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W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰ 一窺全豹之系統設計‧探索‧己 | FreeSandal

W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰ 一窺全豹之系統設計‧探索‧己






不知秋 蟬 解了悟?知了聲聲催 金文禪 心!


欲知達摩西來意?達摩血脈論吾本來此土傳法救迷情一華開五葉結果自然成。它預示著禪宗六祖慧能在成佛後,會帶出多位弟子,將創立五個宗派,後世之佛教徒多以『教外別傳、不立文字』為達摩『禪法』的標誌。此一宗五脈世系是︰初祖達摩 二祖慧可三祖僧璨四祖道信五祖弘忍六祖惠能世系起於達摩所留之一隻草鞋』,『認可』二祖『傳法』慧可之始。




上堂。老僧三十年前。未參禪時。見山是山。見水是水。及至後來親見知識。有個入處。見山不是山。見水不是水。而今得個休歇處  。依前見山祇是山。見水祇是水。大眾。這三般見解是同是別。有人緇素得出。許汝親見老僧(更參三十年迥無入處在)。




, 講『未到』之『聽』『觀』與『到得』的『親』『觀』不同,試問那景緻會變了嗎?也許『觀』者之『心』『情』已然境遷的了!還有那『遠望』山似『枕』,『蟻 觀』枕如『山』,之『遠近』之別,更別說有人方與一代巨星『鄧麗君』之『3D 全像投影』合唱的哩!!所以老子說︰名可名,非常名。試想『無水之河』空有河名 ,滄海已成桑田,又何必『曾是』的呢??所以『眼看』有如『 Camera 』。『心見』宛如『 Recognition 』,這一個『了別』之『心』的科學尚且方將起步,或許果真『』『』不二的耶!!

─── 摘自《《派生》 Python 作坊【庚】話頭機鋒


昨宵縱情遊戲中,今朝把握人間事。俗話說︰一元復始,萬象更新 。就在過年之時,

Another new Raspbian release

Some of you may have spotted that there is a new Raspbian release available for download. For most people, this is primarily updates and bug fixes to the existing Jessie image – but there’s one exciting new feature that might be of interest to some people…


One more thing…

We hope the above changes are useful, but Raspbian will still look pretty much the same as it did for the last release in November. But we have been working on one other thing behind the scenes for this release: this won’t be of interest to most users, but for some, we hope it will be very useful.

In this release we are shipping an experimental OpenGL driver for the desktop which uses the GPU to provide hardware acceleration. This is turned off by default – if you want to enable it, you can find it in the command-line version of raspi-config, under Advanced Options->GL Driver. Due to memory requirements, this will not work on Pi 1 or Pi Zero boards – it is solely for Pi 2. (raspi-config will only allow it to be enabled on a Pi 2; be warned that if you enable it on a Pi 2 and then move that SD card into a Pi 1 or Pi Zero, the Pi will not boot.)

If you don’t use this option, the desktop does have OpenGL support, but it uses a very slow software renderer, which makes all but the most basic OpenGL applications pretty much unusable. The hardware-accelerated version is much faster, and makes some quite decent OpenGL games playable on the Pi.










Open source Zephyr™ Project aims to deliver an RTOS; opens call for developers to help advance project for the smallest footprint IoT devices

SAN FRANCISCO – February 17, 2016 – The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation through open source, today announced the Zephyr™ Project. This open source collaborative effort will unite leaders from across the industry to build a real-time operating system (RTOS) for the Internet of Things (IoT).

Early support for the Zephyr Project includes Intel® Corporation (including its acquired business groups Altera Corporation and Wind River), NXP Semiconductors N.V. (including its recent merger with Freescale), Synopsys, Inc. and UbiquiOS Technology Limited. Zephyr Project is inviting others interested in this technology to participate.

Industrial and consumer IoT devices require software that is scalable, secure and enables seamless connectivity. Developers also need the ability to innovate on top of a highly modular platform that easily integrates with embedded devices regardless of architecture. While Linux has proven to be a wildly successful operating system for embedded development, some IoT devices require an RTOS that addresses the very smallest memory footprints. This complements real-time Linux, which excels at data acquisition systems, manufacturing plants and other time-sensitive instruments and machines that provide the critical infrastructure for some of the world’s most complex computing systems.

“Developers today have many choices when it comes to platforms. The Zephyr Project will offer a modular, connected operating system to support the smallest footprint for IoT devices,” said Jim Zemlin, executive director, The Linux Foundation. “We invite developers to contribute to the Zephyr Project and to help advance a customizable embedded open source RTOS to advance IoT. By hosting this at The Linux Foundation, we look forward to the cross-project collaboration among Linux and this community.”

Modularity and security are key considerations when building systems for embedded IoT devices. The Zephyr Project prioritizes these features by providing the freedom to use the RTOS as is or to tailor a solution. The project’s focus on security includes plans for a dedicated security working group and a delegated security maintainer. Broad communications and networking support is also addressed and will initially include Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy and IEEE 802.15.4, with plans to expand communications and networking support over time.













