W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰ 一窺全豹之系統設計《韌帶》

如今我們總算取得了『 GrovePi 』軟體架構



的第一塊關鍵拼圖 ──






Ascher Opler coined the term “firmware” in a 1967 Datamation article.[4] Originally, it meant the contents of a writable control store (a small specialized high speed memory), containing microcode that defined and implemented the computer’s instruction set, and that could be reloaded to specialize or modify the instructions that the central processing unit (CPU) could execute. As originally used, firmware contrasted with hardware (the CPU itself) and software (normal instructions executing on a CPU). It was not composed of CPU machine instructions, but of lower-level microcode involved in the implementation of machine instructions. It existed on the boundary between hardware and software; thus the name “firmware”. Over time, popular usage extended the word “firmware” to denote anything ROM-resident, including processor machine instructions for BIOS, bootstrap loaders, or specialized applications.

Until the mid-1990s, updating firmware typically involved replacing a storage medium containing firmware, usually a socketed ROM integrated circuit. Flash memory allows firmware to be updated without physically removing an integrated circuit from the system. An error during the update process may make the device non-functional, or “bricked“, which the system is vulnerable to when the parts of flash storage containing the core software or update program are erased and reprogrammed. If the update process is interrupted abruptly, this core software may not be operational to run the device and retry the update, which can be avoided by having a protected read-only section of the flash storage that holds the core software. The downside for the manufacturer is that this read-only software cannot be corrected in the field, so it must be tested to a very high degree before the release.





韌帶拉丁語 Ligamenta,單數 Ligamentum)是可彎曲,纖維樣的彈性結締組織。






Diagram of the right knee.



Typical joint



的時候了。將如何展開生物『韌帶』之『活性』的探索?使之可以『更新』、『重塑』、『鍛鍊』、…… 的哩!未來的『聰明物件』之『建構』和『解構』原理,又有什麼『人造物』有可以效法之『藍圖』呢??或許師法『自然』,『仿生學』正在起步的吧!!


大樹底下好乘涼 ︰ 《歷史觀》


使女的故事》 The handmaid’s tale 是加拿大女性作家瑪格麗特‧愛特伍 Margaret Atwood 所寫的小說,受歐美文學界推崇不已的作品,已被列入重要經典作品中。




每一台 PC 主機板上都有一個『BIOS 』 Basic Input Output System 掌管開機動作。這個『第一啟動』韌體一直隱藏在『保密合約』 NDA  non-disclosure agreement 幕後。曾經 Linux Bios 計畫努力於打開黑箱,直到今天稱之為 coreboot 。在那個應許的年代,已走入歷史的『 SUN Microsystems 』之『 Open Bios 』計畫裡的『 open firmware 』架構,就是『設備樹』的原點︰

IEEE Std 1275-1994
IEEE Standard for Boot (Initialization Configuration) Firmware: Core Requirements and Practices
3.2 Device tree
The device tree is a hierarchical data structure that describes the system hardware, describes user configuration choices, contains firmware device drivers for hardware devices, and contains support routines for use by those drivers.

The device tree’s structure mimics the organization of the system hardware, viewed as a hierarchy of interconnected buses and their attached devices. The device tree consists of a set of device nodes that are interconnected to form a tree. An individual device node
represents either a hardware bus, a hardware device, or a set of interrelated software procedures. ……

二零零八年起 Power.org^{TM} Standard for Embedded Power Architecture^{TM} Platform Requirements (ePAPR) 開始推廣 open firmware 架構︰
1.2 Relationship to IEEETM 1275

The ePAPR is loosely related to the IEEE 1275 Open Firmware standard—IEEE Standard for Boot (Initialization Configuration) Firmware: Core Requirements and Practices [2].
The original IEEE 1275 specification and its derivatives such as CHRP [10] and PAPR [16] address problems of general purpose computers, such as how a single version of an operating system can work on several different computers within the same family and the problem of loading an operating system from user-installed I/O devices. ……


