樹莓派 3B+ 筦窺︰ GigaBit ︰ lockups!

凡走過必留下痕跡??在那個 Intel CPU 稱王, Microsoft OS 獨大的 PC 年代,不只創造了『 Standard Bug 』和『 Final Beta 』之經典說法,更因微軟一路攻城掠地,蠶食鯨吞應用軟體市場,又與大學大打侵權之官司,據說搞的個天怒人怨,於是 Bill Gates 的笑話傳聞始終不斷。茲引幾則以饗讀者︰

(1) Bill and the Win 95

God calls Bill Gates, Bill Clinton and Boris Yeltsin to his office and says,

“The world will end in 30 days. Go back and tell your people.” so Boris Yeltsin goes to the Russian people and says: “I have bad news and I have worse news. The bad news is that we were wrong … there is a God. The worse news is that the world will end in 30 days.”

Bill Clinton goes on TV and tell the American people: “I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is that the basic family values upon which we have based our lives are right, there is a God … The bad news is that the world will end in 30 days.”

Bill Gates goes to his executive committee and announces: “I have great news and I have fabulous news. The great news is that God thinks I’m important. The fabulous news is that we don’t have to fix any of the Microsoft’s bugs.”


─── 出處《香港中文大學計算機科學與工程學系

Prof. John C.S. Lui

Jokes about Mr. Bill Gates


自一九九一 Linux 首發,到二零零一《只為歡樂》︰


二零零一年,林納斯‧托瓦茲 Linus Torvalds ── Linux kernel 的創建者 ── 出版了一本他與大衛‧戴爾蒙德 David Diamond 聯合撰寫的幽默自傳《只為歡樂 Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary 。這本書提出了『 Linus 法則 the Law of Linus that all evolution contributed by humanity starts for survival, sustains socially and entertains at last.

─── 摘自《音樂播放器原型機之《可能性》 Just for Fun


十年磨成之劍,尚在淬火鍛鍊中。或因『吃著魚企鵝圖』的啟示, Tuz 之感召︰

已到春分,晝夜各半,日出前注目地平,那第一道《曙光》映射的正是大地『陽光均分』之時!不知從『太空』所見的『天際線』,能否使人體會惠施』之【天與地卑,山與澤平。 】?




台灣的『玉山』海拔三千五百九十二公尺,假使站上了『玉山頂巔 』四目極望,是否『眼界』大到足以『擁抱』一整個『美麗寶島』的呢??



─── 《W!O+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰通往樹莓派 3 之 HEARSAY OS





Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ lockups

Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:32 am

bensimmo wrote:

Mon Jun 18, 2018 8:26 pm

I’m assuming this github thread seems to be the main ethernet debugging thread similar to this?

Closest one I think.



Network driver on RPi3 B Plus causing hung tasks when working on an NFS mount #2482

Platform/Distro: RPi 3B+ running Arch ARM (armv7h).
Kernel version: 4.14.31 (b36f4e9)
Firmware version: latest as I write this (raspberrypi/firmware@c14a903)Bug: Frequent kernel oops due to blocked tasks when writing files to NFS mount.Details: When compiling, dmesg is full of kernel oops like the below when doing so on an NFS mount. Compiling to the micro SD card is fine. I believe that the software (disto) on the micro SD card is NOT to blame… if I put the same micro SD card into a RPi3 or RPi2, I can compile without error.Again, I am using an NFS mounted partition (/scratch) on which to compile, so I’m hypothesizing that these problems are related to the network driver.



Pi3B+ : USB+ethernet file transfer problem #2449

toto8551 commented Mar 18, 2018


I have problems while transferring files from an USB external HDD or USB flash drive connected on the new RPi 3B+ to another computer via SFTP or samba. After a random amount of data transfered, the transfer rate drop to 0 and stay like that for at least 30 min ( I canceled the transfer after that time).

I cannot see any error on the standard raspbian system logs. I am running raspbian stretch with the last updates, I also did a firmware upgrade with rpi-update.

The RPi 3B+ is powered with an official raspberry power supply (2.5A) and I tried with a spare one.
I tried to give more power with an external power supply for the USB HDD without any change, but like I got the same problem with an USB flash drive, I don’t expect a power issue or ?

I tried to transfer files with thunar, pcmanfm, scp or rsync. rsync is the only one working, but with a strong fluctuation of the transfer rate (from 0 to 20Mo/s). scp tell me that the file is “stalled” and stop any progress.

If I start the same SD card with a RPi 3B (not plus) the file transfer is working like a charm ( I used it for almost 3 years like that).

I followed tips from this link without successI having no problems during ssh sessions or with vnc.

Any ideas ?


期望『人工智慧』時代的 STEM 們,大刀闊斧創新『典範』也︰

Re: Raspberry Pi 3 B+ lockups

Mon Jun 18, 2018 12:28 pm

wybielacz wrote:

Mon Jun 18, 2018 11:31 am

jamesh wrote:

Mon Jun 18, 2018 9:40 am

Sadly, I don’t have time to dig through pages of posts to find one line of information. Can you give specific instructions on what you do to make this go wrong, and any errors that may be display (e.g. syslogs). Since this does NOT appear to be the tcp segmentation offload issue (although symptoms appear the same – welcome to the wonderful world of ethernet bugs), it would be worth adding a very detailed issue in github (if you haven’t already done so) which is the official way of reporting bugs, it also means they do not get lost. Post a link here to the github issue to cross reference.

In the meantime, does forcing it to 100bT make the problem go away (yes, I know you want Gig ethernet, this is for testing purposes to narrow down the issue)

You already have a 3B+ with an sd card with this issue in your office. Anyway we can safely assume that every 3B+ has this issue, just the right steps needs to be performed to make it crash.

Steps to reproduce are as follows:

1. Install a fresh image of Raspbian
2. Update firmware
3. Mount a cifs network drive
4. 3B+ is dead overnight when using Ethernet, there are no errors, LAN chip is burning hot

Sadly, i do not have time anymore to invest in this, i literally setup my multiple RPi’s 3B+ in the past months hundreds of times new to help you debug and narrow down the issue, even that i am not responsible to do that…

All the 3B+ problems seems to me like this is a faulty ethernet hardware which you trying to cover with software fixes. If that is really the case then please at least do an official statement about it. I mean come on, it’s been 3 months…

I have already tested that sequence overnight and seen no issues, so No, your assumption that this is a problem with every 3B+ appears to be wrong. So there is probably an extra stage of usage or perhaps something about your particular network router that needs to be determined. For example, what is you network doing overnight? Is it in use? Is a lot of data being transferred? Do you have flow control turned on on your router? What software is running on the Pi that might have some impact?

As I said, 3 months is NOTHING when compared to the complexity of trying to figure out ethernet issues that some people see and others don’t. I’ve personally spent months working on ethernet or wifi issues on the Pi over the last years and a half. And what is annoying NONE of them were Raspberry Pi’s fault – they are either in the firmware of the device or in the driver. Neither of which we have much control over, apart from reporting them to the firmware writers, or mailing the Linux netdev group, or trying to figure them out ourselves.

Semi-Official statement. All software has bugs. All HW has bugs, Usually we can get round HW problems with software. In this case, we do not yet know where the problem arises. We have determined at least one cause so far, the tcp segmentation offloading, which has fixed networking problems for most people. There appears to still be something going on, so we will continue to investigate.

I would prefer the investigation to be done via github, because more engineers see it there.



※ 須知︰

‧ 先認識 vcgencmd 用法︰

RPI vcgencmd usage

Verified commands

Command outputs are from firmware version 362371.

vcgencmd commands

Shows a list of possible commands.

root@raspberrypi:~# vcgencmd commands
commands="vcos, ap_output_control, ap_output_post_processing, vchi_test_init, vchi_test_exit,
pm_set_policy, pm_get_status, pm_show_stats, pm_start_logging, pm_stop_logging, version, commands,
set_vll_dir, led_control, set_backlight, set_logging, get_lcd_info, set_bus_arbiter_mode,
cache_flush, otp_dump, codec_enabled, measure_clock, measure_volts, measure_temp, get_config,
hdmi_ntsc_freqs, render_bar, disk_notify, inuse_notify, sus_suspend, sus_status, sus_is_enabled,
sus_stop_test_thread, egl_platform_switch, mem_validate, mem_oom, mem_reloc_stats, file,
vctest_memmap, vctest_start, vctest_stop, vctest_set, vctest_get"


‧ 不識者或許其他論壇中有說明︰

Re: Raspbian Jessie linux 4.4.9 Severe Performance Degradati

Thu May 12, 2016 11:04 am

Heater wrote:

$ vcgencmd get_throttled

Okay, the bits in this number represent:

0: under-voltage
1: arm frequency capped
2: currently throttled 
16: under-voltage has occurred
17: arm frequency capped has occurred
18: throttling has occurred

under-voltage occurs when voltage drops below 4.63V. The Pi is throttled
arm frequency capped occurs with temp > 80’C
over-temperature occurs with temp > 85’C. The Pi is throttled

Throttling removes turbo mode, which reduces core voltage, and sets arm and gpu frequencies to non-turbo value.
Capping just limits the arm frequency (somewhere between 600MHz and 1200MHz) to try to avoid throttling.
If you are throttled and not under-voltage then you can assume over-temperature. (confirm with vcgencmd measure_temp).

So 0x50005 means you are currently under-voltage and throttled.
If you want to be able to support this use case without throttling you will need a better power supply.

Although be aware running a stress test is not typical behaviour. If you never see a non-zero get_throttled value in normal usage, then you may not need to do anything.















NOTE: Setting any overclocking parameters to values other than those used byraspi-config may set a permanent bit within the SoC, making it possible to detect that your Pi has been overclocked. The specific circumstances where the overclock bit is set are if force_turbo is set to 1 and any of the over_voltage_* options are set to a value > 0. See the blog post on Turbo Mode for more information.

The latest kernel has a cpufreq kernel driver with the “ondemand” governor enabled by default. It has no effect if you have no overclock settings, but if you overclock, the CPU frequency will vary with processor load. Non-default values are only used when required, according to the governor. You can adjust the minimum values with the *_min config options, or disable dynamic clocking (and force overclocking) with force_turbo=1. For more information see here.

Overclocking and overvoltage will be disabled at runtime when the SoC reaches 85°C in order to cool it down. You should not hit this limit on Raspberry Pi models 1 or 2, but it is more likely with the Raspberry Pi 3. For more information see here. Overclocking and overvoltage are also disabled when an undervoltage situation is detected.

