Rock It 《ML》JupyterLab 【丁】Code《七》語義【三】下

『讀碼』通常是『寫碼』的開始,尤其面對不熟悉之物件時。所以建議讀者仔細研究一下 原始碼。比方說,追跡 dump 

def dump(node, annotate_fields=True, include_attributes=False):
    Return a formatted dump of the tree in *node*.  This is mainly useful for
    debugging purposes.  The returned string will show the names and the values
    for fields.  This makes the code impossible to evaluate, so if evaluation is
    wanted *annotate_fields* must be set to False.  Attributes such as line
    numbers and column offsets are not dumped by default.  If this is wanted,
    *include_attributes* can be set to True.
    def _format(node):
        if isinstance(node, AST):
            fields = [(a, _format(b)) for a, b in iter_fields(node)]
            rv = '%s(%s' % (node.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(
                ('%s=%s' % field for field in fields)
                if annotate_fields else
                (b for a, b in fields)
            if include_attributes and node._attributes:
                rv += fields and ', ' or ' '
                rv += ', '.join('%s=%s' % (a, _format(getattr(node, a)))
                                for a in node._attributes)
            return rv + ')'
        elif isinstance(node, list):
            return '[%s]' % ', '.join(_format(x) for x in node)
        return repr(node)
    if not isinstance(node, AST):
        raise TypeError('expected AST, got %r' % node.__class__.__name__)
    return _format(node)


def iter_fields(node):
    Yield a tuple of ``(fieldname, value)`` for each field in ``node._fields``
    that is present on *node*.
    for field in node._fields:
            yield field, getattr(node, field)
        except AttributeError:


了解如何解構節點 node 也。


就會知道怎樣藉著 generic_visit ,自製小程式哩☆




Set of tools to play with Python AST.


