W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰【新春】 復古派 《五》 RetroPie 魔戒

經過長久的等待,終於 xbmc → kodi 官方決定踏出關鍵性的一步︰

RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Isengard)

If you came here for support, do this one thing.
POST A DEBUG LOG (see wiki)


Bug season is open. Help document the bugs, quirks and missing/confusing features of RetroPlayer. Please post debug logs to a pastebin site and be detailed in your bug report.

RetroPlayer 15.2 pre-release 2016-02-04 (b6682ba…81dcdc0)


  • Fixed game add-ons broken in last build
  • Kodi’s internal controller processing now syncs to the game’s framerate (60fps when no game is running)





托爾金(J. R. R. Tolkien)小說的中土大陸裡,艾辛格( Isengard )是譯自辛達林語安格林諾斯特(Angrenost),是一個大型要塞 。兩個名字的意思都是指鐵要塞(Iron fortress) ,而艾辛格還有一個意思,是指西部警衛(West Guard)。





This page is about Kodi-Game branch of Kodi which tries to implement a gaming environment for Kodi. The goal is to start, stop and play video games like you can currently play video files. Kodi-Game constist of several addons and subsystems which should be described on this page to minimize confusion. The current version based on Kodi 15alpha2 introduced a lot of changes for this reason information for 13.2 or previous versions you can find on the forum may not apply. Official repository is on github.





Getting Started with RetroArch

In the past month I have seen a few guides about configuring RetroArch, while good some fail to explain some concepts, so I thought why not, I’ll make a series of blog posts about configuring RetroArch, starting from the basics.


  • Core — a core is a program that runs in RetroArch (or another libretro frontend)
  • Frontend — a frontend in this context is a program that can run libretro cores (RetroArch, Minir, Kodi’s Retroplayer are examples of this)
  • Content — content is a game/program that is run by a core, some cores also require no content
  • Retropad — retropad is RetroArch’s input abstraction controller, it’s the interface between the physical controller and the core inputs
  • Save Files — save files are saves that are made from within a game, usually cross platform and should work across emulators in most cases
  • Save States — save states are snapshots of the content menory at a particular moment, these are not always cross platform and most certainly won’t work on a different emulator that the one used to create them
  • System Files — additional files that might or not be part of the romset that might be needed to get some content to work (usually referred to by the BIOS term)
  • Autoconf Profile — a configuration file that has button definitions for a particular gamepad


And RGUI (this is the only available driver on many consoles):

No matter the driver, all of them can be navigated with a gamepad and they share most of their functionality.

Navigating the GUI

RetroArch has an autoconf mechanism with several autoconf profiles preinstalled. Users with pads not supported out of the box will need to map controllers, either with a keyboard or via an on-screen overlay:
For keyboard users, these are the default bindings:



In the menu, is used to accept/select and is used for back/cancel, is used to scroll up and is used to scroll down quickly.

is used to search the current list and is context aware, currently mostly used to trigger a content scan.

is used to reset a setting to default and is used to get information on the current entry if available.

Finally, remember that closes the program. The in-game menu can be toggled with F1.
The rest of the default keyboard bindings can be checkd in Settings/Input/Input Hotkey Binds

The arrows/d-pad should be self explanatory.




魔戒》(英語:The Lord of the Rings,又名《指環王》)是一部由牛津大學教授、語言學家J·R·R·托爾金創作的史詩奇幻文學作品。這個故事原是托爾金早年創作的兒童幻想小說哈比人歷險記》(1937年)之續篇,但隨著故事的發展逐漸變得恢弘龐大。此作品絕大部分完成於1937至1949年,約與二戰期間相符,因此有人相信此作在某些方面亦受到該場戰爭的影響[1]。《魔戒》一書為暢銷書籍,不同版本已售出超過一億五千萬冊[2]

常有讀者將其誤認為一「三部曲」,其實托爾金起初的構想是將本書同《精靈寶鑽》組合成一個兩卷的作品。但礙於經濟原因,出版商[3][4]在1954、1955年決定刪掉《精靈寶鑽》的部分,而只把《魔戒》分為三卷共六冊出版[4][5],形成今天廣為人知的《魔戒》三部曲。分別稱作《魔戒現身》、《雙城奇謀》、《王者再臨》。其中每一部又分為兩冊出版,並收錄了相關的背景資料。此後,《魔戒 》一書被譯為多種語言並重刷多次,成為20世紀最具影響力的奇幻文學作品之一。







pi@retropie:~ cd .config/retroarch/screenshots/ pi@retropie:~/.config/retroarch/screenshots ls




# 注意 .srm .state

pi@retropie:~/RetroPie/roms/snes/S ls Super\ Mario\ World* Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island.smc      Super Mario World.smc Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island.srm      Super Mario World.srm Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island.srm.smc  Super Mario World.state pi@retropie:~/RetroPie/roms/snes/S