M♪o 之學習筆記本《寅》井井


寅 虎



寅虎︰ 寅黃黃同源為何故?寅者象以『習射』時用的箭靶,黃色為此靶心之色。坤 ䷁ 土成始位西南,艮 ䷳ 山成終在東北。學作東北 虎虎 ,莫為中山 狼 狼。


派︰《 文 》文說︰


《説文解字》:虎,山獸之君。从虍,虎足象人足。象形。凡虎之屬皆从虎。虝,古文虎。 古虎 ,亦古文虎。


《 易 》易有︰

井 ䷯ :改邑不改井,無喪無得,往來井井。汔至,亦未繘井,羸其瓶,凶。

《 史 》史講『后羿』︰


四年,春,楚師為陳叛故,猶在繁陽,韓獻子患之,言於朝曰,文王帥殷之叛國,以事紂,唯知時也,今我易之,難哉,三月,陳成公卒,楚人將伐陳,聞喪乃止,陳人不聽命,臧武仲聞之曰,陳不服於楚必亡,大國行禮焉而不服,在大猶有咎,而況小乎,夏,楚彭名侵陳,陳無禮故也,穆叔如晉,報知武子之聘也,晉侯享之,金奏肆夏之三,不拜,工歌文王之三,又不拜,歌鹿鳴之三,三拜 ,韓獻子使行人子員問之,曰,子以君命辱於敝邑,先君之禮,藉之以樂,以辱吾子,吾子舍其大而重,拜其細,敢問何禮也,對曰 ,三夏,天子所以享元侯也,使臣弗敢與聞,文王,兩君相見之樂也,臣不敢及,鹿鳴,君所以嘉寡君也,敢不拜嘉,四牡,君所以勞使臣也,敢不重拜,皇皇者華,君教使臣曰,必諮於周,臣聞之 ,訪問於善為咨,咨親為詢,咨禮為度,咨事為諏,咨難為謀,臣獲五善,敢不重拜。

秋,定姒薨,不殯于廟,無櫬,不虞,匠慶謂季文子曰,子為正卿 ,而小君之喪不成,不終君也,君長,誰受其咎,初,季孫為己樹六檟於蒲圃東門之外,匠慶請木,季孫曰,略,匠慶用蒲圃之檟,季孫不御,君子曰,志所謂多行無禮,必自及也,其是之謂乎。



無終子嘉父使孟樂如晉,因魏莊子納虎豹之皮,以請和諸戎,晉侯曰,戎狄無親而貪,不如伐之,魏絳曰,諸侯新服,陳新來和,將觀於我,我德則睦,否則攜貳,勞師於戎,而楚伐陳,必弗能救,是棄陳也,諸華必叛,戎禽獸也,獲戎失華,無乃不可乎,夏訓有之曰,有窮后羿,公曰,后羿何如,對曰,昔有夏之方衰也,后羿自鉏遷于窮石,因夏民以代夏政,恃其射也,不脩民事,而淫于原獸,棄武羅,伯困,熊髡,尨圉,而用寒浞,寒浞,伯明氏之讒子弟也,伯明后寒棄之,夷羿收之,信而使之,以為己相,浞行媚于內,而施賂于外,愚弄其民,而虞羿于田,樹之詐慝,以取其國家 ,外內咸服,羿猶不悛,將歸自田,家眾殺而亨之,以食其子,其子不忍食諸,死于窮門,靡奔有鬲氏,浞因羿室,生澆及豷,恃其讒慝詐偽而不德于民,使澆用師,滅斟灌及斟尋氏,處澆于過,處豷于戈,靡自有鬲氏,收二國之燼以滅浞,而立少康,少康滅澆于過,后杼滅豷于戈,有窮由是遂亡,失人故也,昔周辛甲之為大史也,命百官,官箴王闕,於虞人之箴曰,芒芒禹跡,畫為九州,經啟九道,民有寢廟,獸有茂草,各有攸處,德用不擾,在帝夷羿,冒于原獸,忘其國恤,而思其麀牡,武不可重,用不恢于夏家,獸臣司原,取告僕夫,虞箴如是,可不懲乎,於是晉侯好田,故魏絳及之,公曰,然則莫如和戎乎,對曰,和戎有五利焉,戎狄荐居,貴貨易土,土可賈焉,一也,邊鄙不聳,民狎其野,穡人成功,二也,戎狄事晉,四鄰振動,諸侯威懷,三也,以德綏戎,師徒不動 ,甲兵不頓,四也,鑒于后羿,而用德度,遠至邇安,五也,君其圖之,公說,使魏絳盟諸戎,脩民事,田以時。

冬,十月,邾人,莒人,伐鄫,臧紇救鄫,侵邾,敗于狐駘,國人逆喪者皆髽,魯於是乎始髽,國人誦之曰,臧之狐裘,敗我於狐駘 ,我君小子,朱儒是使,朱儒朱儒,使我敗於邾。


☆ 編者言說明

由於編者不知 M♪o 所指之《 文 》、《 易 》《 史 》是何物?只能勉為其難,用著『想當然爾』之法,比之擬之一番,尚祈讀者法眼。


生 ︰井通地下水,同源之井,彼此互通也,所以井井往來。

IPC 』Inter-process communication 、『  TCP/IP  』、『 IOT  』都有『 I 』,『 Inter- 』表『之間』之意,常用『握手』 Handshake 之『規範』。應該深體《 圖 》演︰



△ 細究 Handshaking

In information technology, telecommunications, and related fields, handshaking is an automated process of negotiation that dynamically sets parameters of a communications channel established between two entities before normal communication over the channel begins. It follows the physical establishment of the channel and precedes normal information transfer.

It is usually a process that takes place when a computer is about to communicate with a foreign device to establish rules for communication. When a computer communicates with another device like a modem, printer, or network server, it needs to handshake with it to establish a connection.

Handshaking can be used to negotiate parameters that are acceptable to equipment and systems at both ends of the communication channel, including, but not limited to, information transfer rate, coding alphabet, parity, interrupt procedure, and other protocol or hardware features. Handshaking is a technique of communication between two entities. However, within TCP/IP RFCs, the term “handshake” is most commonly used to reference the TCP three-way handshake. For example, the term “handshake” is not present in RFCs covering FTP or SMTP. One exception is Transport Layer Security, TLS, setup, FTP RFC 4217. In place of the term “handshake,” FTP RFC 3659 substitutes the term “conversation” for the passing of commands. [1] [2] [3]

A simple handshaking protocol might only involve the receiver sending a message meaning “I received your last message and I am ready for you to send me another one.” A more complex handshaking protocol might allow the sender to ask the receiver if he is ready to receive or for the receiver to reply with a negative acknowledgement meaning “I did not receive your last message correctly, please resend it” (e.g. if the data was corrupted en route). [4]

Handshaking makes it possible to connect relatively heterogeneous systems or equipment over a communication channel without the need for human intervention to set parameters. One classic example of handshaking is that of modems, which typically negotiate communication parameters for a brief period when a connection is first established, and thereafter use those parameters to provide optimal information transfer over the channel as a function of its quality and capacity. The “squealing” (which is actually a sound that changes in pitch 100 times every second) noises made by some modems with speaker output immediately after a connection is established are in fact the sounds of modems at both ends engaging in a handshaking procedure; once the procedure is completed, the speaker might be silenced, depending on the settings of operating system or the application controlling the modem.

△ 或可試讀香儂?!


碼 ︰有 習 。兩根母母線,以一千導阻,井通二四與二六 ,古曰︰西金北水關。用二、二十、二百赫茲均任脈衝發西金,以取北水之數論證,訊通此關之法。

☿ 答︰『西金』數四、九,既『發』當是『出針』;『北水』一與六,以『取』故為『入針』。『均任』者,平責, duty cycle = dc = 50。『脈衝』者, PWM 也。以『數』『證』之者,證『發數』和『取數』相符。『二』、『二十』、『二百』皆『赫茲』者, Hz 也,全是 PWM 之 frequency 。然而『連續』之『訊號』,考之以『離散』之『讀取』,或可『實證』者,僅『 1 』以及『 0 』平均一周期之『比例』而已。故而『訊通此關之法』之要,在於越能『高速』取值越相合。


行 ︰每每都用母母線!?不知是『母』好用!還是怕我們『不知』用『公』?!☿☺☺

欲程式『實證』理論,昨兒乏了,何不改日?…… ☺☿


訊 ︰☿ 《古訓》︰井中有仁,切勿落井下石。