樹莓派 3B+ 筦窺︰ GigaBit ︰ lockups?

《 網 》網的本義就是『結網捕魚』,如今我們已經討論過多種『網』,它們雖然名稱不同,許多性質卻是一樣的。為了避免有『漏網之魚』,在此特補之以


理所當然』未必一定是『理有必然』,就像說『改善交通』應該『多開條路』的吧!!德國數學家迪特里希‧布雷斯 Dietrich Braess 宣稱︰

在一個交通網上新闢一條通路,反而可能使得用路所需的時間增加了;這一條新闢的道路,非但無助於減少交通遲滯,卻很可能會降低了整個交通網的服務水準 。

T_{SE}^{A} = \frac{A}{100} + 45
T_{SE}^{B} = 45 + \frac{B}{100}

納什均衡, T_{SE}^{A} = T_{SE}^{B}
\therefore T_{eq} = 45 + \frac{2000}{100} = 65

如果 T_{AB} \approx 0,最佳選擇
T_{best} = T_{SA} + T_{AB} + T_{BE}
= \frac{4000}{100} + 0 + \frac{4000}{100} = 80

那麼布雷斯的說法有道理嗎?假使請讀者設想從『起點』 Start 到『終點』 End ,原有『兩個選擇』,要不經由『A 點』,否則就得經過『B 地』。人們從『經驗』上『知道』走 T_{SA} 路段要花的時間依賴『車流量』,大概需要 T_{SA} = \frac{A}{100} 分鐘,如果選擇先『到 B』 ,一般與『車流量』無關,是『固定的』四十五分鐘,可是 T_{BE} 要花的時間也依賴於『車流量』,時間差不多與『A』相同,也是 T_{SB} = \frac{B}{100} 分鐘。因此『理性』考慮『最短時間』,將會是『比較兩者』的『時間差』作選擇的吧?最後達到了『博奕論』Game Theory 所說的『納什均衡』 Nash equilibrium ,此時無論怎麽選擇『所需總時間』是一樣的 T_{SE}^{A} = T_{SE}^{B},也就是說,如果假設一天平均有四千輛車經過『Start-End』,大概將『各取一半』,其中有兩千輛走『A 點』,另兩千輛經『B 處』的吧!『今有人』為著『改善交通』,於是乎在『A、B 兩地』間,開了一條『高速道路』 T_{AB} \approx 0 ,『以為能』縮短『所需總時間』,結果卻是吃力不討好『適得其反』,這又為什麼的呢??因為一天最多不過有四千輛車 ,這樣 T_{SA} = \frac{4000}{100} = 40 不是比 T_{SB} = 45 要小的嗎?由於 T_{AB} \approx 0,當然接著走 T_{AB} 的吧,到了『B 地』之後,依然還是 T_{BE} = \frac{4000}{100} = 40 能不是比 T_{AE} = 45 小的嗎?於是乎,所有『非傻鳥』者『必走T_{best} = T_{SA} + T_{AB} + T_{BE} 之『陽關道』,因此就 = \frac{4000}{100} + 0 + \frac{4000}{100} = 80 的了!!

現今這稱之為『布雷斯悖論』。那麼『一時』與『長久』,以及『部份』和『整體』 ,又該怎麽說的呢??




假使有人想作『傻鳥』嘗試走『過去習慣』的道路,可能是 T_{SA} + T_{AE} = 40 + 45 = 85,或許是 T_{SB} + T_{BE} = 45 + 40  = 85,結果 85 > 80,果真是『傻鳥』的耶!!


那麼一個人要是『開通思路』,他是否『推理』會變得更慢的呢?也許『豆鵝狐人』的回答是︰人類的『思維』一般會形成『定勢』 ,因此通常只見着『陽關道』,少會過『獨木橋』,故而很難發生布雷斯的悖論,還是『思多識廣』的好吧!但是告誡勇闖新世界的人們,小心所創作的『人工智慧』機器,最好不要一不小心,它卻變成『傻鳥』的了??

── 《勇闖新世界︰ 《 PYDATALOG 》 導引《十》豆鵝狐人之推理篇


『整體』固然由『部份』組成,隨意『增』、『刪』,恐陷『網羅 』耶?

『提問』其實不容易,『破題』往往費思量。若說整體部份能自洽 ,或得止觀觀止會通處耶?

以《止觀》來《觀止》,自能了解『整體』與『部份』的『自洽性』。就像拼圖』、數獨』以及燈謎』一樣,所求總在『整體』和『部份』之『契合』裡。這樣容易明白,一九七二年英國獨立的科學家、環保主義者和未來學家詹姆斯‧洛夫洛克 James Lovelock 提出的『蓋亞假說』 Gaia hypothesis ︰




該觀點於 1972 年首次提出,主流科學家主要以其不夠嚴密為由堅決拒絕接受。 1981 年,這一觀點首次得到支持。當時,洛夫洛克創造出計算機模擬的反射或吸收太陽輻射的白色或黑色雛菊世界。由於雛菊的數量隨著普遍的表面溫度變化而相對改變,因此雛菊群維持全球氣溫均衡。此後,更多生物多樣性的複合模型提高了該系統的穩定性


□︰ 『求解問題』有樂趣?『止觀觀止』能休閒嗎??

○︰ 煩惱即菩提







‧ …… N. A.


─── 摘自《M♪o 之 TinyIoT ︰ 《破題》



─── 摘自《時間序列︰生成函數‧漸近展開︰白努利 □○《十後》



Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ lockups

Wed Jun 27, 2018 10:52 am

I did check the data sheet , the Elpida DDR2 is rated to 400MHz.
DRAM 100MHz, DDR is 200MHz, DDR2 is 400MHz some to 533MHz
Data rate is not clock rate.500MHz might be pushing it a bit much, 450MHz may be ok most of the time, 400MHz 100% of the time.
Generally process improvements mean speed can go up a little, 400 to 500 maybe too much?
Sometimes die shrinks can do this too, make the parts cheaper and faster.From reading a few posts and my own experience.
CPU speed >1200MHz, DDR > 450MHz, as yet unknown LAN issue is causing problems.
I only have one Pi3B+ that locks up, dropping CPU to 1300MHz fixed it.Pushing parts past specs in not out of spec. the spec is the rating all of them work at, all the time.
Most will work beyond that, 0 to 70 is normal spec, if they are only at 25C they could run much faster etc.
Normalized probability distribution curves.
A few million chips, there will be outliers, both ways, there will be some that work fine at 1600MHz :lol:

Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ lockups

Fri Jul 06, 2018 10:57 pm

here is what finally stopped the crashes (reboots if I left the UPS-Pico reset pin active)


root@octopi:~# uptime
15:54:59 up 4 days, 4:32, 1 user, load average: 0.22, 0.30, 0.28


Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ lockups

Thu Apr 19, 2018 1:18 pm

Nachteule wrote:

Thu Apr 19, 2018 12:46 pm

jamesh wrote:

Wed Apr 18, 2018 8:33 pm

We expect to fix the huge huge majority with a software fix. And considering that the problem is only a small percentage of SoC’s anyway, that should be almost, if not absolutely, everyone.

We did update the apt kernels etc today, so anyone with the problem might like to try an apt update/upgrade to see if any of fixes the in there help.

I suppose it’s the opposite. There are only a small percentage of SoC’s that are working (and possible most of them are located in UK, in Cambridge) and the rest of them works instable

I got 2 Pi3B+ from different reseller/distributor and both are working instable. That means: 100% are broken

Er. No. Entirely wrong. 100% of the two you have seen need some tweaks. But we’ve sold over 200 thousand Pi3B+. A tiny percentage are seeing problems, and its unfortunate and unlikely that you appear to have seen two. If a large percentage were seeing problems I would expect an absolute barrage of complaints, and really, that hasn’t happened.

As for working ones in the UK, no , we are not wine makers – we don’t keep the best stuff for internal use. The main production lines are all in the UK, and distribute the Pi’s worldwide. There’s no picking and choosing!

We expect that a SW fix to the shmoo setting (RAM setup) will fix the vast majority of issues for that small percentage of SoC’s that are having difficulties.

Latest apt get will get 4.14.32 kernel BTW.


Raspberry Pi 3 B+ lockups

Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:34 am

Dear Support,

I bought a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ from Adafruit. I just got the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ in the mail today. I downloaded the most current official Raspbian Stretch image today and put it on a 32GB microSD. When booting the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ some times the eth0 doesn’t show up in ifconfig, some times the wlan0 doesn’t show up in ifconfig. Othertimes the system just flat out locks up at the Raspbian Desktop.

The other thing I noticed is when I opened the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ box that the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ was not in a anti-static bag like all the previous versions I have bought have been in. So not sure if I have a damaged unit, previous opened product, or something.

I tried using Adafruit’s forums, but their forums shows any support for a Raspberry Pi device I must come here to Raspberry Pi foundation forums.




pi@raspberrypi:~ cat /proc/version  Linux version 4.14.69-v7+ (dc4@dc4-XPS13-9333) (gcc version 4.9.3 (crosstool-NG crosstool-ng-1.22.0-88-g8460611)) #1141 SMP Mon Sep 10 15:26:29 BST 2018  pi@raspberrypi:~ vcgencmd get_throttled

pi@raspberrypi:~ vcgencmd get_config int aphy_params_current=819 arm_freq=1400 audio_pwm_mode=514 config_hdmi_boost=5 core_freq=400 desired_osc_freq=0x331df0 desired_osc_freq_boost=0x3c45b0 disable_commandline_tags=2 disable_l2cache=1 display_hdmi_rotate=-1 display_lcd_rotate=-1 dphy_params_current=547 force_eeprom_read=1 force_pwm_open=1 framebuffer_ignore_alpha=1 framebuffer_swap=1 gpu_freq=300 hdmi_force_cec_address=65535 init_uart_clock=0x2dc6c00 lcd_framerate=60 mask_gpu_interrupt0=1024 mask_gpu_interrupt1=26370 over_voltage_avs=62500 over_voltage_avs_boost=0x2932e pause_burst_frames=1 program_serial_random=1 sdram_freq=450 pi@raspberrypi:~