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Table of ray transfer matrices

for simple optical components

Element Matrix Remarks
Propagation in free space or in a medium of constant refractive index \begin{pmatrix} 1 & d\\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} d = distance
Refraction at a flat interface \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & \frac{n_1}{n_2} \end{pmatrix} n1 = initial refractive index
n2 = final refractive index.
Refraction at a curved interface \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ \frac{n_1-n_2}{R \cdot n_2} & \frac{n_1}{n_2} \end{pmatrix} R = radius of curvature, R > 0 for convex (centre of curvature after interface)
n1 = initial refractive index
n2 = final refractive index.
Reflection from a flat mirror  \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} Only valid for mirrors perpendicular to the ray.
Reflection from a curved mirror   {\displaystyle {\begin{pmatrix}1&0\\-{\frac {2}{R_{e}}}&1\end{pmatrix}}} {\displaystyle R_{e}=R\cos \theta } effective radius of curvature in tangential plane (horizontal direction)
  {\displaystyle R_{e}=R/\cos \theta } effective radius of curvature in the sagittal plane (vertical direction)
R = radius of curvature, R > 0 for concave, valid in the paraxial approximation
\theta is the mirror angle of incidence in the horizontal plane.
Thin lens  \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ -\frac{1}{f} & 1 \end{pmatrix} f = focal length of lens where f > 0 for convex/positive (converging) lens.Only valid if the focal length is much greater than the thickness of the lens.
Thick lens \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ \frac{n_2-n_1}{R_2n_1} & \frac{n_2}{n_1} \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & t \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ \frac{n_1-n_2}{R_1n_2} & \frac{n_1}{n_2} \end{pmatrix} n1 = refractive index outside of the lens.
n2 = refractive index of the lens itself (inside the lens).
R1 = Radius of curvature of First surface.
R2 = Radius of curvature of Second surface.
t = center thickness of lens.
Single right angle prism  \begin{pmatrix} k & \frac{d}{nk} \\ 0 & \frac{1}{k} \end{pmatrix} k = (cos  \psi /cos ϕ  \phi ) is the beam expansion factor, where  \phi is the angle of incidence,  \psi is the angle of refraction, d = prism path length, n = refractive index of the prism material. This matrix applies for orthogonal beam exit.



訊 ︰☿ 把酒飛斝是同道,欲法荀子《勸學篇》趁年少︰

君子曰:學不可以已。青,取之於藍而青於藍;冰,水為之而寒於水。以喻學則才過其本性也。木直中繩,輮以為輪,其曲中規,雖有槁暴,不復挺者,輮使之然也。輮,屈。槁,枯。曓,乾。挻,宜也。《晏子春秋》作「不復贏也」。故木受繩則直,金就礪則利,君子博學而日參省乎己,則知明而行無過矣。參,三也。曾子曰︰「日三省吾身。」知,讀爲智。行,下孟反。故不登高山,不知天之高也;不臨深谿,不知地之厚也;不聞先王之遺言,不知學問之大也。大,謂有益於人。干、越、夷、貉之子,生而同聲,長而異俗,教使之然也。干、越,猶言吳、越。《呂氏春秋》「荊有次非得寶劍於干、越」,高誘曰︰「吳邑也。」貉,東北夷。同聲,謂啼聲同。貉,莫革反。《詩》曰:「嗟爾君子,無恆安息。靖共爾位,好是正直。神之聽之,介爾景福。」《詩》,《小雅‧小明》之篇。靖,謀。介,助。景,大也。無恆安息,戒之不使懷安也。言能謀恭其位,好正宜之道,則神聽而助之福,引此詩以喻勤學也。神莫大於化道,福莫長於無禍。爲學則自化道,故神莫大焉。修身則自無禍,故福莫長焉。吾嘗終日而思矣,不如須臾之所學也,吾嘗跂而望矣,不如登高之博見也 。跂,舉足也。登高而招,臂非加長也,而見者遠;順風而呼,聲非加疾也,而聞者彰。假輿馬者,非利足也,而致千里;假舟楫者,非能水也,而絕江河。能,善。絶,過。君子生非異也,善假於物也。皆以喻修身在假於學。生非異,言與衆人同也。南方有鳥焉,名曰蒙鳩,以羽為巢而編之以髮,繫之葦苕,風至苕折,卵破子死。巢非不完也 ,所繫者然也。蒙 鳩,鷦鷯也。苕,葦之秀也,今巧婦鳥之巢至精密,多繫於葦竹之上是也。「蒙」當爲「蔑」。《方言》雲︰「鷦鷯,關而西謂之桑飛,或謂之蔑雀。」或曰︰一名 蒙鳩,亦以其愚也。言人不知學問,其所置身亦猶繫葦之危也。《說苑》︰「客謂孟嘗君曰︰『鷦鷯巢於葦苕,箸之髮毛,可謂完堅矣,大風至則苕折卵破子死者何 也?其所託者然也。』西方有木焉,名曰射干,莖長四寸,生於高山之上,而臨百仞之淵,木莖非能長也,所立者然也 。《本草》藥名有射干,一名烏扇。陶弘景雲︰「花白莖長,如射人之執竿。」又引阮公詩云「射干臨層城」,是生於高處也。據《本草》在《草部》中,又生南陽川穀,此雲「西方有木」,未詳。或曰︰「長四寸」卽是草,雲木,誤也。蓋生南陽,亦生西方也。射音夜。蓬生麻中,不扶而直。蘭槐之根是爲芷。其漸之滫,君子不近,庶人不服,其質非不美也,所漸者然也。蘭槐,香草,其根是爲芷也。《本草》︰「白芷一名白茝。」陶弘景雲︰「卽《離騷》所謂蘭茝也。」葢苗名蘭茝,根名芷也。弱槐當是蘭茝別名,故云「蘭槐之根是爲芷」也。漸,漬也,染也。滫,溺也。言雖香草,浸漬於溺中,則可惡也。漸,子廉反。滫,思酒反。故君子居必擇鄉,遊必就士,所以防邪僻而近中正也。物類之起,必有所始。榮辱之來,必象其德。肉腐出蟲,魚枯生蠹。怠慢忘身,禍災乃作。強自取柱,柔自取束。凡物強則以爲柱而任勞,柔則見束而約急,皆其自取也。邪穢在身,怨之所構。構,結也。言亦所自取。施薪若一,火就燥也;布薪於地,均若一,火就燥而焚之矣。平地若一,水就溼也。草木疇生,禽獸羣焉,物各從其類也。疇與儔同,類也。是故質的張而弓矢至焉,林木茂而斧斤至焉,所謂召禍也。質,射矦。的,正鵠也。樹成蔭而衆鳥息焉,醯酸而蜹聚焉。喻有德則慕之者衆。故言有召禍也,行有招辱也,君子慎其所立乎!禍福如此,不可不慎所立。所立,卽謂學也。

積土成山,風雨興焉;積水成淵,蛟龍生焉;積善成德,而神明自得,聖心備焉。神明自得,謂自通於神明。故不積蹞步,無以千里;半步曰蹞。蹞與跬同。不積小流,無以成江海。騏驥一躍,不能十步;駑馬十駕,言駑馬十度引車,則亦及騏驥之一躍。據下雲「駑馬十駕,則亦及之」,此亦當同,疑脫一句。功在不舍。鍥而舍之,朽木不折;鍥而不舍 ,金石可鏤。言立功在於不舍。舍與捨同。鍥,刻也,苦結反。《春秋傳》曰「陽虎借邑人之車,鍥其軸」也。螾無爪牙之利,筋骨之強,上食埃土,下飲黃泉,用心一也。螾與蚓同,蚯蚓也。蟹八跪而二螯,非虵蟺之穴無可寄託者,用心躁也。跪,足也。《韓子》以刖足爲刖跪。螫,蟹首上如鉞者。許叔重《說文》雲「蟹六足二螫」也。是故無冥冥之志者無昭昭之明 ,無惛惛之事者無赫赫之功。冥冥、惛惛,皆專默精誠之謂也。行衢道者不至,事兩君者不容。《爾雅》雲︰「四達謂之衢。」孫炎雲︰「衢,交道四出也。」或曰︰衢道,兩道也。不至,不能有所至。下篇有「楊朱哭衢塗」。今秦俗猶以兩爲衢,古之遺言歟?目不能兩視而明,耳不能兩聽而聰。螣蛇無足而飛,《爾雅》云:「螣,螣蛇。」郭璞雲「龍類,能興雲霧而遊其中」也。梧鼠五技而窮。「梧鼠」當爲「鼫鼠」,蓋本誤爲「鼯」字,傳寫又誤爲「梧」耳。技,才能也。言技能雖多而不能如螣蛇專一,故窮。五技,謂能飛不能上屋,能緣不能窮木,能游不能渡谷,能穴不能掩身,能走不能先人。《詩》曰 :「屍鳩在桑,其子七兮。淑人君子,其儀一兮。其儀一兮,心如結兮。」故君子結於一也。《詩》,《曹風‧屍鳩》之篇。毛雲︰「屍鳩,鴶鞠也。屍鳩之養七子,旦從上而下,暮從下而上,平均如一。善人君子,其執義亦當如屍鳩之一。執義一則用心堅固。」故曰「心如結」也。

……… 摘自《M♪o 之學習筆記本《編者跋》




Optics Education Home

Over the past several years, the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Brigham Young University has developed an advanced optics course for undergraduates under the direction of Justin B. Peatross. This web page provides access to resources related to this course. To access a specific resource, choose from the menu on the left.

The textbook used for this course may be freely used for non-profit educational purposes. The text discusses electromagnetic wave phenomena, including polarization effects, interference, coherence, dispersion, ray theory, and diffraction. We are developing an introduction to quantum nature of light. The laboratory component emphasizes applications, and demonstrate the basic optics principles. Each lab has an instructional video that can be acceessed on this site. We are also in the process of making animations and other illustrations to illustrate basic optics principles.

This project is supported in part by the National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education (Grant number DUE-9952773).


幸得 Justin Peatross 與 Michael Ware 先生們之慷慨︰




Optics Textbook

Physics of Light and Optics is a high-quality free textbook desiged for an advanced undergraduate optics course for physics majors. It is used at universities around the world. You are welcome to use the text for your course or personal study or for a formal course within the following guidelines:

  • The text may not be sold for profit. If you would like to use it in a class, you may provide copies to the students for the cost of printing.
  • Please do not publish solutions to the homework problems.
  • Please let us know if you use the text for either personal or classroom study; we would like to know how widely the book is used!

The textbook is available in PDF format on this web site, and also as a printed and bound copy available for the cost of printing, available here:

The authors (Justin Peatross and Michael Ware) welcome constructive feedback, which can be sent to opticsbook@byu.edu.

Why an online textbook?

While the authors retain the copyright to the book, we have made this book available free of charge as our contribution toward a future with free textbooks! We firmly believe in the free market system, and in the case of upper division physics textbooks, traditional publishing methods usually make little economic sense for the author or reader.  The small royalty from traditional publishing comes with a giant overhead that make the book nearly cost prohibitive to many students (especially those in developing countries), and the author gives up control of his work to the publishing company.  Electronic tools make it easy to produce and distribute a professional product (see our section on creating a textbook), and it can be revised, corrected, and enhanced on the authors’ timetable. If you are thinking about publishing a book this way, we highly recommend it.




