樹莓派 3B+ 筦窺︰ π day


武帝既招英俊,程其器能,用之如不及。時方外事胡越,內興制度 ,國家多事,自公孫弘以下至司馬遷皆奉使方外,或為郡國守相至公卿,而朔嘗至太中大夫,後常為郎,與枚皋、郭舍人俱在左右,詼啁而已。久之,朔上書陳農戰彊國之計,因自訟獨不得大官,欲求試用。其言專商鞅、韓非之語也,指意放蕩,頗復詼諧,辭數萬言,終不見用。朔因著論,設客難己,用位卑以自慰諭。其辭曰:


東方先生喟然長息,仰而應之曰:「是固非子之所能備也。彼一時也,此一時也,豈可同哉?夫蘇秦、張儀之時,周室大壞,諸侯不朝,力政爭權,相禽以兵,并為十二國,未有雌雄,得士者彊,失士者亡,故談說行焉。身處尊位,珍寶充內,外有廩倉,澤及後世 ,子孫長享。今則不然。聖帝流德,天下震懾,諸侯賓服,連四海之外以為帶,安於覆盂,動猶運之掌,賢不肖何以異哉?遵天之道 ,順地之理,物無不得其所;故綏之則安,動之則苦;尊之則為將 ,卑之則為虜;抗之則在青雲之上,抑之則在深泉之下;用之則為虎,不用則為鼠;雖欲盡節效情,安知前後?夫天地之大,士民之眾,竭精談說,並進輻湊者不可勝數,悉力募之,困於衣食,或失門戶。使蘇秦、張儀與僕並生於今之世,曾不得掌故,安敢望常侍郎乎!故曰時異事異。

「雖然,安可以不務修身乎哉!《》云:『鼓鐘于宮,聲聞于外 。』『鶴鳴于九皋,聲聞于天。』苟能修身,何患不榮!太公體行仁義,七十有二延設用於文武,得信厥說,封於齊,七百歲而不絕 。此士所以日夜孳孳,敏行而不敢怠也。辟若鶺鴒,飛且鳴矣。傳曰:『天不為人之惡寒而輟其冬,地不為人之惡險而輟其廣,君子不為小人之匈匈而易其行。』『天有常度,地有常形,君子有常行 ;君子道其常,小人計其功。』《》云:『禮義之不愆,何恤人之言?』故曰:『水至清則無魚,人至察則無徒,冕而前旒,所以蔽明;黈纊充耳,所以塞聰。』明有所不見,聰有所不聞,舉大德 ,赦小過,無求備於一人之義也。枉而直之,使自得之;優而柔之 ,使自求之;揆而度之,使自索之。蓋聖人教化如此,欲自得之;自得之,則敏且廣矣。



自樹莓派 3B  2016-02-29 『置閏』發行以來,久久未見新作出品。偏偏今年三月十四日── π day ? ──,廣告︰


Posted by Eben Upton
Chief Executive Raspberry Pi Trading

Here’s a long post. We think you’ll find it interesting. If you don’t have time to read it all, we recommend you watch this video, which will fill you in with everything you need, and then head straight to the product page to fill yer boots. (We recommend the video anyway, even if you do have time for a long read. ‘Cos it’s fab.)

If you’ve been a Raspberry Pi watcher for a while now, you’ll have a bit of a feel for how we update our products. Just over two years ago, we released Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. This was our first 64-bit product, and our first product to feature integrated wireless connectivity. Since then, we’ve sold over nine million Raspberry Pi 3 units (we’ve sold 19 million Raspberry Pis in total), which have been put to work in schools, homes, offices and factories all over the globe.

Those Raspberry Pi watchers will know that we have a history of releasing improved versions of our products a couple of years into their lives. The first example was Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+, which added two additional USB ports, introduced our current form factor, and rolled up a variety of other feedback from the community. Raspberry Pi 2 didn’t get this treatment, of course, as it was superseded after only one year; but it feels like it’s high time that Raspberry Pi 3 received the “plus” treatment.

So, without further ado, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ is now on sale for $35 (the same price as the existing Raspberry Pi 3 Model B), featuring:

  • A 1.4GHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU
  • Dual-band 802.11ac wireless LAN and Bluetooth 4.2
  • Faster Ethernet (Gigabit Ethernet over USB 2.0)
  • Power-over-Ethernet support (with separate PoE HAT)
  • Improved PXE network and USB mass-storage booting
  • Improved thermal management

Alongside a 200MHz increase in peak CPU clock frequency, we have roughly three times the wired and wireless network throughput, and the ability to sustain high performance for much longer periods.

Behold the shiny

Raspberry Pi 3B+ is available to buy today from our network of Approved Resellers.



那時恰是提筆《STEM 隨筆︰緣起》文章之際,果然

