

暗箱(英語:Camera obscura)[1],又稱暗盒,是一種光學儀器,可以把影像投在螢幕上。暗箱的概念早在公元前已經出現。自15世紀開始,被藝術家用作繪畫的輔助工具。至18世紀未,一些攝影先驅用暗箱進行攝影實驗。例如出身顯赫的湯瑪斯·威治伍德,他在1790年代開始研究硝酸銀對光線的反應,並嘗試以暗箱拍攝照片,不過以失敗告終[2]






針孔相機(英語:Pinhole camera)是一種沒有鏡頭相機[1],取代鏡頭的是一個小孔,稱為針孔。利用針孔成像原理,產生倒立的影像。

針孔相機的結構相對簡單,由不透光的容器、感光材料和針孔片組成。其中,感光材料可以是底片,也可以是相紙[2]。為了控制曝光 ,還要有快門結構[3],通常是簡單的活門。


一些藝術家利用針孔相機進行創作。例如,芬蘭藝術家Tarja Trygg以針孔相機,拍攝日照軌跡(Solargraphy),曝光時間長達6個月[5]








據說,用來計算針孔的最佳直徑的公式,至少有50條[3]。以下是其中一條用來計算針孔的最佳直徑  \phi 的公式:

\phi ={\sqrt {2f\lambda }}

其中, f是焦距,  \lambda 是光的波長[9]光的波長是700nm光的波長是546nm,光的波長是436nm[9]。計算的時候,通常取紅光與綠光的波長的平均值,即623nm[9]。計算的時候,請把波長由nm轉換成mm。因為1nm等於10^-6mm,所以623nm等於623×10^-6mm。


\phi ={\sqrt {2\times 50\times 623\times 10^{-}6}}=0.249599679




物體之反射光形成『點光源』 point light source 之聚積。

Point source

A point source is a single identifiable localised source of something. A point source has negligible extent, distinguishing it from other source geometries. Sources are called point sources because in mathematical modeling, these sources can usually be approximated as a mathematical point to simplify analysis.

The actual source need not be physically small, if its size is negligible relative to other length scales in the problem. For example, in astronomy, stars are routinely treated as point sources, even though they are in actuality much larger than the Earth.

In three dimensions, the density of something leaving a point source decreases in proportion to the inverse square of the distance from the source, if the distribution is isotropic, and there is no absorption or other loss.


In mathematics, a point source is a singularity from which flux or flow is emanating. Although singularities such as this do not exist in the observable universe, mathematical point sources are often used as approximations to reality in physics and other fields.


Generally a source of light can be considered a point source if the resolution of the imaging instrument is too low to resolve its apparent size.

Mathematically an object may be considered a point source if its angular size,  \theta , is much smaller than the resolving power of the telescope:
\theta <<\lambda /D,
where \lambda is the wavelength of light and  D is the telescope diameter.



每個『點光源』球狀各向發射光芒,獨有與『針孔』『成一線』者 ,方得入此間,因此光量小,故需『暗箱』護,否則難賭物,只因背景光線強 。為何那『針孔』和『像面』之距離稱『焦距』?雖說『成一線』,實乃一『光錐』,匯聚在此處,術語不虛生,因襲稱『焦距』。有人還說『針孔相機』景深無限,深得廣漠無窮三昧︰


景深(英語:Depth of field, DOF)景深是指相機對焦點前後相對清晰的成像範圍。在光學中,尤其是錄影或是攝影,是一個描述在空間中,可以清楚成像的距離範圍。雖然透鏡只能夠將光聚到某一固定的距離,遠離此點則會逐漸模糊,但是在某一段特定的距離內,影像模糊的程度是肉眼無法察覺的,這段距離稱之為景深。當焦點設在超焦距處時,景深會從超焦距的一半延伸到無限遠,對一個固定的光圈值來說,這是最大的景深。













Ray transfer matrix analysis

Ray transfer matrix analysis (also known as ABCD matrix analysis) is a type of ray tracing technique used in the design of some optical systems, particularly lasers. It involves the construction of a ray transfer matrix which describes the optical system; tracing of a light path through the system can then be performed by multiplying this matrix with a vector representing the light ray. The same analysis is also used in accelerator physics to track particles through the magnet installations of a particle accelerator, see Beam optics.

The technique that is described below uses the paraxial approximation of ray optics, which means that all rays are assumed to be at a small angle (θ in radians) and a small distance (x) relative to the optical axis of the system.[1]

Definition of the ray transfer matrix

The ray tracing technique is based on two reference planes, called the input and output planes, each perpendicular to the optical axis of the system. Without loss of generality, we will define the optical axis so that it coincides with the z-axis of a fixed coordinate system. A light ray enters the system when the ray crosses the input plane at a distance x1 from the optical axis while traveling in a direction that makes an angle θ1 with the optical axis. Some distance further along, the ray crosses the output plane, this time at a distance x2 from the optical axis and making an angle θ2. n1 and n2 are the indices of refraction of the medium in the input and output plane, respectively.

These quantities are related by the expression

   {x_2 \choose \theta_2} = \begin{pmatrix} A & B \\ C & D \end{pmatrix}{x_1 \choose \theta_1},


A = {x_2 \over x_1 } \bigg|_{\theta_1 = 0} \qquad B = {x_2 \over \theta_1 } \bigg|_{x_1 = 0},


C = {\theta_2 \over x_1 } \bigg|_{\theta_1 = 0} \qquad D = {\theta_2 \over \theta_1 } \bigg|_{x_1 = 0}.

This relates the ray vectors at the input and output planes by the ray transfer matrix (RTM) M, which represents the optical system between the two reference planes. A thermodynamics argument based on the blackbody radiation can be used to show that the determinant of a RTM is the ratio of the indices of refraction:

\det(\mathbf{M}) = AD - BC = { n_1 \over n_2 }.

As a result, if the input and output planes are located within the same medium, or within two different media which happen to have identical indices of refraction, then the determinant of M is simply equal to 1.

Note that at least one source[2] uses a different convention for the ray vectors. The optical direction cosine, n sin θ, is used instead of θ. This would alter some of the ABCD matrices, especially for refraction.

A similar technique can be used to analyze electrical circuits. See Two-port networks.


In ray transfer (ABCD) matrix analysis, an optical element (here, a thick lens) gives a transformation between  {\displaystyle (x_{1},\theta _{1})} at the input plane and {\displaystyle (x_{2},\theta _{2})} when the ray arrives at the output plane.




Gaussian Optics

Gaussian optics.

The module implements:

  • Ray transfer matrices for geometrical and gaussian optics.

    See RayTransferMatrix, GeometricRay and BeamParameter

  • Conjugation relations for geometrical and gaussian optics.

    See geometric_conj*, gauss_conj and conjugate_gauss_beams

The conventions for the distances are as follows:

focal distance
positive for convergent lenses
object distance
positive for real objects
image distance
positive for real images
class sympy.physics.optics.gaussopt.RayTransferMatrix
Base class for a Ray Transfer Matrix.

It should be used if there isn’t already a more specific subclass mentioned in See Also.

Parameters : parameters : A, B, C and D or 2×2 matrix (Matrix(2, 2, [A, B, C, D]))


[R404] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_transfer_matrix_analysis

