勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰感知自然‧尖端‧一



250px-Snow_crystals    的圖案。


在 Mrphs 催促下,趕緊進到了小築的大廳。只見他一直向著東邊走 ,在好大一片落地景觀窗前,忽見那


300px-冰晕    『幻月』掛空中。


原本以為發生什麼危險,所以急行,此時只是驚訝『幻月』之美,難以形容。 Mrphs 開口說道︰先生『神行』不覺溫度陡降氣壓突變 。一般此時『秋雪』早來,由於湖水『鹽度』從南至北梯減,往常日湖北已經結冰,正向南擴大之中。今年氣象又變,據新數據推斷『秋雪』將延一『 旬 』旬,大約十天左右。或因為已經多次聽聞這『秋雪』之詞,總覺困惑,問曰︰什麼是『秋雪』的呢? Mrphs 說︰現今氣候只有『夏‧冬』交替,急徐不定,長短不一,其實『春‧秋』早就名存實亡了。懷念之故,用『秋雪』表示初冬之雪而已。方才『冰晶』突起,『邀請護照』上有多種『氣象』感測器 ,可以補足『 It 網』之『氣候大數據』,用本地『即時資訊』推斷天氣變化,所以知道『冰晶』將臨,很可能看得到『幻月』。當下 Mrphs 在『邀請護照』上按了按,螢幕上顯現


250px-Ice_crystals_on_the_box    『冰晶』影像。





針柱狀『冰晶』,大約形成溫度是攝氏負五負六度。實在好奇如何可以『顯微觀物』的哩!因問道︰這『顯微』是什麼樣的技術呢? Mrphs 答道︰一種『微流體透鏡』的應用。它可以控制『微流體』動態形成多種『光學系統』,輔之以多類『微機電』運動感測器,足以精確定位『眼‧手』等等位置。不論『裸視』、『顯微』以及『望遠』都是一樣的運作方式。……



Microfluidics is a multidisciplinary field intersecting engineering, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, nanotechnology, and biotechnology, with practical applications to the design of systems in which low volumes of fluids are processed to achieve multiplexing, automation, and high-throughput screening.[1] Microfluidics emerged in the beginning of the 1980s and is used in the development of inkjet printheads, DNA chips, lab-on-a-chip technology, micro-propulsion, and micro-thermal technologies. It deals with the behavior, precise control and manipulation of fluids that are geometrically constrained to a small, typically sub-millimeter, scale. Typically, micro means one of the following features:

  • small volumes (µL, nL, pL, fL)
  • small size
  • low energy consumption
  • effects of the micro domain

Typically fluids are moved, mixed, separated or otherwise processed. Numerous applications employ passive fluid control techniques like capillary forces. In some applications external actuation means are additionally used for a directed transport of the media. Examples are rotary drives applying centrifugal forces for the fluid transport on the passive chips. Active microfluidics refers to the defined manipulation of the working fluid by active (micro) components such as micropumps or micro valves. Micro pumps supply fluids in a continuous manner or are used for dosing. Micro valves determine the flow direction or the mode of movement of pumped liquids. Often processes which are normally carried out in a lab are miniaturized on a single chip in order to enhance efficiency and mobility as well as reducing sample and reagent volumes.




Optofluidics is a research and technology area that combines the advantages of microfluidics and optics. Applications of the technology include displays, biosensors, lab-on-chip devices, lenses, and molecular imaging tools and energy.


The idea of fluid-optical devices can be traced back at least as far as the 18th century, when spinning pools of mercury were proposed (and eventually developed) as liquid mirror telescopes. In the 20th century new technologies such as dye lasers and liquid core waveguides were developed that took advantage of the tunability and physical adaptability that liquids provided to these newly emerging photonic systems. The field of optofluidics formally began to emerge in the mid-2000s as the fields of microfluidics and nanophotonics were maturing and researchers began to look for synergies between these two areas.[1] One of the primary applications of the field is for lab-on-a-chip and biophotonic products.[2][3][4]

