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13 | 2 月 | 2019 | FreeSandal

Rock It 《ML》JupyterLab 【乙】Markdown 《A》



「標識(markup)」這個詞來源自傳統出版業的「標記」一個手稿 ,也就是在原稿的邊緣加注一些符號來指示列印上的要求。長久以來,這個工作都是由專門的人(”markup men”)以及校對人來進行 ,對原稿標誌出使用什麼樣的字型,字型以及字號,然後再將原稿交給其它人進行手工的排版工作。


熟悉 LaTex 數學方程式排版、 HTML 超文件者,早知『標記語言』大名矣。

Markup language

Example of RecipeBook, a simple language based on XML for creating recipes. The markup can be converted to HTML, PDF and Rich Text Formatusing a programming language or XSL

In computer text processing, a markup language is a system for annotating a document in a way that is syntactically distinguishable from the text.[1] The idea and terminology evolved from the “marking up” of paper manuscripts, i.e., the revision instructions by editors, traditionally written with a blue pencil on authors’ manuscripts.[citation needed] In digital media, this “blue pencil instruction text” was replaced by tags, that is, instructions are expressed directly by tags or “instruction text encapsulated by tags.” However the whole idea of a mark up language is to avoid the formatting work for the text, as the tags in the mark up language serve the purpose to format the appropriate text (like a header or the beginning of a paragraph etc.). Every tag used in a Markup language has a property to format the text we write.

Examples include typesetting instructions such as those found in troff, TeX and LaTeX, or structural markers such as XML tags. Markup instructs the software that displays the text to carry out appropriate actions, but is omitted from the version of the text that users see.

Some markup languages, such as the widely used HTML, have pre-defined presentation semantics—meaning that their specification prescribes how to present the structured data. Others, such as XML, do not have them and are general purpose.

HyperText Markup Language (HTML), one of the document formats of the World Wide Web, is an instance of Standard Generalized Markup Language or SGML, and follows many of the markup conventions used in the publishing industry in the communication of printed work between authors, editors, and printers.[citation needed]


然而為何將其『輕量化』 down 呢?


Markdown是一種輕量級標記式語言,創始人為約翰·格魯伯英語 :John Gruber)。它允許人們「使用易讀易寫的純文字格式編寫文件,然後轉換成有效的XHTML(或者HTML)文件」。[4]這種語言吸收了很多在電子郵件中已有的純文字標記的特性。

由於Markdown的輕量化、易讀易寫特性,並且對於圖片,圖表、數學式都有支援,目前許多網站都廣泛使用 Markdown 來撰寫說明文件或是用於論壇上發表訊息。例如:GitHub、reddit、Diaspora 、Stack Exchange、OpenStreetMap 、SourceForge等。甚至Markdown能被使用來撰寫電子書


實則為了『易讀易寫』一般文稿,無須記住那麼多的『命令』、『標籤』 tag 哩 !




syntax error ??



英國劍橋大學 Dr . Sam Aaron 博士,Sonic π 的作者,他的『音樂程式』理念是︰


There are no mistakes
Before we start, let me just give you one piece of advice I’ve learned over my years of live coding with music – there are no mistakes, only opportunities. This is something I’ve often heard in relation to jazz but it works equally well with live coding. No matter how experienced you are – from a complete beginner to a seasoned Algoraver, you’ll run some code that has a completely unexpected outcome. It might sound insanely cool – in which case run with it. However, it might sound totally jarring and out of place. It doesn’t matter that it happened – what matters is what you do next with it. Take the sound, manipulate it and morph it into something awesome. The crowd will go wild.

─── 摘自《SONIC Π 知音?!



就讓我們從閱讀 JupyterLab 的 Markdown Reference 展開旅程吧☆


Getting started with writing and formatting on GitHub

You can use simple features to format your comments and interact with others in issues, pull requests, and wikis on GitHub.

About writing and formatting on GitHub

GitHub combines a syntax for formatting text called GitHub Flavored Markdown with a few unique writing features.

Basic writing and formatting syntax

Create sophisticated formatting for your prose and code on GitHub with simple syntax.


About writing and formatting on GitHub

GitHub combines a syntax for formatting text called GitHub Flavored Markdown with a few unique writing features.

Markdown is an easy-to-read, easy-to-write syntax for formatting plain text.

We’ve added some custom functionality to create GitHub Flavored Markdown, used to format prose and code across our site.

You can also interact with other users in pull requests and issues using features like @mentions, issue and PR references, and emoji.

Text formatting toolbar

Every comment field on GitHub contains a text formatting toolbar, allowing you to format your text without learning Markdown syntax. In addition to Markdown formatting like bold and italic styles and creating headers, links, and lists, the toolbar includes GitHub-specific features such as @mentions, task lists, and links to issues and pull requests.

Markdown toolbar







