OpenWrt 的世界︰樹莓派 3B 【路由器】移星轉斗《四‧五》 Scapy 四‧攻防原力

又有人將『囚徒困境』擴大,包含多方多人,來論述『現實情境』中的『人的作為』。一九六八年時,美國生態學家加勒特‧哈丁Garret Hardin 在《科學》期刊上發表了一篇名為『公共悲劇』 The Tragedy of the Commons  的文章。進一步發展了一八三三年,英國作家威廉‧佛司特‧洛伊 William Forster Lloyd 探討『人口』與『資源』時所用的『比喻』,『大家的』就不是『誰家的』,就很難會被『愛惜的』,以至於『公有的』就是『沒人的』的吧!所以洛伊將之稱為『公共悲劇』。





雖然,這個牧羊人獲得了所有的利益,可是資源的損耗卻是轉嫁到【現今‧未來】所有【該塊土地】之牧羊人的身上。因此,從『理性』觀點考量,每一位牧羊人都該衡量如此的『效用』,進而增加一頭頭的羊。不過當各個的牧羊人『』做出如此的結論後,而且『』無限制的放牧時,那個牧場負載力的『耗損』勢將是必然的『後果』。由於每一個人按照理性所做出的決定『皆會是』相同的,畢竟『此時此處』他利益之『所獲』將永遠大於他利益之『所損』。所以無限制的放牧所導致的損失便會是『外於他』 ── 人人相同 ── 的一種情況。正因為這種『個人行為』是『可預見』的,並且一定會『持續發生』,所以才是個『悲劇』。







因此『哈丁的論辯』或許並不同意追求『自我利益』的行動,能夠促進『公共利益』。那麼『市場理論』之『自由競爭』 的『幕後之手』 ── 能將私利,轉成公益 ── 也許也是很可疑的吧!哈丁舉出了一些『公有資源』的『濫用』︰比如空氣、海洋、河流、魚群、國家公園、廣告,…甚至是公有停車計費器,等等所見現象多半一樣 。那麼在人類『公地悲劇』仍有爭議今日,人們又該『怎麽說』和『怎麽作』的呢??

─── 《物理哲學·中下



Backdoor (computing)

A backdoor is a method, often secret, of bypassing normal authentication or encryption in a computer system, a product, or an embedded device (e.g. a home router), or its embodiment, e.g. as part of a cryptosystem, an algorithm, a chipset, or a “homunculus computer” —a tiny computer-within-a-computer (such as that as found in Intel’s AMT technology).[1][2] Backdoors are often used for securing remote access to a computer, or obtaining access to plaintext in cryptographic systems.

A backdoor may take the form of a hidden part of a program one uses,[3] a separate program (e.g. Back Orifice may subvert the system through a rootkit), or code in the firmware of one’s hardware[4] or parts of one’s operating system such as Microsoft Windows.[5][6][7] Although normally surreptitiously installed, in some cases backdoors are deliberate and widely known. These kinds of backdoors might have “legitimate” uses such as providing the manufacturer with a way to restore user passwords.

Default passwords (or other default credentials) can function as backdoors if they are not changed by the user. Some debugging features can also act as backdoors if they are not removed in the release version.[8]

In 1993 the United States government attempted to deploy an encryption system, the Clipper chip, with an explicit backdoor for law enforcement and national security access. The chip was unsuccessful.


The threat of backdoors surfaced when multiuser and networked operating systems became widely adopted. Petersen and Turn discussed computer subversion in a paper published in the proceedings of the 1967 AFIPS Conference.[9] They noted a class of active infiltration attacks that use “trapdoor” entry points into the system to bypass security facilities and permit direct access to data. The use of the word trapdoor here clearly coincides with more recent definitions of a backdoor. However, since the advent of public key cryptography the term trapdoor has acquired a different meaning (see trapdoor function), and thus the term “backdoor” is now preferred. More generally, such security breaches were discussed at length in a RAND Corporation task force report published under ARPA sponsorship by J.P. Anderson and D.J. Edwards in 1970.[10]

A backdoor in a login system might take the form of a hard coded user and password combination which gives access to the system. An example of this sort of backdoor was used as a plot device in the 1983 film WarGames, in which the architect of the “WOPR” computer system had inserted a hardcoded password which gave the user access to the system, and to undocumented parts of the system (in particular, a video game-like simulation mode and direct interaction with the artificial intelligence).

Although the number of backdoors in systems using proprietary software (software whose source code is not publicly available) is not widely credited, they are nevertheless frequently exposed. Programmers have even succeeded in secretly installing large amounts of benign code as Easter eggs in programs, although such cases may involve official forbearance, if not actual permission.

Politics and attribution

There are a number of cloak and dagger considerations that potentially come into play when apportioning responsibility.

Covert backdoors sometimes masquerade as inadvertent defects (bugs) for reasons of plausible deniability. In some cases these might begin life as an actual bug (inadvertent error), which once discovered are then deliberately left unfixed and undisclosed, whether by a rogue employee for personal advantage, or with C-level executive awareness and oversight.

It is also possible for an entirely above-board corporation’s technology base to be covertly and untraceably tainted by external agents (hackers), though this level of sophistication is thought to exist mainly at the level of nation state actors. For example, if a photomask obtained from a photomask supplier differs in a few gates from its photomask specification, a chip manufacturer would be hard-pressed to detect this[11] if otherwise functionally silent; a covert rootkit running in the photomask etching equipment could enact this discrepancy unbeknown to the photomask manufacturer, either, and by such means, one backdoor potentially leads to another. (This hypothetical scenario is essentially a silicon version of the undetectable compiler backdoor, discussed below.)

In general terms, the long dependency-chains in the modern, highly specialized technological economy and innumerable human-elements process control-points make it difficult to conclusively pinpoint responsibility at such time as a covert backdoor becomes unveiled.

Even direct admissions of responsibility must be scrutinized carefully if the confessing party is beholden to other powerful interests.


『The Force』如何分『光、暗』!


原力(the Force[1],是星際大戰系列作品中的核心概念。原力是一種作品中虛構的、超自然的而又無處不在的神秘力量,是所有生物創造的一個能量場,同時也是絕地西斯兩方追求和依靠的關鍵所在。

星際大戰的創作者喬治·盧卡斯是在1977年的電影《星際大戰四部曲 :曙光乍現》中初次令原力登場[2]


原力在絕地的分類中可以分成兩類四種不同角度來理解:「光明原力/黑暗原力」、「統一原力/生命原力」。前兩種是最先在古典三部曲(Star Wars Episode IV-VI)中提出的,具有明確道德準則的對立的兩個方面:光明原力是友好、仁愛、治療等積極元素的體現 ;而黑暗原力則代表恐懼、憤怒、憎恨、惡意等消極元素,黑暗原力往往比光明原力更具有攻擊性和侵略性。後兩種來源於較為革新的絕地哲學,統一原力為原力意識形態的延伸,接觸此方面的原力 ,帶來的相關能力如:預知、意象等;生命原力首先在前傳三部曲(Star Wars Episode I-III)中由絕地大師魁剛·金提出,認為原力是生命的體現,絕地可以在絕大多數有生命的物質上感受到原力,唯一與原力完全隔絕的生命形式是來自於另一個星系的種族 Yuuzhan Vong。

儘管原力在幾乎所有生命上都有體現,只有一小部分能被稱作對原力敏感者(Force Sensitive)。原力的敏感程度與生命血液中的微小有機體 midichlorian粒線體 Mitochondrion 與葉綠素 chloroplast 的合字,台譯「迷地原蟲」)含量有關,含量越高表示原力越強大 ,但是其含量是表徵,而不是淵源。






樹莓派樹莓的英文至少有兩個音節  raspberry,在此將它『說文解字』一番︰
rasp n. 粗銼刀,搓菜板,刺耳聲;vt. 用粗銼刀銼,用搓菜板搓碎
berry n. 草莓類植物,漿果;vi. 採漿果

維基百科全書上說『紅漿果』 Redcurrants ,這才是道地真的』漿果;對東方來講『草莓』根本不算是漿果,倒是有一種『硬齒獼猴桃』,今又名『奇異果』的漿果。

在樹莓派基金會的一篇名為《 YRS Festival of Code 2014 – around the UK and at Pi Towers 》的標題上提到的『 YRS 』── Young‧Rrewired‧State ── 將舉辦青少年── 限十八歲以下參加 ──的『編碼嘉年華』,活動期間將有『良師益友』指導。或許是想『砥礪』切磋掉『舊牙』,以『Rewire』來啟發使其改舊軌,轉進搭新線之『狀態』State 的吧!!人的一生中︰

是否將有 □□ 的必然,還是能會 ○○ 的實然

。這事全看人『理性』的『抉擇』和『感性』的『認同』。『快樂的』學習之所以困難,不在於『內容』之『困難』,而在於所有問題都得要有一個『正確答案』,問題是真『一定有』嗎?所以人們一般難於估量複雜的問題,但是難道不人生的處境』嗎 ?


