勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰感知自然‧湖心小築

眼前一座圓形的平台在望,中央有個圓頂式建築物看來最高。此時東西分界線歷歷在目, Mrphs 說道︰湖心小築將至。基址的平台是圓的,徑長千『 步 』步。此處的『 步 』是長度計量單位 ,大約等於貴處的『三十公分』 。此湖心小築呈方形,廣三百步,建在台中央 。台面上只有兩層,水面下有百層,總高亦千步。除去南北渡頭外,周圓都有房舍,連同築頂之觀星圓台,全部都隸屬『天文‧氣象』研究所。湖心小築入口大廳在第一層,向下五十層是『人文‧科技』大學堂,再下五十層是『地理‧海洋』調查室。因為此築位於東西線交界之處,由於南北水位斷差有三百步,所以『地理‧海洋』調查室實有大半樓層,一邊面湖,一邊深入土中,形成了理想地文研究環境。心想︰分明偌大的建築,怎麼會叫湖心小築的呢? Mrphs 接著又講︰說來當初此地谷民集資集力建造這所『大學堂』是為著感謝 M♪o 的貢獻,誰知她喜歡與小朋友為伍不願離開『小學堂』。於是在 M♪o 的建議下,成了『盤谷大學』,全體谷民的大學。據聞這『湖心小築』之名,也是那時定的。說是取象於『尖』,上『小』下『大』之謂。曾有人問過  M♪o 這事,她只莞爾笑說︰地山謙和尖不尖能有什麼關係?謹慎不要山地剝就好了 !事實上,至今還有人繼續『徇名責實』的哩。現今許多『尖端』研究,谷民僅需提出申請,只要不違背『科技護生』之旨,可在此自由進行 。那『邀請護照』正是科研的成果之一。……


There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom

There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” was a lecture given by physicist Richard Feynman at an American Physical Society meeting at Caltech on December 29, 1959.[1] Feynman considered the possibility of direct manipulation of individual atoms as a more powerful form of synthetic chemistry than those used at the time. The talk went unnoticed and it didn’t inspire the conceptual beginnings of the field. In the 1990s it was rediscovered and publicised as a seminal event in the field, probably to boost the history of nanotechnology with Feynman’s reputation.


Feynman considered a number of interesting ramifications of a general ability to manipulate matter on an atomic scale. He was particularly interested in the possibilities of denser computer circuitry, and microscopes that could see things much smaller than is possible with scanning electron microscopes. These ideas were later realized by the use of the scanning tunneling microscope, the atomic force microscope and other examples of scanning probe microscopy and storage systems such as Millipede, created by researchers at IBM.

Feynman also suggested that it should be possible, in principle, to make nanoscale machines that “arrange the atoms the way we want”, and do chemical synthesis by mechanical manipulation.

He also presented the “weird possibility” of “swallowing the doctor,” an idea that he credited in the essay to his friend and graduate student Albert Hibbs. This concept involved building a tiny, swallowable surgical robot by developing a set of one-quarter-scale manipulator hands slaved to the operator’s hands to build one-quarter scale machine tools analogous to those found in any machine shop. This set of small tools would then be used by the small hands to build and operate ten sets of one-sixteenth-scale hands and tools, and so forth, culminating in perhaps a billion tiny factories to achieve massively parallel operations. He uses the analogy of a pantograph as a way of scaling down items. This idea was anticipated in part, down to the microscale, by science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein in his 1942 story Waldo.[2][3]

As the sizes got smaller, one would have to redesign some tools, because the relative strength of various forces would change. Although gravity would become unimportant, surface tension would become more important, Van der Waals attraction would become important, etc. Feynman mentioned these scaling issues during his talk. Nobody has yet attempted to implement this thought experiment, although it has been noted that some types of biological enzymes and enzyme complexes (especially ribosomes) function chemically in a way close to Feynman’s vision.



