勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰感知自然‧氣壓


Earth’s atmosphere Lower 4 layers of the atmosphere in 3 dimensions as seen diagonally from above the exobase. Layers drawn to scale, objects within the layers are not to scale. Aurorae shown here at the bottom of the thermosphere can actually form at any altitude in this atmospheric layer


地球大氣層,又稱大氣圈,因重力關係而圍繞著地球的一層混合氣體,是地球最外部的氣體圈層,包圍著海洋陸地,大氣圈沒有確切的上界,在離地表2000-16000公里高空仍有稀薄的氣體基本粒子,在地下、土壤和某些岩石中也會有少量氣體 ,它們也可認為是大氣圈的一個組成部分,地球大氣的主要成分為二氧化碳和不到 0.04% 比例的微量氣體,這些混合氣體被稱為空氣,地球大氣圈氣體的總質量約為 5.136×1021 克,相當於地球總質量的百萬分之 0.86 ,由於地球引力作用,幾乎全部的氣體集中在離地面 100 公里的高度範圍內,其中75%的大氣又集中在地面至 10 公里高度的對流層範圍內,根據大氣溫度垂直分布和運動特徵,在對流層之上還可分為平流層中氣層熱層等。大氣層保護地表避免太陽輻射直接照射.尤其是紫外線;也可以減少一天當中極端溫差的出現。


氣壓國際單位制帕斯卡(或簡稱,符號是Pa),泛指是氣體對某一點施加的流體靜力壓強,來源是大氣層中空氣重力,即為單位面積上的大氣壓力。在一般氣象學中人們用千帕斯卡(KPa)、或使用百帕(hPa)作為單位。測量氣壓的儀器叫氣壓表。其它的常用單位分別是:(bar,1bar=100,000 帕)和公分水銀柱(或稱公分汞柱)。在海平面的平均氣壓約為 101.325 千帕斯卡(76 公分水銀柱),這個值也被稱為標準大氣壓。另外,在化學計算中,氣壓的國際單位是「atm」。一個標準大氣壓即是1atm。1個標準大氣壓等於 101325 帕,1.01325 巴,或者 76 公分水銀柱。


在地球上,其來源是大氣層中空氣重力,一般正常的空氣壓力 1kg/cm2。在高處之上的大氣層比較薄,那裡的空氣重力比低處要小,因此在高處的氣壓比在低處要低。比如在高山上氣壓比在海平面上要低。


Pressure varies smoothly from the Earth’s surface to the top of the mesosphere. Although the pressure changes with the weather, NASA has averaged the conditions for all parts of the earth year-round. As altitude increases, atmospheric pressure decreases. One can calculate the atmospheric pressure at a given altitude.[6] Temperature and humidity also affect the atmospheric pressure, and it is necessary to know these to compute an accurate figure. The graph at right was developed for a temperature of 15 °C and a relative humidity of 0%.



At low altitudes above the sea level, the pressure decreases by about 1.2 kPa for every 100 meters. For higher altitudes within the troposphere, the following equation (the barometric formula) relates atmospheric pressure p to altitude h

p = p_0 \cdot \left(1 - \frac{L \cdot h}{T_0} \right)^\frac{g \cdot M}{R \cdot L} \approx p_0 \cdot \left(1 - \frac{g \cdot h}{c_p \cdot T_0} \right)^{\frac{c_p \cdot M}{R}} \approx p_0 \cdot \exp \left(- \frac{g \cdot M \cdot h}{R \cdot T_0} \right),

where the constant parameters are as described below:

Parameter Description Value
p0 sea level standard atmospheric pressure 101325 Pa
L temperature lapse rate, = g/cp for dry air 0.0065 K/m
cp constant pressure specific heat ~ 1007 J/(kg•K)
T0 sea level standard temperature 288.15 K
g Earth-surface gravitational acceleration 9.80665 m/s2
M molar mass of dry air 0.0289644 kg/mol
R universal gas constant 8.31447 J/(mol•K)



依據『壓力』的物理定義是『單位面積所受的正向力』 ,



Pressure is the amount of force acting per unit area. The symbol of pressure is p or P.[b][1]



p = \frac{F}{A}


p is the pressure,
F is the normal force,
A is the area of the surface on contact.

Pressure is a scalar quantity. It relates the vector surface element (a vector normal to the surface) with the normal force acting on it. The pressure is the scalar proportionality constant that relates the two normal vectors:

d\mathbf{F}_n=-p\,d\mathbf{A} = -p\,\mathbf{n}\,dA

The minus sign comes from the fact that the force is considered towards the surface element, while the normal vector points outward.

It is incorrect (although rather usual) to say “the pressure is directed in such or such direction”. The pressure, as a scalar, has no direction. The force given by the previous relationship to the quantity has a direction, but the pressure does not. If we change the orientation of the surface element, the direction of the normal force changes accordingly, but the pressure remains the same.

Pressure is transmitted to solid boundaries or across arbitrary sections of fluid normal to these boundaries or sections at every point. It is a fundamental parameter in thermodynamics, and it is conjugate to volume.



250px-Pressure_exerted_by_collisions.svg    空氣分子隨機碰撞


,產生了那個『壓力』,而且所謂的『力』由『牛頓運動定律』可表達為 \vec{F} = \frac{\Delta \vec{P}}_{\Delta t} ,即有『動量變化』就是發生『作用力』的另一種描述。然而一般那個


pV = nRT

其中,p 為理想氣體的壓強V 為理想氣體的體積n 為氣體物質的量T 為理想氣體的熱力學溫度R理想氣體常數

並不考慮『重力』,同時還有許多『理想假設』。如是在『微觀』上將如何說明『大氣壓力』的呢?首先『壓力』是『純量』沒有『方向性』,這就意味著各方向的『力向量』應當是『均等的』,也可以說大氣分子數量很大,『統計起伏』 Statistical fluctuations 很小。比方說,居兩、三千公里外的『散逸層』,大約每粒方公分只有『一個』氣體分子,在此處談『氣體壓力』又該怎麼講的呢?怕是沒有什麼意思的吧!其次地表『大氣壓力』隨著高度遞減,按『牛頓運動定律』來講,這個方向的『作用力』也是遞減的,它和『重力』方向相同,難道會違背『動能‧位能』的『守恆律』嗎?





單只有『量測數據』,若是缺乏度量之『環境條件』,那個數值的『物理意義 』恐是難明難了的吧!!