



幾何光學中研究和討論光學系統理想成像性質的分支稱為高斯光學 ,或稱近軸光學。它通常只討論對某一軸線(即光軸)具有旋轉對稱性的光學系統。如果從物點發出的所有光線經光學系統以後都交於同一點,則稱此點是物點的完善像。







當光學系統的孔徑和視場超出近軸區時,成像質量會逐漸下降。這是因為自然點發出的光束中,遠離近軸區的那些光線在系統中的傳播光路偏離理想途徑,而 不再相交於高斯像點(即理想像點)之故。這時,一點的像不再是一個點,而是一個模糊的彌散斑;物平面的像不再是一個平面,而是一個曲面,而且像相對於物還 失去了相似性。所有這些成像缺陷,稱為像差


一個光學系統須滿足一系列要求,包括:放大率物像共軛距轉像光軸轉折等 高斯光學要求;孔徑和視場等性能要求,以及校正像差和成像質量等方面的要求。這些要求都需要在設計時予以考慮和滿足。因此,光學系統設計工作應包括:對光 學系統進行整體安排,並計算和確定系統或系統的各個組成部分的有關高斯光學參量和性能參量;選取或確定系統或系統各組成部分的結構形式並計算其初始結構參 量;校正和平衡像差;評價像質。


初級像差是實際像差的近似表示,僅在孔徑和視場較小時能反映實際的像差情況,因此,按初級像差要求求得的解只是初始的結構參量,需對其進行修改才能 達到像差的進一步校正和平衡,在這一過程中,傳統的做法是根據追跡光線得到的像差數據及其在系統各面上的分布情況,進行分析、判斷,找出對像差影響大的參 量,加以修改,然後再追跡光線求出新的像差數據加以訐價。如此反覆修改 ,直到把應該考慮的各種像差都校正和平衡到符合要求為止。這是一個極其繁複和費時很 多的過程。



Ray tracing (physics)

In physics, ray tracing is a method for calculating the path of waves or particles through a system with regions of varying propagation velocity, absorption characteristics, and reflecting surfaces. Under these circumstances, wavefronts may bend, change direction, or reflect off surfaces, complicating analysis. Ray tracing solves the problem by repeatedly advancing idealized narrow beams called rays through the medium by discrete amounts. Simple problems can be analyzed by propagating a few rays using simple mathematics. More detailed analyses can be performed by using a computer to propagate many rays.

When applied to problems of electromagnetic radiation, ray tracing often relies on approximate solutions to Maxwell’s equations that are valid as long as the light waves propagate through and around objects whose dimensions are much greater than the light’s wavelength. Ray theory does not describe phenomena such as interference and diffraction, which require wave theory (involving the phase of the wave).


Ray tracing works by assuming that the particle or wave can be modeled as a large number of very narrow beams (rays), and that there exists some distance, possibly very small, over which such a ray is locally straight. The ray tracer will advance the ray over this distance, and then use a local derivative of the medium to calculate the ray’s new direction. From this location, a new ray is sent out and the process is repeated until a complete path is generated. If the simulation includes solid objects, the ray may be tested for intersection with them at each step, making adjustments to the ray’s direction if a collision is found. Other properties of the ray may be altered as the simulation advances as well, such as intensity, wavelength, or polarization. The process is repeated with as many rays as are necessary to understand the behavior of the system.


Ray tracing of a beam of light passing through a medium with changing refractive index. The ray is advanced by a small amount, and then the direction is re-calculated.

Optical design

Ray tracing may be used in the design of lenses and optical systems, such as in cameras, microscopes, telescopes, and binoculars, and its application in this field dates back to the 1900s. Geometric ray tracing is used to describe the propagation of light rays through a lens system or optical instrument, allowing the image-forming properties of the system to be modeled. The following effects can be integrated into a ray tracer in a straightforward fashion:

For the application of lens design, two special cases of wave interference are important to account for. In a focal point, rays from a point light source meet again and may constructively or destructively interfere with each other. Within a very small region near this point, incoming light may be approximated by plane waves which inherit their direction from the rays. The optical path length from the light source is used to compute the phase. The derivative of the position of the ray in the focal region on the source position is used to obtain the width of the ray, and from that the amplitude of the plane wave. The result is the point spread function, whose Fourier transform is the optical transfer function. From this, the Strehl ratio can also be calculated.

The other special case to consider is that of the interference of wavefronts, which, as stated before, are approximated as planes. When the rays come close together or even cross, however, the wavefront approximation breaks down. Interference of spherical waves is usually not combined with ray tracing, thus diffraction at an aperture cannot be calculated.

These techniques are used to optimize the design of the instrument by minimizing aberrations, for photography, and for longer wavelength applications such as designing microwave or even radio systems, and for shorter wavelengths, such as ultraviolet and X-ray optics.

Before the advent of the computer, ray tracing calculations were performed by hand using trigonometry and logarithmic tables. The optical formulas of many classic photographic lenses were optimized by roomfuls of people, each of whom handled a small part of the large calculation. Now they are worked out in optical design software. A simple version of ray tracing known as ray transfer matrix analysis is often used in the design of optical resonators used in lasers. The basic principles of the most frequently used algorithm could be found in Spencer and Murty’s fundamental paper: “General ray tracing Procedure”.[1]



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