
Justin Peatross 和 Michael Ware 兩位先生解釋『成像條件









GeoGebra(在 raspberrypi)_105


上圖且將『物』 y_1、『像』- y_2 多畫幾次。同時參照 Figure 9.14 ,依相似三角形可得︰

\frac{f}{d_o} =  \frac{-y_2}{y_1 - y_2}\frac{f}{d_i} =  \frac{y_1}{y_1 - y_2}


\frac{1}{f} = \frac{1}{d_o} + \frac{1}{d_i}


(d_o - f ) (d_i - f) = f^2


若問這麼清楚明白的事能有懸念乎?假設位於透鏡前焦距之前之物 ,形成倒立實像,人可以見得著嗎??相機能夠拍得到耶??!!何不秉持實證精神,自己檢驗一番呢!!??

Image formation with a lens


A set of experiments to introduce real and virtual images formed by a convex lens.

Apparatus and materials

Lens (+7D or 150 mm focal length)

Sheet of plain white paper

Greaseproof paper, small pieces

Floodlights (optional)

Health & Safety and Technical notes

If the Sun is visible from the laboratory windows, it is essential for the teacher to remind students that looking at the Sun through a lens will cause blindness.

In the following description, the source of light is referred to as a window. In some cases an electric lamp may be better, as it can be used in a room that is at least half dark. A carbon filament lamp and mounted lampholder are suitable.


a Lenses forming real images

Student with lens back to window

Face away from the window, holding a sheet of paper at arm’s length. Hold the lens in front of the paper and move it to and from the paper (towards you and back towards the paper) until you see an image of the window on the paper.

b Real image with and without screen 

Student with lens facing window
Hold a lens at arm’s length towards the window. Hold a piece of greaseproof paper in the other hand and find the place between the lens and your head where there is a clear image of the window on the paper. You are looking at that image through the paper. Your eyes should be focused on the paper itself.

Remove the paper and look at the image in space. If you cannot find the image put the paper back and repeat the process. It may be helpful to catch half the image on the edge of the paper and the other half in space. Concentrate on the image on the paper and slide the paper away.



  \left( \begin{array}{cc} A_2 &  0  \\ C_2 & D_2 \end{array} \right)  \left( \begin{array}{cc} A_1 &  0  \\ C_1 & D_1 \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{cc} A_2  A_1 &  0  \\ C_2 A_1 + D_2 C_1 & D_2  D_1 \end{array} \right)



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In [1]: from sympy import *

In [2]: from sympy.physics.optics import FreeSpace, FlatRefraction, ThinLens, GeometricRay, CurvedRefraction, RayTransferMatrix

In [3]: init_printing()

In [4]: do1, di1, f1, do2, di2, f2 = symbols('do1, di1, f1, do2, di2, f2')

In [5]: RealImage = RayTransferMatrix(-di1 / do1, 0, - 1 / f1, -do1 / di1)

In [6]: RealImage
⎡-di₁        ⎤
⎢─────    0  ⎥
⎢ do₁        ⎥
⎢            ⎥
⎢ -1    -do₁ ⎥
⎢ ───   ─────⎥
⎣  f₁    di₁ ⎦

In [7]: ViewImage = FreeSpace(di2) * ThinLens(f2) * FreeSpace(do2) * RealImage

In [8]: ViewImage
⎡      ⎛  di₂    ⎞             ⎛  di₂    ⎞       ⎛          ⎛  di₂    ⎞⎞ ⎤
⎢  di₁⋅⎜- ─── + 1⎟   di₂ + do₂⋅⎜- ─── + 1⎟  -do₁⋅⎜di₂ + do₂⋅⎜- ─── + 1⎟⎟ ⎥
⎢      ⎝   f₂    ⎠             ⎝   f₂    ⎠       ⎝          ⎝   f₂    ⎠⎠ ⎥
⎢- ─────────────── - ─────────────────────  ─────────────────────────────⎥
⎢        do₁                   f₁                        di₁             ⎥
⎢                                                                        ⎥
⎢                      do₂                             ⎛  do₂    ⎞       ⎥
⎢                    - ─── + 1                    -do₁⋅⎜- ─── + 1⎟       ⎥
⎢            di₁        f₂                             ⎝   f₂    ⎠       ⎥
⎢           ────── - ─────────                    ─────────────────      ⎥
⎣           do₁⋅f₂       f₁                              di₁             ⎦

In [9]: ViewImage.B
     ⎛          ⎛  di₂    ⎞⎞ 
-do₁⋅⎜di₂ + do₂⋅⎜- ─── + 1⎟⎟ 
     ⎝          ⎝   f₂    ⎠⎠ 

In [10]: