勇闖新世界︰ W!o《卡夫卡村》變形祭︰品味科學‧教具教材‧【專題】 PD‧箱子世界‧GEM

並非因為箱子世界的框陷,所以不宜多談『 Processing處理這個程式語言的環境。而是認為這個專題或已過長,況且 Pd-extended 上也有個『 GEM 』可以用來表達『視覺』多方呈現。故此只指出『處裡』之創造者 Casey Reas and Ben Fry 所寫的



Getting Started

by Casey Reas and Ben Fry

Welcome to Processing! This introduction covers the basics of writing Processing code.

Level: Beginner




a programming
handbook for
visual designers
and artists

Casey Reas
Ben Fry

The MIT Press
Cambridge, Massachusetts
London, England





RSS Feed Category: Libraries and externals — Other products by this author
Graphics Environment for Multimedia

Current release: Gem 0.93.3

Released 2011-11-11 — tested with pd 0.41, pd 0.42, pd 0.43

the 3rd bugfix release for 0.93

Project Description

GEM stands for Graphics Environment for Multimedia and is an external (plugin) for the computer-music software Pd.

GEM was originally written by Mark Danks to do realtime openGL-based graphics on SGI and Win32 platforms.

Günter Geiger has ported GEM to LINUX. James Tittle has ported GEM to Apple’s OS-X.

GEM is now maintained at the IEM by IOhannes m zmölnig. Future developments will be aimed at Linux, OS-X and Win32 platforms.

GEM is open source software, it is free for any use and can be downloaded from the internet. GEM runs on LINUX, OSX, Win32 and IRIX platforms.

GEM follows the programming paradigm of Pd.

Useful links may include



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