W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰ 經緯縱橫




曾聽 Mrphs 說︰ W!o+ 的工坊內各種物件星羅棋布,那裡頭最大的一塊區域擺著各類『感測器』。少年的他在觀察自然生物後,認為所謂『智慧組件』如果師法自然,首重『自主感測器』的深入理解 。因為這是『生命』感知天地自我的第一步。並且那個『自主性』就是『智慧』藏身之處,賦予一個『組件』之聰明。若是將之適當組合就形成『聰明物件』。

雖然這也是作者選擇『 GrovePi 』的重要原因,

Port Description

The GrovePi is stacked on top of the Raspberry Pi without the need for any other connections.  Communication between the two occurs over the I2C interface. All Grove modules connect to the universal Grove connectors on the GrovePi shield via the universal 4 pin connector cable.

Grove modules, which work on analog and digital signals, connect directly to the ATMEGA328 microcontroller on the Grove Pi.  The microcontroller acts as an interpreter between the Raspberry Pi and the Grove sensors.  It sends, receives, and executes commands sent by the RaspberryPi.

In addition, the GrovePi allows you the Raspberry Pi to access some Grove sensors directly.  The Raspberry Pi has an I2C Bus and a Serial bus.  These buses can directly connect to sensors via the I2C Ports and the USART Port.

GrovePi Port description



Software Architecture

The GrovePi communicates with the Raspberry Pi using I2C protocol. The Raspberry Pi acts as a Master and GrovePi as slave at address 0x04. The Raspberry Pi sends commands to the GrovePi. The Grove Pi processes the commands and sends back data.

The Grove Pi can be easily integrated with the other Grove Sensors using Serial, Digital, Analog or I2C interface. The GrovePi can do time sensitive operations as well as gather data and send them to the Raspberry Pi at periodic intervals. This saves a lot of processing power on the Raspberry Pi.

The Raspberry Pi can also directly interact with the Grove Sensors using Serial and I2C interface but you will have to build the libraries to support the sensors.




Grove Sensors for the Raspberry Pi: Officially supported and Tested

These Grove modules have been tested by Dexter Industries and the GrovePi community and have examples available to try them out in our Github repository



,只不過對 W!o+ 少年老成的說法,實難置可否!或許未來英雄出少年的吧!!