Sonic π ︰ 結尾語?


傳說中大天使加百利之號角 Gabriel’s Horn 一旦響起,就是審判日 Judgment Day 的到來。然而卻沒有任何人見過這個號角?這也許正是義大利數學家埃萬傑利斯塔‧托里拆利 Evangelista Torricelli 想像創造托里拆利小號之原因︰它是一個表面積無限大但卻體積有限的三維物體,或許該是用著第五元素乙太才能構成的吧!!





學習就像是個『羊角螺旋』的軌跡,一再的一次又一次覆裹著中心的主題,每次的回歸 ,總是帶著新的知識與舊的記憶。自古以來人類一直想方設法希望解開大自然的奧秘,也許終將能有一天,這個思想螺旋成了『龍捲風』,大到能含括天地萬物。


如果從人類的創造發明史來看,那樣的學習者終將使用當時之最好的『學習工具』,打造自己的『學習工具箱』,甚至會創新『既有之工具』。就現今來講,除了使用電腦的一般應用軟體之外 ── 比方說文書處理等等 ──,最重要的就是能掌握 『程式語言』與『數學語言』的工具。或許這正是樹莓派基金會一開始打造樹莓派時所想的重要原因,讓學習者能有學習的工具!!

─── 《加百利之號角!!


假使我們已經仔細讀過教程,而且認真作過練習,甚至冒險探究過sonic π 秘境,此刻讀著 Dr . Sam Aaron 博士的

14 – Conclusions

This concludes the Sonic Pi introductory tutorial. Hopefully you’ve learned something along the way. Don’t worry if you feel you didn’t understand everything – just play and have fun and you’ll pick things up in your own time. Feel free to dive back in when you have a question that might be covered in one of the sections.

If you have any questions that haven’t been covered in the tutorial, then please jump onto the Sonic Pi community forums and ask your question there. You’ll find someone friendly and willing to lend a hand.

Finally, I also invite you to take a deeper look at the rest of the documentation in this help system. There are a number of features that haven’t been covered in this tutorial that are waiting for your discovery.

So play, have fun, share your code, perform for your friends, show your screens and remember:

There are no mistakes, only opportunities.

Sam Aaron



所以才借『附錄 ABC』勸學也!

A – MagPi Articles

Appendix A collects all the Sonic Pi articles written for the MagPi magazine.

Dive into Topics

These articles aren’t meant to be read in any strict order and contain a lot of cross-over material from the tutorial itself. Rather than try and teach you all of Sonic Pi, they instead each focus on a specific aspect of Sonic Pi and cover it in a fun and accessible way.

Read the MagPi

You can see them in their glorious professionally typeset form in the free PDF downloads of The MagPi here:

B – Essential Knowledge

This section will cover some very useful – in fact essential – knowledge for getting the most out of your Sonic Pi experience.

We’ll cover how to take advantage of the many keyboard shortcuts available to you, how to share your work and some tips on performing with Sonic Pi.

B.1 – Using Shortcuts

Sonic Pi is as much an instrument as a coding environment. Shortcuts can therefore make playing Sonic Pi much more efficient and natural – especially when you’re playing live in front of an audience.

Much of Sonic Pi can be controlled through the keyboard. As you gain more familiarity working and performing with Sonic Pi, you’ll likely start using the shortcuts more and more. I personally touch-type (I recommend you consider learning too) and find myself frustrated whenever I need to reach for the mouse as it slows me down. I therefore use all of these shortcuts on a very regular basis!

Therefore, if you learn the shortcuts, you’ll learn to use your keyboard effectively and you’ll be live coding like a pro in no time.

However, don’t try and learn them all at once, just try and remember the ones you use most and then keep adding more to your practice.


C – Minecraft Pi

Sonic Pi now supports a simple API for interacting with Minecraft Pi – the special edition of Minecraft which is installed by default on the Raspberry Pi’s Raspbian Linux-based operating system.

No need to import libraries

The Minecraft Pi integration has been designed to be insanely easy to use. All you need to do is to launch Minecraft Pi and create a world. You’re then free to use the mc_* fns just like you might use play and synth. There’s no need to import anything or install any libraries – it’s all ready to go and works out of the box.

Automatic Connection

The Minecraft Pi API takes care of managing your connection to the Minecraft Pi application. This means you don’t need to worry about a thing. If you try and use the Minecraft Pi API when Minecraft Pi isn’t open, Sonic Pi will politely tell you. Similarly, if you close Minecraft Pi whilst you’re still running a live_loop that uses the API, the live loop will stop and politely tell you that it can’t connect. To reconnect, just launch Minecraft Pi again and Sonic Pi will automatically detect and re-create the connection for you.

Designed to be Live Coded

The Minecraft Pi API has been designed to work seamlessly within live_loops. This means it’s possible to synchronise modifications in your Minecraft Pi worlds with modifications in your Sonic Pi sounds. Instant Minecraft-based music videos! Note however that Minecraft Pi is alpha software and is known to be slightly buggy. If you encounter any problems simply restart Minecraft Pi and carry on as before. Sonic Pi’s automatic connection functionality will take care of things for you.






Last active Jun 11, 2018

Cheatsheet for Sonic Pi

Just some notes on Sonic Pi