W!o+ 的《小伶鼬工坊演義》︰神經網絡【backpropagation】一

談及『反向傳播算法』之前, Michael Nielsen 先生首起『記號法』之用︰


Let’s begin with a notation which lets us refer to weights in the network in an unambiguous way. We’ll use w^l_{jk} to denote the weight for the connection from the k^{\rm th} neuron in the (l-1)^{\rm th} layer to the j^{\rm th} neuron in the l^{\rm th} layer. So, for example, the diagram below shows the weight on a connection from the fourth neuron in the second layer to the second neuron in the third layer of a network:

This notation is cumbersome at first, and it does take some work to master. But with a little effort you’ll find the notation becomes easy and natural. One quirk of the notation is the ordering of the j and k indices. You might think that it makes more sense to use j to refer to the input neuron, and k to the output neuron, not vice versa, as is actually done. I’ll explain the reason for this quirk below.

We use a similar notation for the network’s biases and activations. Explicitly, we use b^l_j for the bias of the j^{\rm th} neuron in the l^{\rm th} layer. And we use a^l_j for the activation of the j^{\rm th} neuron in the l^{\rm th} layer. The following diagram shows examples of these notations in use:

With these notations, the activation a^l_j of the j^{\rm th} neuron in the l^{\rm th} layer is related to the activations in the (l-1)^{\rm th} layer by the equation (compare Equation (4) and surrounding discussion in the last chapter)

a^{l}_j = \sigma\left( \sum_k w^{l}_{jk} a^{l-1}_k + b^l_j \right), \ \ \ \ (23)

where the sum is over all neurons k in the (l-1)^{\rm th} layer. To rewrite this expression in a matrix form we define a weight matrix w^l for each layer, l. The entries of the weight matrix w^l are just the weights connecting to the l^{\rm th} layer of neurons, that is, the entry in the j^{\rm th} row and k^{\rm th} column is w^l_{jk}. Similarly, for each layer l we define a bias vector, b^l. You can probably guess how this works – the components of the bias vector are just the values b^l_j, one component for each neuron in the l^{\rm th} layer. And finally, we define an activation vector a^l whose components are the activations a^l_j.




XIV \times LXX


14 \times 70














Counting rod v-1.png
Counting rod h6.pngCounting rod h-8.pngCounting rod 0.png
Counting rod v9.pngCounting rod h6.pngCounting rod 0.pngCounting rod 0.pngCounting rod 0.png



李冶益古演段》卷中第三十六問中的方程=3x^2+210x-20325 用天元術表示為:

Counting rod v2.pngCounting rod 0.pngCounting rod v-3.pngCounting rod h2.pngCounting rod v5.png

Counting rod v2.pngCounting rod h1.pngCounting rod 0.png 元(x)

Counting rod v3.pngx^2項)

其中「太」是常數項,算籌Counting rod v3.png 打斜線表示該項常數為負數。 「元」相當於未知數x


─ 摘自《勇闖新世界︰ 《 pyDatalog 》【專題】之約束編程‧一

