with :msg, contains, "oltage" ~ and you can enjoy an instable system even with kernel 4.14 🙂

BTW: Just found it. There are SBC that allow for constant input voltage monitoring. What you can see here is a PSU that provided 5.25V in the beginning after approximately 1.5 years of constant operation: — DC-IN dropped as low as 4.2V with some light load (this board has also a good PMIC and a large battery and power circuitry uses boost converters to provide stable voltages to all subsystems, USB and SATA included)


E3V3A commented Apr 18, 2018

I edited the rsyslog.d config files as you mentioned in the default /etc/rsyslog.conf with and without tabs, like this:

:msg, contains, "oltage" ~

Indeed this removes the voltage related logs from the /var/log/*.log files. 👍
But apparently dmesg which is using /dev/kmsg and /proc/kmsg, seem independent of syslogd andrsyslogd settings, and thus still show all under-voltage entries as before with dmesg -e -x. But I guess I can live with that.

Regarding the input voltage, I am surprised that the detector is able to measure the voltage to the second decimal 4.63, but that there is no way to read it from /sys. What is that all about? How and what does the device actually measure when the voltage is lower than that threshold?

Either way I’ll report back, once I have the values. In the process of all this investigation I’ve unfortunately found a wide range of other unpleasant surprises coming from this update. All sorts of things, like overwriting ALSA configurations, starting services that was never ran before, automatically running apt upgrade, etc. 🙁


jacobq commented Apr 25, 2018

I don’t want to get mixed-up in this very long winded discussion, but FWIW I will say that I stumbled across it looking for a way to suppress kernel messages from the console (in my experience this has made bad problems worse as I’m trying to triage things and shutdown but get messages printed right over files in my editor, etc.) and there are some ways to do this, such as dmesg -n 1 see
A previous comment suggested that this does not work, but it seemed to work fine for my purposes (i.e. on RPi 3 B+ it stopped kernel messages from getting printed to my console though they still appear in the output of dmesg)







因此 Linux kernel 早有 sysctl 之設的焉!!??


pi@raspberrypi:~ cat /proc/version  Linux version 4.14.52-v7+ (dc4@dc4-XPS13-9333) (gcc version 4.9.3 (crosstool-NG crosstool-ng-1.22.0-88-g8460611)) #1123 SMP Wed Jun 27 17:35:49 BST 2018</pre>    <span style="color: #808080;">man sysctl</span> <pre class="lang:default decode:true ">SYSCTL(8)                    System Administration                   SYSCTL(8)  NAME        sysctl - configure kernel parameters at runtime  SYNOPSIS        sysctl [options] [variable[=value]] [...]        sysctl -p [file or regexp] [...]  DESCRIPTION        sysctl  is used to modify kernel parameters at runtime.  The parameters        available are those listed under /proc/sys/.  Procfs  is  required  for        sysctl  support  in  Linux.   You can use sysctl to both read and write        sysctl data.  ……</pre>    <span style="color: #808080;">more /etc/sysctl.conf</span> <pre class="lang:default decode:true">pi@raspberrypi:~ more /etc/sysctl.conf 
# /etc/sysctl.conf - Configuration file for setting system variables
# See /etc/sysctl.d/ for additional system variables.
# See sysctl.conf (5) for information.

#kernel.domainname =

# Uncomment the following to stop low-level messages on console
#kernel.printk = 3 4 1 3

# Functions previously found in netbase

# Uncomment the next two lines to enable Spoof protection (reverse-path filter)
# Turn on Source Address Verification in all interfaces to
# prevent some spoofing attacks

# Uncomment the next line to enable TCP/IP SYN cookies
# See


至於 V_{under \_ voltage} 的值,在選定

MF-MSMF-250/X I_{hold} = 2.5A, \ I_{trip} = 5A

Resettable fuse

A resettable fuse is a polymeric positive temperature coefficient (PPTC) device that is a passive electronic component used to protect against overcurrent faults in electronic circuits. The device is also known as a polyfuse orpolyswitch. They are similar in function to PTC thermistors in certain situations but operate on mechanical changes instead of charge carrier effects in semiconductors. These devices were first discovered and described by Gerald Pearson at Bell Labs in 1939 and described in US patent #2,258,958.[1]

Resettable fuses – PolySwitch devices


A polymeric PTC device is made up of a non-conductive crystalline organic polymer matrix that is loaded with carbon black particles[2] to make it conductive. While cool, the polymer is in a crystalline state, with the carbon forced into the regions between crystals, forming many conductive chains. Since it is conductive (the “initial resistance”),[3] it will pass a current. If too much current is passed through the device the device will begin to heat. As the device heats, the polymer will expand, changing from a crystalline into an amorphous state.[4] The expansion separates the carbon particles and breaks the conductive pathways, causing the device to heat faster and expand more, further raising the resistance.[5] This increase in resistance substantially reduces the current in the circuit. A small (leakage) current still flows through the device and is sufficient to maintain the temperature at a level which will keep it in the high resistance state. Leakage current can range from less than a hundred mA at rated voltage up to a few hundred mA at lower voltages. The device can be said to have latching functionality.[6] The hold current is the maximum current at which the device is guaranteed not to trip. The trip current is the current at which the device is guaranteed to trip.[7]

When power is removed, the heating due to the leakage current will stop and the PPTC device will cool. As the device cools, it regains its original crystalline structure and returns to a low resistance state where it can hold the current as specified for the device.[6] This cooling usually takes a few seconds, though a tripped device will retain a slightly higher resistance for hours, slowly approaching the initial resistance value. The resetting will often not take place even if the fault alone has been removed with the power still flowing as the operating current may be above the holding current of the PPTC. The device may not return to its original resistance value; it will most likely stabilize at a significantly higher resistance (up to 4 times initial value). It could take hours, days, weeks or even years for the device to return to a resistance value similar to its original value, if at all.[8]

A PPTC device has a current rating and a voltage rating.[9]

